29JAN2018, 20:41 UTC-07 Tango 06 (10 Bahman 1396/13 Jumada l-Ula 1439/14 Xin-Chou 4715)
“On the basis of the severity of the clinical presentation of some cases in this study, the vaccine currently licensed for military use should be considered a potentially valuable resource to prevent disease in susceptible populations living in closed communities, such as college settings, summer camps, and long-term care facilities.”-Adriana Kajon, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a previously secret viral infection is spreading, and it mimics influenza. It’s called adenovirus and was first identified in the 1950s, specifically infecting U.S. Army personnel.
Initial U.S. Army experiments with vaccines seemed successful, but after a few years the adenovirus resurfaced stronger than before, even re-infecting personnel that had been vaccinated. One study showed that two damaged adenovirus cells will join together to form a new healthier, stronger cell (a process known as multiplicity reactivation).

In August 2017, the Naval Health Research Center revealed a vaccine that supposedly works against five version of adenovirus: “In the mid-1990s, the adenovirus vaccine was discontinued at military recruit training commands throughout the Department of Defense (DoD), resulting in frequent respiratory illness outbreaks. Adenovirus was the most prevalent and widely spread virus in military training environments, infecting up to 80 percent of recruits and resulting in lost training time and increased medical care.
In 2011, the adenovirus vaccine was reinstated for military recruits after NHRC and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research conducted a clinical trial that demonstrated its safety and efficacy. According to researchers with NHRC’s operational infectious diseases team, after the live, oral vaccine for adenovirus types 4 and 7 was resumed, rates of adenovirus among recruits declined dramatically—cases went from 250 each week to two, on average. To date, other adenovirus serotypes—3, 14, and 21—that had previously caused illness in recruits have not reemerged.”
(also read Naval Medical R&D News, August 27-30 Special Edition)
The virus mimics influenza and is so unheard of in the silly-vilian world that most clinics and hospitals don’t have the test to identify it. Many silly-vilians are incorrectly diagnosed with having the flu.

Human adenovirus is a cause of Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) and can also cause gastroenteritis (often incorrectly called stomach flu), even tonsillitis (my adult son just had a tonsillectomy due to a mystery infection which ‘shredded’ his left tonsil, literally nothing remaining but shreds, uh oh, I used the word literally guess I’m gonna be kicked outta that NYC bar). There are more than 50 versions of adenovirus. Transmission is thought to be through the air and in your crap, but adenoviruses are also resistant to cleaning chemicals and other liquids, so washing your hands all day long won’t get rid of them. There is no treatment for it.
There are also adenoviruses that attack seals, bats, canines, reptiles, birds, monkeys and all domesticated farm animals. I didn’t see any mention of felines being affected.
Here’s where what I call Operation Jupiter comes in; adenoviruses are used by scientists to genetically modify organisms, under the guise of gene therapy! Adenoviruses are used as ‘delivery platforms’ for externally created (GMOed) antigens into humans suffering from things like cystic fibrosis or cancer.
CDC Reports: “In May 1997, a large, persistent epidemic of adenovirus type 4-associated acute respiratory disease began at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the largest army basic training center. The epidemic lasted until December and declined when vaccine administration resumed. More than 1,000 male and female trainees were hospitalized; 66.1% of those hospitalized had an adenovirus type 4 isolate.”
“Adenoviruses are frequent causes of respiratory disease in the US military population. A successful immunization program against adenovirus types 4 and 7 was terminated in 1999. Review of records in the Mortality Surveillance Division, Armed Forces Medical Examiner System, identified 8 deaths attributed to adenovirus infections in service members during 1999–2010.“
“An outbreak of respiratory illness occurred in a long-term care facility in New York City. Investigation of the outbreak identified confirmed or suspected adenoviral infection in 84% of the residents from October 19 to December 18, 1999. Further identification by type-specific neutralization and restriction analysis identified a new genomic variant of adenovirus type 7.”
“Antibodies were more common in humans residing in sub-Saharan Africa…..This finding suggests cross-species transmission of chimpanzee adenoviruses.”
“In mid-May 2007, a respiratory disease outbreak associated with adenovirus, serotype B14 (Ad14), was recognized at a large military basic training facility in Texas. The affected population was highly mobile…………Ad14 was identified at 8 sites in California, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, and South Korea. Ad14 spread readily to secondary sites after the initial outbreak. Military and civilian planners must consider how best to control the spread of infectious respiratory diseases in highly mobile populations traveling between diverse geographic locations.”
“…isolates collected in Iowa from 1992 to 2002 and found that genome type Ad7d2 became increasingly prevalent. By 2002, it had supplanted all other Ad7 genome types. The association of Ad7d2 with severe illness and death calls for heightened public health concern.”
“In March 2011, an outbreak of acute respiratory disease was reported at the Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Police Training Centre. Approximately 100 trainees were hospitalized and 5 were admitted to the intensive care unit. Three of these 5 trainees died.”
“During April 2011–March 2012, we retrospectively reviewed medical records for South Korea soldiers to assess the etiology and epidemiology of acute viral lower respiratory tract infections. Adenovirus was the most commonly identified virus (63.2%) and the most common cause of pneumonia (79.3%) and hospitalization (76.6%); 3 soldiers died of adenovirus-related illness.”
“During October 2013–July 2014, Oregon health authorities identified 198 persons with respiratory symptoms and an HAdV-positive respiratory tract specimen. Among 136 (69%) hospitalized persons, 31% were admitted to the intensive care unit and 18% required mechanical ventilation; 5 patients died.”