Tag Archives: martial law

Exceptional Failed State: Crazy Californians want to ban BB guns, after Cop murders child holding BB gun!

05 November 2013 (15:54 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Muharram 1434/14 Aban 1391/03 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

A Sonoma County sheriff deputy killed a 13 years old boy, for playing with a BB gun.  Instead of an outcry against police abuse of power, Crazy Californians are calling for laws to ban toy guns!

On 22 October, the kid was walking to a friend’s house when the probably on prescription drugs county cop freaked out and shot him.  The cop swears he thought the wimp ass BB gun was an assault rifle!

The deputy shot the kid eight times!  The deputy made claims that the kid was a full grown adult male!  A second deputy actually handcuffed the kid after he was shot and killed!!!  Now do you see why I think the county cops might be on drugs?

The family has filed a lawsuit against the crazy cop.  Their lawsuit claims the cop has brandished his weapon at people in the neighborhood in the past, and even shot himself in the leg!

It’s already illegal in California to carry ‘airsoft’ BB guns in public, and you have to be at least 18 years old to buy one.  Recently Los Angeles County was exempted from state rules regarding anti-gun laws, which means LA County can create any anti-gun law they want, without state oversight.

The same anti-gun group led by state Senator Kevin de León, which won LA County exemption from state oversight, is now pushing to require BB guns to be brightly painted (non-firing toy guns are required to be brightly painted).  They are also taking their cause outside LA County, pushing for the state to adopt LA County anti-gun laws.  The recent death by county cop has them considering ways to ban toy/BB guns altogether!  They say it’s the only way to deal with the skyrocketing police actions against kids with toy guns!  Why not ban cops?

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: Two teenagers arrested after breaking into school at night, with guns?

05 November 2013 (04:58 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Muharram 1434/14 Aban 1391/03 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

Overnight in Denver, Colorado U.S.A., police say they arrested two boys after they broke into the Rachel B. Noel Junior High (aka British empire term ‘Middle School’).

Janitors reported the break in, and said the boys had guns and backpacks.  Police, SWAT  and a bomb squad showed up.  The two boys led police on a three hours chase before being caught.

Police also say so far they’ve found no guns or backpacks.  The school might be closed until cops are sure there are no guns or backpacks stashed.

Police are also searching the Greenwood Elementary School, because they say they have reason to believe the boys broke into that school as well.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: Mystery New Jersey British empire mall shooting, the only victims are security cameras & the suspect!

05 November 2013 (04:35 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Muharram 1434/14 Aban 1391/03 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

Late on Monday night in Paramus, New Jersey U.S.A., a person dressed in black from head to toe began shooting at security cameras in a shopping mall.  Then the shooter disappeared.

Police locked down the Westfield Garden State Plaza in what has become standard martial law prison style.  At 03:20 hours Tuesday morning they reported finding the body of a man they claim is the mysterious shooter.

They also accuse the dead man of being a drug addict, but if you realize that tens of millions of U.S. citizens are addicted to legal prescription drugs (let alone the illegal drugs), that’s not a surprise.  Police claim the dead man was motivated by a desire to die.

By the way, the Westfield Garden State Plaza is owned by Westfield Group, based in the British empire country of Australia.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: Idaho & other states beat out Obama Care, have been collecting & giving away your medical data for years!

04 November 2013 (14:56 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/13 Aban 1391/02 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“I was just really angry that that right had been taken away from me, to decide that I wanted information shared. Everything was being uploaded to this database.”-Karen Helms, filed complaint with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights

The supposed Red State conservative leaders of Idaho have been doing something that Obama Care opponents have been warning about; giving away your personal medical data!

It’s called the Idaho Health Data Exchange.  Exchange officials admitted they accessed patient records, unbeknownst to the patients, more than 343-thousand times in September alone.  Officials also admit they get weekly complaints from patients who find out about the data access.

The false republican governor, Butch Otter, supports the Idaho Health Data Exchange.  It began in 2008, and got a $5.9 million USD federal government grant in 2010.  Many states operate similar data programs.

“I understand it’s scary, but it’s a really good thing.”-Matt McGraw, Idaho Health Data Exchange

“What we’re really talking about here is patient autonomy, and they’re taking that away. I can’t believe this is happening, and I don’t agree with it.”-Karen Helms

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: Another U.S. university ‘unofficially’ locked down after stabbing!

04 November 2013 (11:54 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/13 Aban 1391/02 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“IU Police have given the ‘All Clear!’ Suspect is still at large, but police have determined there is no danger to anyone on campus.”-Indiana University twitter posting at 08:00 hours 03 November 2013, announcing end to ‘unofficial’ lockdown

Did you hear about this?  One person was stabbed in a parking lot on the IU campus, between 03:00 and 03:30 hours, on 03 November 2013.  The campus was unofficially locked down, according to police Captain Laury Flint.

Despite the university twitter posting stating that “Suspect is still at large”, police say they arrested two suspects.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. university “locked down”, for “gunman” armed with a sword! Three arrests made? Breach of Peace will get you in prison! Elementary schools in “modified lockdown”! Media says lockdowns are worth it!

04 November 2013 (11:34 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/13 Aban 1391/02 Gui-Hai (10th month) 4711

“Campus emergency. Seek shelter. Lock doors, close windows. We will communicate when we have more info. This is not a drill.”-Central Connecticut State University twitter posting

U.S. mainstream news media reporting a university is under martial law prison lockdown orders, because of a “gunman with a knife”!  That’s right, New York Daily News reporting a “gunman” armed with a knife!  Wouldn’t that make him a knifeman?

A student was quoted by the newspaper as saying the man was dressed like a “military man” and had a gun “strapped to his back”.  It’s interesting how fast the police were “on scene” and the campus placed in lockdown.  That was reported on the university website the same time they announced a lockdown.  The CCSU webiste has been replaced with a white screen.  Cable TV service was also cut.

A live WFSB Eyewitness News 3 reporter interviewed a student, by phone, who said the suspect got off a city bus wearing camo clothing, a mask and had a samurai sword, not a gun, strapped to his back.  The student stated it looked like somebody wearing a Halloween costume.  The student said he went to his class and as soon as classes started the university was locked down.

WFSB is also reporting that the CCSU student newspaper reporting that a suspect has been “contained” on the fourth floor of a dorm on campus.  Student reporters explained that the suspect is not in custody of police, but is surrounded.  A witness told live reporters that he thinks the suspect is a student,  sensationalistic reporter then exclaimed “How scary!”

Another live WFSB reporter stated a student has been arrested, and possibly one other person.  Reporter is stressing that there is no confirmation that the student was actually threatening anybody!

News anchor for WFSB reporting three people in custody.  Social media pic postings show several people being led away by cops.  A few minutes later the anchor stated that this is an example of “the day and age” we live in!

Some students are reporting that the suspects had returned from buying costumes at a military surplus store, for a costume party.  Most live reporters continue to make statements as if the suspects had actually done something wrong!  WFSB news anchor says suspects charged with the crime of Breach of Peace.  Anchor explained that Breach of Peace is applied to anybody who “causes alarm”!

Another live news anchor said that the continued inconvenience of the lockdown was worth it to make sure everybody is “safe”!

Reports say the New England Tactical team were putting on their tactical gear “without any apparent urgency.”

According to WTNH, one New Britain junior high (middle school) and two elementary schools are in “modified lockdown”.  They are HALS Academy, Holmes Elementary, and Smalley Academy.

By the way, anybody notice that the Los Angeles International Airport was not placed in lockdown after the shootings on 01 November?  Local news media reported a lockdown was in place, but according to people fleeing LAX only the terminal area was locked down.  However, other local news reports implied there was no lockdown because just “…45 minutes later, passengers were boarding buses at a leisurely pace…”

‘Lockdown’ is sure starting to look more and more like an indicator of a false flag op!

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Exceptional Failed State: U.S. Federal Reserve preps for economic collapse! Get your money now! U.S. Comptroller slips up, says crash is coming!

25 October 2013 (23:41 UTC-07 Tango 24 October 2013)/20 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/03 Aban 1391/21 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“…it’s important to demonstrate that both the level and the quality of the capital is there, uh, before the, uh, a crisis emerges.”-Thomas J. Curry, U.S. Comptroller of the Currency, speaking to CNBC’s Nightly Business Report (which airs on PBS)

Yet again, the Federal Reserve Bank is ordering big banks to increase their cash, bonds and assets reserves.  The Federal Reserve ordered an increase in cash reserves back in July.

To give you an idea of what the Federal Reserve is fearing, Too Big to Jail banks are being told they need enough cash on hand to get them through 30 days of “market stress” or “credit drought”!  Small banks now need 21 days of cash reserves.

But don’t blame the Federal Reserve for fear mongering, it was the U.S. Congress and the international Basel Committee on Banking Supervision that ordered the move!

Chairman Ben Bernanke said the reserve levels now being required are more than what’s being required for European banks.  However, at the current European Union summit increasing bank cash reserves there are being discussed.  More signs things are gonna crash.

Regarding the term ‘credit drought’, ironically, ordering banks to hold more cash in reserve will result in even fewer loans to businesses and individuals, which is a major driver of the economy by enabling them to buy stuff.  So wouldn’t this move cause a credit drought?  The credit drought the Federal Reserve is afraid of involves the availability of easy credit for the Too Big to Jail banks, not you and me.

Exceptional Failed State: Veterans being killed in Tennessee VA hospital?

25 October 2013 (19:56 UTC-07 Tango 24 October 2013)/20 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/03 Aban 1391/21 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Like other hospital systems, VA isn’t immune from fatal human error. But what the department does seem to be immune from is meaningful accountability.”-Jeff Miller, State Representative of the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs

“The office of the Inspector General released a report on an investigation they performed in May of 2013 on three deaths that occurred in our emergency department over one year ago. The physician involved in the care of two of the patients referenced in the report no longer works at our medical center.”-Christopher Marino, Memphis VA Medical Center Chief of Staffs

Exceptional Failed State: Sandy Hook school being torn down to destroy evidence!

25 October 2013 (18:39 UTC-07 Tango 24 October 2013)/20 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/03 Aban 1391/21 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“The process of demolition is incremental, staged precisely and executed carefully. There is no wrecking ball action; it is rather a piece by piece, section by section removal.”-Pat Llodra, Newtown First Selectman

Associated Press (AP) reporting that Sandy Hook Elementary school is being demolished.  The school was the site of a mass shooting.

The shooter, who supposedly killed himself,  just happened to be the son of an elitist banker being investigated for the LIBOR scandal.  It was also revealed that the shooter was on prescription drugs that cause people to go nuts.

AP said the demolition contractor was told to destroy all building “materials”  in order to protect the victims privacy!  The city of Newton was given $50 million USD by the state of Connecticut to get rid of the old school and build a new school.