Tag Archives: lebanon

World War 3, West Asian Front: Turkish official says U.S. backed insurgents used chemical weapons! Turkey mobilizes military troops for war!

07 September 2013 (04:35 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/16 Shahrivar 1391/03 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

“Four months ago, Turkish security forces found a two kilogram cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the al-Qaeda and al-Nusra. They are using our borders to take the gas into Syria.”-Mohamad Gunes, former city councilman

“America and Israel had al-Qaeda use chemical weapons in order to push us into war.  None of us wants war here! In the history of Hatay, we all lived peacefully side by side, now there is Mossad, CIA and al-Qaeda all over the place. We are worried that they might use chemical weapons against us.”-Farid Mainy, resident of Hatay

Turkish TV news reports showed convoys of wheeled army vehicles heading towards two locations along the border with Syria.  The reports also said that six military field hospitals were set up.

Reports said among the vehicles were NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) detection vehicles.  I also identified tactical recon, radar equipped and anti-aircraft vehicles armed with heat seeking Stinger or Sidewinder type missiles.

World War 3, West Asian Front: 10-thousand new volunteers to fight for Syria!

05 September 2013 (13:06 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Shawwal 1434/14 Shahrivar 1391/01 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

The Jerusalem Post, citing Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Okaz news source, says Hezbollah has trained 10-thousand new volunteers for the defense of Damascus, Syria!

Unnamed Hezbollah sources said they knew a U.S./Israeli/Saudi war on Syria was a done deal.  However, Hezbollah claims no major attack on Israel unless green lighted by Iran.


World War 3, West Asian Front: U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee admits war with Syria is first step to war with Lebanon and Iran!

04 September 2013 (10:38 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Shawwal 1434/13 Shahrivar 1391/29 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee listened to the lies of John Kerry.  In the opening statements Committee member Eliot Engel revealed that the ultimate goal of taking military action against Syria is to take out Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Iran: “…the issue we confront today is much bigger than the use of chemical weapons in Syria.  We are talking about the credibility of America as a global power.  We’re talking about sending a clear message….to Iran…Iran in particular…If we do not pass the authorization measure what message will…Iran receive, Hezbollah…?”

Engel, from evil tax sucking New York, claims credit for writing the 2003 Syria Accountability Act, calling it the “landmark statement of American policy towards Syria”.

Engel is also behind a new bill that would authorize the Obama regime to fully arm al-Qaeda type insurgents in Syria.  Engle claims the bill specifies “moderate opposition” insurgents.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Major military force mobilizing in Lebanon! Syria activates last of its reserve units!

02 September 2013 (11:08 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Shawwal 1434/11 Shahrivar 1391/27 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

“Syrian army has mobilized units that have not participated until now in the conflict.  It has established an operations room….with Hezbollah and the units in charge of missiles are at an unprecedented level of alert.”-Al-Akhbar, Hezbollah news source

The majority political party in Lebanon, Hezbollah (aka Hizbullah), is mobilizing its military units, according to The Daily Star which in turn was citing official Hezbollah news sources.

Also, Agence France-Presse reported that reserve military units in southern Lebanon were being activated.

While Hezbollah is mobilizing military units those units are not making a show of force, instead reports say the more experienced Hezbollah fighters already on active duty  have “disappeared….in the past five days”, and been publicly replaced with younger members.  Units are also operating in silent running mode as they have turned off cell phones.  They are preparing to retaliate for a U.S. led attack on Syria.

Nanharnet citing Kuwait’s al-Rai newspaper, said that Hezbollah will try to keep Lebanon out of any war with Israel by launching their missile attacks from Syria.  An unnamed official stated that it was a co-ordinated retaliation operation between Hezbollah and Syria: “Hizbullah is controlling 8-thousand kilometers in Reef Homs and will not hesitate to participate in an attack by firing surface-to-surface missiles from Syria.”


World War 3, West Asian Front: Saudi Arabia preps resolution of war against Syria and Lebanon!

01 September 2013 (13:28 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Shawwal 1434/10 Shahrivar 1391/26 Xin-You (7th month) 4711

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will present a resolution against Syria and the majority political party in Lebanon, Hezbollah.  Hypocritically KSA condemns U.S./Israeli/Saudi backed foreign insurgents in Syria.

World War 3, West Asian Front: France says U.S. led attack on Syria between now and Wednesday!

30 August 2013 (03:33 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1434/08 Shahrivar 1391/24 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“…if the [UN] Security Council is unable to act, a coalition will form…..It will rely on the Arab League….She will have the support of the Europeans….France….She is ready. It will decide its position closely with its allies.”-Francois Hollande, Le Monde interview

French news media reporting that President Francois Hollande stated that the United Kingdom’s parliament rejection of military action will not stop France, or the United States, from launching an attack on Syria.

A couple of days ago Hollande called an emergency meeting of the French parliament for Wednesday, 04 September 2013.  The meeting will be about Syria, he implied military strikes could begin anytime.  He also made it clear that regime change was the goal of U.S. led attacks, saying they will “bring to a halt” the Syrian government.

Hollande added that he will be in deep consultations with the Barack Obama regime in the United States on Friday, 30 August 2013.

Martial Law Lebanon: You must now publicly ID your car if you want to park on the street!

28 August 2013 (17:24 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Shawwal 1434/06 Shahrivar 1391/22 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“We urge citizens who leave their cars in infrequent parking locations to put cards that identify the owners of these vehicles.  The card should include the full name of the driver, as well as the place of residence and the phone number that he or she can be reached on…….We call on citizens not to make a scene in the case of a suspicious car and to avoid damaging the vehicle.”-Lebanese Internal Security Forces

Lebanon’s ISF is using recent car bombings as an excuse to require people to ID their cars when parking on the street.  Apparently with the escalating U.S./Israeli  instigated war in Syria, Lebanese officials expect things to get really bad in Lebanon.

World War 3, West Asian Front-Syria: UN demands combat cease on Golan Heights, Israel says it’s ready to invade!

28 June 2013 (23:55 UTC-07 Tango 27 June 2013)/19 Sha’ban 1434/07 Tir 1391/21 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“What has changed here is that today we are carrying out an exercise in the Golan Heights which is not theoretical. The reality around us is changing and is volatile, and we must be ready accordingly.  I want the other side to know that when needed, we can move to any side, and I do not care that the other side hears this! I hope that we are not tested and that we meet any challenge.”-Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

The United Nations has renewed Disengagement Observer Force (DOF) operations in the Golan Heights.   The UN is also demanding that all combat taking place in the Golan cease.  Japan, Croatia and Austria have already withdrawn their UNDOF troops.  That leaves UNDOF troops from Fiji, India and Philippines.

Israeli Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, made this statement about current war games conducted by the Israeli Defense Force Golani Brigade: “Golani, as other fighting units in the IDF, may find itself called to a campaign in a short period of time. Therefore, this exercise, as with others taking place these days, has special significance, in this time and in this sector.”

Ya’alon also referenced Gaza Strip, which is nowhere near Golan Heights!

False Flag Bio-War? GMO creates SuperBugs, destroying our food sources! India says GMO research “fradulent”!

24 May 2013 (17:19 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Since 2011 there have been growing reports that farmers are returning to massive use of pesticides, because of new superbug insects.  Those super insects have been created by the very GMO (genetically modified organism) crops meant to kill insects (in 2003 the U.S. EPA approved GMO on that very basis).

The latest report shows that Monsanto’s Bt Corn has actually created insects (like rootworms) that are now immune to GMO crops. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently reported that pesticide makers are seeing skyrocketing sales, as a result.

The WSJ also reported that years ago some corporations knew this would happen, and began taking over pesticide companies for the expected boom in bug spray sales.  Other reports say the amount of pesticide use is higher than what the WSJ reported.

Of course Monsanto says they will create new GMO seeds.

In 2010, India halted the use of GMO crops.  In 2012, India ordered testing of any GMO crop in a controlled environment before being approved.  Here’s why: “I was shocked to find the three years of so-called research trials conducted by Mahyco Monsanto Biotech or MMB, a joint venture between Indian seed company Mahyco and Monsanto, as erroneous……I went on record to state that GM technology, promoted by MMB, was fraudulent.”-Devinder Sharma, agricultural scientist

One possible reason that India began to question the claims of Monsanto and other GM makers, is that during the years Indian farmers used GMO seeds, there was no increase in overall crop production! (increased crop production was one of the claims made by GMO companies: “generate higher crop yields with fewer inputs”Biotechnology Industry Organization)

In Lebanon, the Consumer Protection Department of the Economy and Trade Ministry (CPDET) warned consumers that recent testing of fruits and vegetables are showing high rates of pesticides, including chemicals banned in Lebanon.

Officials are calling the free use of chemicals by local farmers chaotic: “In the last few months findings indicate that farmers have reverted to chaos….”-CPDET statement

CPDET officials say “The main reason was attributed to insects developing immunity…….unleashing a vicious and fearful cycle.”

For years there has been fear in Lebanon that GMO crops grown in nearby Europe, or in neighboring Israel, would eventually adversely affect Lebanese agriculture.

According to Israeli news media there are no laws regulating GMOs in Israel: “Agricultural products that underwent genetic engineering are sold in Israel without any marking to inform consumers……main function is to test foodstuffs slated for export to Europe.”-Haaretz

It’s possible that Lebanon’s agriculture industry has been invaded (through pollination) by GMOs from Israel’s unregulated industry.

The problem of cross pollination is one of the concerns for the European country Hungary.  Hungary bans all GMOs.  A week ago 404.6 hectares (1000 acres) of maize was burned, after it was discovered that GMO seeds somehow got in with regular corn seeds (many Hungarian farmers bought their seeds from international companies).  The burning of the crop was done to prevent cross pollination.  Investigations are revealing that somehow thousands of acres of other crops in Hungary could also be contaminated with GMOs.

But contrary to what some bloggers say, about the Europe Union not allowing GMO crops, the European Union does allow Bt corn/maize, and several EU members have expressed intentions to grow other GMO crops (Spain is the largest producer of GMO crops).

So it is very possible that the agriculture industry in Lebanon is dealing with superbugs created by GMOs in Europe and Israel, which of course means more pesticide use.

Then there’s the rapidly declining bird population in United Kingdom.  Investigators blame increased pesticide use, and “changes in crop production” in Sussex.  It’s reported that 60% of overall bird species have disappeared in the past ten years.  Sussex is not listed as one of the English Counties that have banned GMOs.

Recently released studies in the United States back up the claims that GMOs do not decrease pesticide use and they do not increase crop yield!

In 2012 the Washington State University proved that the net effect of GMO crops is an increase in pesticide use, and other chemicals, not a decrease!

Now the University of Wisconsin says the gene splicing that goes into GMOs actually reduces crop yields!  Researchers call it “yield drag”, meaning genetic engineering of crops reduces overall production.   Their study (Commercialized transgenic traits, maize productivity and yield risk) shows that GMO crops tend to reduce environmental “yield risks” to the crops, but the overall yield output is also reduced.

What was that about GMOs saving humanity from starvation?



If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!!

09 May 2013 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1392/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

According to Defence for Children International, more than 7500 Palestinian children have been imprisoned and tortured by Israel, in the past 11 years.

According to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Israel systematically (try the word ‘ritually’) abuses Palestinian children: “Ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized.”

Many boys were kidnapped by IDF personnel during night time home invasions.

You can go to YouTube and watch numerous videos of IDF personnel using Palestinian children as human shields, and if that’s not enough for you even Israeli courts have convicted IDF personnel for such acts!

Then what about the revelations that Israelis were deliberately killing Palestinians to harvest their organs?!

How about Israelis declaring Arab protests to be anti-Semitic, when Arabs are Semitic?  Are the Jews saying Arabs are not Semitic?

IDF personnel routinely shoot at and even kill Palestinian farmers.  IDF personnel routinely help illegal Jewish settlers steal Palestinian land.  One way the IDF does that is to declare the area a military zone.

The Tel Aviv regime has just approved another illegal settlement, this time 296 illegal (under international law) homes in the West Bank.

Black Jews and Christians, who migrate to Israel are routinely imprisoned by the white Jews, and then labeled “infiltrators”, not even illegal immigrants.  They are sometimes used as indentured servants or deported back to their country of origin.

It was recently revealed that Israel is forcibly taking DNA samples from “infiltrators” from African countries, as many as 1000 samples since 2012!   Why for?  This revelation was made by Israeli cops to the Israeli Knesset, and then published in the Israeli media.  Officially, Israeli cops are using Black Africans as scapegoats to explain crime in Israel.  The DNA samples were supposedly used to solve crimes, yet not one DNA sample has so far been linked to any crime in Israel.  Basically Israelis believe they can do what they want with Blacks from Africa, because they’re “infiltrators”, not refugees or migrants: “We are aware that those entering Israel have had unpleasant experiences, to say the least, but still, we’re aware of the fact that they broke the law. The law defines them as infiltrators.”-Commander Eran Kamin, Investigations Division

The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says Israel has systematically pushed Palestinians living in Al Quds (Jerusalem) into abject poverty, in fact the report calls it systematic “disintegration” caused by intentional isolation by Israel.

Palestinian Jews, long in residence before the white European Israelis arrived, are treated just as badly as the Palestinian Muslims.  They’ve been forced from their homes and driven into the refugee areas.

U.S. Christians support Israel, despite the fact that Israel treats Palestinian Christians just as badly as Palestinian Muslims.

It is now common knowledge that Israeli officials bribe and threaten U.S. officials.  It has also become common knowledge throughout the World that U.S. leaders are nothing but Tools in the hands of Israelis.

Then there’s the fact that the Iran-Iraq War,  Desert Storm and now the War on Terror were all False Flag events concocted, instigated by, or taken advantage of by Israeli leaders.  It’s all there in black & white, in a policy paper published in 1982, written by zionist Oded Yinon.   Read A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, and you should recognize almost all the military/social events that have, and are taking place in West Asia (Middle East).

Key points from Yinon’s policy paper: “….Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel…..Libya, Sudanwill join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on….Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run….Iraq….is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us….The entire Arabian peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution….Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic targetDispersal of the [Palestinian] population is therefore a domestic strategic aim of the highest order…”

Basically the zionists decided that the only way Israel could be secure is if all surrounding countries were plunged into chaos, and they don’t even care if achieving such a goal destroys their allies (like their Tool the United States).  A classic control through chaos/divide and conquer strategy.

The only conclusion I can make is that the God of the Jews is pure evil, and anyone in the United States, or any other country, that continues to support Israel must be a closet Satan worshiper (since most claim to be Christians)!