Tag Archives: japan

One Year Later: TEPCo finally looks inside Reactor 4 Fukushima Daiichi, strange white objects in reactor & spent fuel pool!

Tokyo Electric Power Company has finally looked inside GE designed reactor 4, using an underwater camera.

All they could see was “wreckage” and strange “floating white objects”.

Those same “floating white objects” have been observed in reactor 4’s spent fuel pool.  TEPCo said visibility in the spent fuel pool has decreased in the past month.

Visibility is down to one meter (about 3 & half feet), the month prior it was five meters (16 feet)!

One Year Later: Cell Phones proved useless in Tsunami hit areas, news media critical for getting information out

An international telecommunication symposium was held in the quake/tsunami hit Japanese city of Sendai. The goal was to discover which form of telecommunications works best in a tsunami disaster.

Cells phones proved to be useless, as there was no way to charge the batteries.  Use of pay phones was limited because of tsunami damage.

It turns out that the best way to communicate with disaster victims is still the tried and true Radio!  A study found that most survivors, who knew what was going on, were listening to portable radios.

The boss of Japan’s NHK broadcaster (NHK actually won awards for their reporting on the disaster), said in the next disaster they will focus even more on getting useful information out for those survivors who might be listening on portable radios.


What Economic Recovery? NEC lays off thousands, cuts executive incentives 40%, 1st Japanese company to do so

One of Japan’s oldest electronics appliance makers, NEC, is the first Japanese company to announce huge cuts for Union workers AND executives!

Union labor is asked to take a 4% pay cut, on top of 10,000 workers being laid off!  But, wait there’s more!  Managers will also get hit with a 4% cut in pay.  And executives were told their bonuses will be 40% less!

NEC officials say the company has lost about $1.2 billion, for their business end of year (which is in March)!  They blame natural disasters and the increasing value of the Japanese yen (which is actually caused by the declining value of the U.S. dollar).


Japan Modern Day Atlantis round 12: Land continues to shift, slow moving landslide devouring houses

A slow moving landslide, in Niigata Prefecture, has devoured eleven homes, so far.  Locals are trying to stop the Earthly sloth by building a mound of dirt.

The landslide is 150 meters (492 feet) wide and 750 meters (2,460 feet) long, and is moving at only 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) per hour! The next victims in its path are a hamlet of 20 people.

Niiagata Prefecture was hit with heavy snow recently, and officials say the landslide is being cause by melt-water deep in the ground.

They’re building a 5 meter (16 feet) high mound of dirt, and trying to pump out melt-water from the ground.  They think the landslide sloth will gain in size and speed as more snow melts.  At least 80 people have been evacuated.


Japan’s nuclear family Myth busted: Family households now average less than 2 people, that’s a Record low. Young & old people living alone!

In the major metropolis known as Tokyo some interesting numbers have come out; the average number of people living in one household has dropped to less than two people (1.99)!

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government it’s the lowest number since the survey started been taken in 1957!

Tokyo’s population has seen a piddly 0.31% increase since 2011, but more and more people are choosing to live by themselves.  The survey showed that there’s been a huge increase in young people choosing not to get married and to live alone, and a huge increase in old people living alone.

Tokyo is the first city in Japan to report household sizes with less than two people.  But it’s a trend, last year Japan’s national average was only 2.36 people per household.


Government Incompetence: Japan refused to co-operate with IAEA safety guidlines!

It’s been revealed that six years ago the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) was asked to adopt the safety guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The request was made in 2006 by Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission.  Top NISA officials refused, saying things such as evacuation areas as recommended by the IAEA, would cause undue anxiety among the masses!

Hideaki Tsuzuku, of the Nuclear Safety Commission, blasted NISA, saying if they had followed the IAEA’s guidelines evacuations would have taken place sooner, and faster!

NISA official Yoshinori Moriyama, admitted they never thought such a nuclear accident, as Fukushima Daiichi, could happen!

Corporate/Government Incompetence: For the 1st time TEPCo tries to access #2 & #3 reactors. Big Fail! Radiation levels higher than thought, too high for humans!

March 15, 2012, workers at the damaged GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, tried to enter the basements of reactors 2 and 3.  It was the first attempt since the March 2011 disaster!

FAIL! Radiation levels are still too high for humans, and, on top of that, they discovered the basement doors for reactor 3 are jammed shut!

Tokyo Electric says they need access to the reactor suppression chambers, in order to assess the damage.  They have not been able to do so for a year!

Radiation levels emitted from the suppression chamber of reactor 2 hit 160 millisieverts per hour!  Radiation levels outside the basement door of reactor 3 are 75 millisieverts per hour.  The radiation levels are too high for workers to continue with anymore work around those reactors!

Radiation levels must be lower in order for TEPCo’s plan to remove melted fuel can work.


One Year Later: Potential wild fires threaten to spread even more radiation, Japanese firefighters concerned!

Apparently people are starting to realize another threat within the 20km No-Go Zone around Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant; wildfires.

There are no firefighters within the No-Go Zone, and outside the zone there is not sufficient water in the piped systems for firefighters to hook hoses up to.

On March 13, 2012, area firefighters held a drill to prepare for a possible wildfire inside the No-Go Zone. They had to use tanker trucks and helicopters to bring in water.

The firefighters also had to wear radiation suits, and take radiation readings.  The fear is that a wildfire within the No-Go Zone would spread more radiation by burning up contaminated plants and buildings.

World War 3: England will “bomb the hell out of” Scotland, if it wins independence!

“If that were to happen what alternative would England have but to come and bomb the hell out of Glasgow airport and Edinburgh airport.”-Fraser of Carmyllie, spineless Tory who is against independence

Fraser gave a speech in Edinburgh warning that if Scotland became totally independent of England, the English would use their traditional military reasoning and conclude that Scotland was now open for use as an anti-English base.

Don’t laugh, if you know history (and many people don’t) that reasoning was the same used by England’s Winston Churchill to massacre the neutral French navy in Algeria!  In fact, it was that attack that influenced Japanese plans for attacking the U.S. Navy at Pearl Harbor.

To try and calm any English fears, the Scottish National Party is proposing that an independent Scotland would allow English bases to remain on their territory!