Tag Archives: japan

World War 3, East Asian Front: South Korea says North about to undertake 4th nuke test! Medical team leaves Kaesŏng! Capitalists admit the communist blockade of KIR hurts them more than the North! North Korea says prepare for anything!

08 April 2013 (01:00 UTC-07 Tango 06)/27 Jumada l-Ula 1434/19 Farvardin 1391/28 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“Given economic conditions, it’s hard to reopen the Kaesong Industrial Park once it is closed down. Closure of the Kaesong park will inevitably lead to economic damage to South Korea….”-Hwang Woo-yea, of South Korea’s ruling political party Saenuri

Republic of Korea’s Unification Minister, Ryoo Kihl-jae, believes the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is about to conduct a forth nuclear weapons test. He refused to explain to South Korean media why he thinks that.

ROK Ministry of Defense downplayed the claim by Ryoo, saying their intelligence shows no movement in the area where the last nuke test took place.

However, a South Korean media source said there was increased activity at a test site in the northeast part of North Korea.

A ROK medic team based at the Kaesŏng Industrial Region (KIR) has left the area.  The DPRK continues its blockade of the KIR, several South Korean capitalist companies have ceased operations as a result.

A representative of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), Kim Yang-gon, visited KIR and told communist workers to prepare for all possibilities.

World War 3, East Asian Front: U.S. Forces Korea on high alert! South Korean officials cancel trip to Washington DC! China warns North Korea!

08 April 2013 (19:55 UTC-07 Tango 06 April 2013)/27 Jumada l-Ula 1434/19 Farvardin 1391/28 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“….He has asked the Senate Armed Services Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, and the House Appropriations Committee-Defense to excuse his absence until he can testify at a later date….”-USFK statement

U.S. Army General James Thurman, canceled his trip to testify before Congress, citing the fact that his U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) have been put on high alert.

Republic of Korea (ROK) Army General Jung Seung-jo, also canceled his trip to Washington DC, for similar reasons.

The Chinese President Xi Jinping, warned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea not “…to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos…”

China’s Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that China “…does not allow any troublemaking on China’s doorstep.”

H7N9 update: Thailand says virus new to continental East Asia, came from U.S.! Inspectors say Thai chicken is good to eat!

08 April 2013 (19:39 UTC-07 Tango 06 April 2013)/27 Jumada l-Ula 1434/19 Farvardin 1392/28 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“H7N9 used to be found only in poultry in Europe, the United States and Japan. Never before have there been reports of people contracting the disease…..To be ready for H7N9, every hospital in Phuket will strictly monitor patients who have serious respiratory symptoms similar to those brought on by pneumonia and influenza. Surveillance Rapid Response Teams have been ordered to be ready around the clock.”-Bancha Kakong, Phuket Provincial Health Office

The Thai Agriculture Ministry is not worried about the Chinese ban on poultry imports: “H7N9 spread in China won’t affect Thai poultry exports.”

Thai officials say several foreign inspectors have given the OK for Thai chickens.  Qatar is the latest country to resume importing poultry from the southeast Asian country.

At latest count there are 21 cases of human H7N9 infections in China, six have died.

World War 3, East Asian Front: China warns North Korea!

07 April 2013 (01:33 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1391/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

China is warning Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to take care of Chinese embassy personnel.  This after North Korea suggested that various countries should get their embassy personnel out of the DPRK, in case of war.

The DPRK mentioned the date of 10 April in their suggestion.

Corporate Incompetence: More radiation water leaks at Fukushima Daiichi!

07 April 2013 (01:20 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1392/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Just one day after finding a massive water leak, contaminated with strontium, Tokyo Electric Power Company reporting another one!

The newest leak is coming from another in-ground waste water holding tank/pool.  It’s a smaller pool, holding about 10000 tons of radioactive water.

Now TEPCo has to transfer water from two leaking pools.  They do not know why the pools are leaking.

World War 3, East Asian Front: More capitalist companies shut down in the KIR! Capitalist employees claim they’ve not been forced to leave!

07 April 2013 (20:56 UTC-07 Tango 06 April 2013)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1434/18 Farvardin 1391/27 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The DPRK’s blockade of the Kaesŏng Industrial Region (KIR) is having an effect on the ROK capitalist companies operating there.

At this point four South Korean companies have had to cease operations. Three of them were involved with textiles, the fourth made machinery.

On Saturday a South Korean employee, who finally left the KIR, said he doesn’t recall hearing the North Koreans ordering him to leave:  “The security has tightened in the North, but I haven’t received any order to leave the complex. Our company is still in operation because we have some materials left. But in the next three to four days, we will probably reach a critical point.”-Kim Jin-ho

On Friday the estimated 53000 North Koreans working at the KIR refused to show up for work.  ROK officials say there is a little more than 500 South Koreans still working in the complex.

Radiation contamination continues in Japan, proof is in the pudding of sewage treatment plants!

06 April 2013 (13:12 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1392/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The prefecture of Fukushima is revealing that the sludge generated at their sewage treatment plants continue to show radiation contamination.

At this point they have 68000 tons of radioactive sludge built up.  Other prefectures are reporting similar radioactive sludge.

This is proof the GE designed reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant are still spewing radiation.

Fukushima Prefecture, along with Japan’s Environment Ministry, has installed an experimental sludge dryer, to speed up the evaporation of liquid from the sludge.
This will make it easier to store the dried hazardous material.

Corporate Incompetence: Strontium leaking in Japan!

06 April 2013 (02:00 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1392/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) reports a strontium leak around the GE designed disaster reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.

TEPCo says they discovered a large inground waste water holding tank/pool is leaking.  The water is contaminated with deadly strontium.  So far 120 tons of water has leaked out.

They are now transferring the water into other tanks.  As usual, TEPCo does not know why the tank is leaking.

World War 3, East Asian Front: North Korea ordered factories into Total War mode on 17 March!

06 April 2013 (00:36 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The Yonhap News Agency reporting that the DPRK’s Korean Central TV Broadcasting just aired a report on a meeting of industrial workers, which took place on 17 March.

Kim Jong-un is heard telling the factory workers “Once the war breaks out, we have to destroy the enemies’ key military locations and government institutions with a quick and sudden strike. We must absolutely guarantee the quality of our artillery and shells to ensure a rapid pre-emptive attack on our enemies.”

World War 3, Asian Front: Guam prepares for nuclear attack! Guam Guard deploying to Afghanistan!

06 April 2013 (19:45 UTC-07 Tango 05 April 2013)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1434/17 Farvardin 1391/26 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“I’ve never heard anyone make a direct threat to Guam. My response was: ‘Wow, they can find Guam on the map? Most Americans can’t.'”-C.J. Urquico, 19 year resident on Guam

At the end of March the governor of the U.S. territory of Guam said there would be no attack from North Korea, now reports that the people of Guam are being prepared for a nuke attack.

“As a governor and a father and a husband and a grandfather, I do have some concerns because of the proximity of Guam to North Korea. We are about a three hour flight away.”-Eddie Baza Calvo, governor of Guam

Calvo recently got back from a trip to Camp Shelby, Mississippi U.S.A., where Guam’s National Guard soldiers have been training for deployment to Afghanistan.