Tag Archives: japan

Corporate Evil: Evidence of China Syndrome at Fukushima!!! After months of denial, TEPCo admits strontium & tritium contaminating Pacific Ocean! Don’t eat the fish! Run!

23 July 2013 (00:02 UTC-07 Tango)/15 Ramadan 1434/01 Mordad 1391/16 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

We would like to offer our deep apology for causing grave worries for many people, especially for people in Fukushima.”-Ono Masayuki, current general manager of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Back in May 2013, Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that test wells dug near the GE designed reactors 1 and 2 at Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant were contaminated with strontium, tritium and cesium.  But TEPCo swore it was not getting into the Pacific Ocean, even though Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said it was.

Today they’ve admitted that indeed the deadly radiation is spilling into the ocean, since April 2013.  That still contradicts with officials from the NRA who say that radiation has been flooding the ocean since the nuke melt downs back in March 2011 (as I’ve been warning)!!!

TEPCo also revealed that radiation levels in the Pacific Ocean had indeed been increasing since 2011, and are still increasing!

But wait, there’s more!  TEPCo even held an emergency meeting with area fishermen, telling them to stop fishing!  Sato Hiroyuki, a member of the fisheries cooperative in Soma City, told the news media that the meeting was “substantially different” than past meetings with TEPCo.  He said it was the worst news he ever heard, essentially the area’s fishing industry has been destroyed.  Nozaki Tetsu, chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations, said simply “It was quite shocking…”

Here’s the amazing thing, TEPCo still doesn’t know, for sure, where the contaminated ground water is coming from. With today’s announcement they suspect Reactor 1 is the source.  Here’s a clue, it’s called China Syndrome: The GE designed Reactor 1 not only melted down, but melted right through the ground into the local aquifer!

TEPCo is so desperate to stop the now deadly groundwater from getting into the Pacific Ocean they are now injecting a chemical resin 14 meters (46 feet) deep into the ground.  They hope the chemical will solidify the ground, making a subterranean wall 90 meters (295 feet) long.

Get this, the area where they’re trying to inject the underground wall is so radioactive that workers are exposed to 200 microseverts per hour.  That means that in five hours a person is exposed to the equivalent of one year’s worth of radiation!  Last week TEPCo revealed that at least 2000 employees have been exposed to enough radiation to cause thyroid cancer!  TEPCo hopes to get their resin underground wall completed by the middle of August.

On 18 July 2013, steam was observed coming from the damaged Reactor 3.  TEPCo employees said the steam was noticed for several hours.  A rain storm had gone through during the night, and TEPCo officials admitted that even two years later, the reactor containment vessel is still hot enough to turn rain into steam!  Radiation levels are so high in and around Reactor 3 that TEPCo has to use robots to remove tsunami debris.

The situation has upset Japan’s newly elected nationalistic parliament.  Senior vice industry minister, Akaba Kazuyoshi, criticized TEPCo for being always one step behind: “TEPCo’s actions seem too slow, and they don’t live up to our expectations.”

Ignorant TEPCo officials are still publicly insisting that the impact on the environment is minimal (even after what they told local fishermen)!

Corporate Martial Law: Hewlett Packard & NEC announce data spying & storage deal!

22 July 2013 (12:26 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Ramadan 1434/31 Tir 1391/15 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

Japan’s computer giant, NEC, announced a data storage deal with Hewlett Packard (HP).  Initial reports say they will develop small servers that can analyze and store large amounts of data.

Officials with NEC admit they and HP are trying to jump on the government/corporate domestic spy, I mean data collection business, being referred to as the promising field of “big data analysis”.

Medical Martial Law: Government admits University studies manipulated by drug companies!

12 July 2013 (12:14 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Ramadan 1434/21 Tir 1391/05 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

University officials have admitted that the Swiss company, Novartis Pharma, manipulated their research on the blood pressure drug Diovan.

An investigation into a Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine study, says the conclusions are wrong about Diovan being better at reducing brain strokes and angina than other drugs.

Japan’s Health Ministry is creating a panel of medical experts to investigate other claims that drug companies have been twisting the results of clinical studies concerning their drugs.

Government & Corporate Evil: Fukushima Daiichi radiation levels jump, Bilderberg in charge! People dying from cancer!

09 July 2013 (13:51 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Ramadan 1434/18 Tir 1392/02 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

“We all grew up with the Simpsons, a cartoon that said for 20 years that the owner of the power plant was the evil person…..radiation is scary. It’s like magic, it’s mystical, invisible. You can’t….hide from it.”-Lady Barbara Judge, Bilderberger now in charge of TEPCo’s safety program

For weeks now, Tokyo Electric Power Company has been reporting unexplained increases in strontium and tritium contamination.   Now a spike in cesium levels over the weekend, and TEPCo now admits increased radiation in the Pacific Ocean.

Since Friday TEPCo detected a 90 fold increase in cesium in groundwater.  They also detected an increase in tritium spilling into the Pacific Ocean.  Tritium levels in groundwater are ten times the government safe limits, and in the ocean around the GE designed disaster reactors tritium levels are the highest since June 2011.

In June 2013, TEPCo announced that strontium levels in groundwater were 30 times the government safe limits.  At that time TEPCo claimed the Pacific Ocean was not being contaminated by the strontium or tritium.   However, a study (conducted in 2011) published in Biogeosciences stated that strontium levels had jumped 100 fold, compared to levels recorded prior to the March 2011 melt downs.

The new cesium increases are being detected in groundwater testing wells around the GE designed Reactor 1.  The strontium and tritium increases are being found in wells around Reactor 2.   TEPCo officials say they don’t know the source of the contamination, but suggested that contamination of groundwater was being caused “…by construction works…”

I’ve notice some pro-nuke bloggers have been spreading lies that no body in Japan has been affected by the ongoing nuke disaster.  The Nuclear Safety Commission report says at least 45% of children in Fukushima Prefecture are suffering from thyroid problems because of the radiation.  These children are considered to have been exposed to levels of radiation below the government maximum safe limits.   The testing was conducted in April 2011, not even a full month after the melt downs.  National government officials ordered that no more thyroid testing was necessary!  In other words the reason we don’t hear any official reports of humans contaminated with radiation is that government officials stopped all government testing!

The other problem is that Japan is actually a failed state.  Japan has not had a stable national government since 2006.  Japan has had a change in national government leaders every year for the past seven years!

How about the former manager of Fukushima Daiichi, Yoshida Masao, who stayed at his post to try and fight the March 2011 melt downs?  He died today, of esophageal cancer!  Yoshida was hospitalized with cancer in November 2011.  TEPCo arrogantly argued that his cancer was not the result of the melt downs.  Officially it was said that Yoshida was exposed to 70 millisieverts of radiation.

To show you how deceptive TEPCo is, they’ve hired a British-U.S. elitist to remake the image of nuclear power.  Lady Barbara Judge chairs TEPCo’s Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee and has just been tasked to manage its safety program as well.  Barbara Judge used to be known as Barbara Singer Thomas, who was revealed in 1998 to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg through the Interamerican Foundation.


Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 08 July 2013: Hundreds more sickened! New Dirty Hands Disease? Bilderberg behind new vaccine?

At least 200 people got sick at the Tough Mudder event in Michigan, U.S.A.  State health officials confirmed that people were infected with norovirus at the “…not your average lame-ass mud run or spirit-crushing ‘endurance’ road race.” held last week.  Health officials don’t know the source of the norovirus outbreak.  New cases continue to be reported, and a new hot line phone number has been established to report new cases: 517-264-5215.

In Wyoming U.S.A., health officials say the number of norovirus cases at Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks, are going down.  At least 200 cases confirmed since the outbreak started in mid June.  The National Park Service says they’ve cleaned everything, including gift shops and hotels.  Park employees were isolated for 72 hours!  They remind people that those hand sanitizers don’t work against norovirus: “People tend to rely on hand sanitizer, but it just isn’t as effective against norovirus as plain old soap and water.”-NPS spokeswoman

The Minnesota U.S.A., a man died after getting infected with listeria.  Several people from several surrounding states have been hospitalized.  It’s being linked to Crave Brothers soft cheeses.  Also, the Department of Health is warning of tummy sickness caused by swimming in pools.  Cryptosporidium, E. coli O157:H7, norovirus, Shigella, and Giardia can all be found in public swimming pools.  The standard levels of chlorine used in pools will not kill these buggers.  Last year the North Star State saw 11 outbreaks caused by infected swimming pools.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, salmonella is the deadliest form of tummy bug.   Listeria is the second deadliest.  E.coli is third.   The CDC says better detection of norovirus helped to identify the real killers.  Norovirus is a major cause of tummy bug outbreaks, but causes relatively few deaths.

The CDC also says food caught in water are the cause of most tummy bugs (because of scombroid toxin and ciguatera).  Vegetarians take note, plants are still the number one source of norovirus, because of the fertilizers used on the crops.

Speaking of fish.  The employees of the new Bonefish Grill, in Florida U.S.A., were hit with suspected norovirus.  Department of Health officials say they’re still trying to find the source.  It was the owner of the restaurant that ordered his employees get tested, after he noticed several were sick: “As a precautionary measure, we notified the local health department, postponed the opening of the restaurant and took significant measures, including a thorough cleaning of a brand new restaurant, to ensure the health and safety of our employees and future customers.”

Takeda Pharmaceutical, a Japanese drug maker claims to have created a norovirus vaccine.  However, according to some reports, it requires a series of shots to become effective, and, is still several years away from being approved.  By the way, the vaccine was originally being developed by a Montana U.S.A. company, but the company was taken over by Takeda.  Also, the man leading Takeda’s norovirus vaccine testing is Rajeev Venkayya, formerly the director for global health delivery at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Bill Gates is connected to the global elitist organization known as Bilderberg!

In Cumbria, England U.K., a college prom went south as 20 students and teachers got sick with tummy bug.  It happened at the three star Hunday Manor Country House Hotel, which is now closed.  Health officials said it was “very likely” to be norovirus.  They expect more cases.   Also, the retirement home, Bethel House, has been hit with tummy bug.  Operators of the home have called in public health officials to investigate.  Public Health England are concerned that there are so many vomiting bug outbreaks in Cumbria.

Another lawsuit against another cruise line.  A man and wife from Hampshire, England U.K., went on a birthday cruise at the end of May.  He got sick, and said the ship smelled of sewage.  The same cruise line, Oriana, is being sued by at least 30 other people for two other cruises.

In Wales U.K.,  shellfishers are upset about norovirus testing.   They say it could adversely affect their industry: “The number of norovirus cases linked to shellfish is minuscule compared to that spread from person to person.”-James Wilson, Deepdock

The testing of shellfish for norovirus might be from the conception that shellfish cause a lot of stomach problems.  That might be if your talking about allergies or improperly handled or cooked shellfish, and a recent outbreak in Belgium found oysters infected with norovirus, but norovirus originated in humans not shellfish (the oysters probably got infected by human handlers).  It is mainly a human to human disease, so it’s suspect that a fishing industry would be forced to test their catch for norovirus.  The first norovirus case occurred in 1968 in Norwalk, Ohio, U.S.A.  This is why it is sometimes called the Norwalk virus.  However, the 1968 outbreak was not confirmed until 1972, when researchers were finally able to identify the cause.  Ever since then, year after year, there are more and more cases, and stronger and stronger versions of the virus.

The U.K.‘s Food Standards Agency is recommending that chicken slaughter houses wash chicken in lactic acid, or blast freeze them.  This is because the latest studies show that tummy sickness caused by bad chicken increases year after year.  (maybe it’s all that crap the mass production chicken farms use as poultry feed, or all those antibiotics they shoot ’em up with?)

In the United Kingdom, the Accident and Emergency (aka A&E) scandal is being blamed on thousands of people seeking help with norovirus infections (along with NHS restructuring of services).  The scandal is the result of incredibly long waiting times for people seeking help.  But here’s the thing, if most of the case load involved norovirus, then most of them were wasted trips to the A&E!   There is no treatment for norovirus, for most cases the only thing the medical staff will due is try and rehydrate you, usually intravenously.  Save some time by trying to keep yourself hydrated and stay away from the germ infested hospitals (more people get sick in the hospital than outside the hospital)!

Here’s another reason to stay out of the hospital if you’ve got norovirus or a mild case of tummy bug: money!  According to the U.S. CDC, each year there are hundreds of millions of dollars in healthcare costs resulting from people seeking medical help from untreatable norovirus.  The main problem are people who can’t keep hydrated!  Save some money, keep hydrated, and stay out of the germ infected hospitals (unless you’re on the verge of death)!

In Slovakia, something called the ‘dirty hands disease’ is causing concern.  The 17th Bažant Pohoda multicultural open-air festival (aka The Pohoda) is about to begin, and health official are concerned over last year’s outbreak of dirty hands disease.  Last year The Pohoda got hit with more than 100 cases of gastroenteritis.  Apparently dirty hands disease is what they call norovirus in Slovakia.   All it takes is one infected person to attend a crowded festival, and BAM, your sick as a dog that just chowed down on a bunch of grass.

In Canada, the Vancouver General Hospital was the first to begin using robots to kill norovirus.  Canadian hospitals are using a germ killing UV light system.  Tru-D the ultra violet robot issues a warning: “Disinfecting will commence in 15 seconds; please leave the room.” 

World War 3, Asia-Pacific Front: U.S. Army cuts will not apply to units poised for war with China!

27 June 2013 (20:09 UTC-07 Tango 26 June 2013)/18 Sha’ban 1434/06 Tir 1391/20 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The U.S. Army is reducing its size over the next four years.  However, U.S. Army units operating in the Asia-Pacific Theater of War (APTW) will not be affected.  It seems U.S. DoD officials have other plans for those Army personnel.

Only two U.S. Army Brigades in the European Theater of War will be cut.   Brigades in the U.S. states of Washington, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, North Carolina, New York, Kentucky and Georgia will be de-activated.

U.S. Army officials say the reductions are the result of the Budget Control Act of 2011.  APTW Brigades will be enhanced with equipment and personnel from those Brigades that are de-activated.

World War 3, Asia-Pacific Front: U.S. cyber attack units deploying for war with China!

27 June 2013 (19:54 UTC-07 Tango 26 June 2013)/18 Sha’ban 1434/06 Tir 1391/20 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Defense announced it will increase the number of cyber attack units in the Asia-Pacific Theater of War from the current ten, to 27 attack units over the next three years.

Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Locklear, stresses that U.S. forces are most vulnerable on their cyber flanks.  This suggests that U.S. high tech military equipment must be easy to hack.

The People’s Hero, Edward Snowden, has revealed that the United States is behind most international cyber attacks!

Medical Martial Law: Making vaccines more acceptable, soon(?) you can wear the Flu Patch!

23 June 2013 (12:21 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Sha’ban 1434/02 Tir 1392/16 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Researchers in Japan revealing a new way to get you to take those rarely effective flu shots, the Flu Patch.

The patch is made up of about 250 tiny needles around 0.8mm long.  The needles are not metal, but are a combination of compressed vaccines and hyaluronic acid.  The needles dissolve into your skin.

Researchers say testing is promising, with the usual reactions to vaccines.  What does that mean? They say 50% of their test subjects developed flu like symptoms, and/or redness and swelling around the vaccination area.  Mmmm, 50% is considered usual?

Creating a truly effective influenza vaccine is almost impossible, because flu is an RNA virus.   RNA viruses, like AIDS, evolve so fast that by the time a vaccine is developed it’s already out of date (the flu shot you get this year is actually based on last year’s flu, and not even all of the flus out there are covered).

Vaccines work well on DNA viruses, because they evolve very slowly.  The patch would be very useful to help fight DNA viruses.  The researchers say they’ve got another five to ten years of testing and refinement before their vaccine patch is ready.

Corporate Incompetence: High levels of strontium & tritium escaping Fukushima Daiichi!

19 June 2013 (02:44 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1392/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power company (TEPCo) reporting that high levels of strontium and tritium have leaked (yet again) from the GE designed reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.

This time strontium is being found in groundwater, at levels 30 times higher than Japanese government maximum safe limits.  Tritium is being found at eight times government safe limits.

They suspect the deadly contamination is coming from Reactor 2.  TEPCo admits strontium and tritium have been leaking for a awhile, but until now the levels of contamination have been below government limits.  TEPCo is unwilling to confirm if the isotopes have been contaminating the Pacific Ocean.

On top of that, TEPCo is trying to find out why a newly installed water decontamination system is already leaking.  Inspection teams discovered that a giant stainless steel tank was leaking radioactive water from a weld seam.  The water was being caught by a giant drip pan under the tank.

Upon inspection of the welds pin holes were discovered in many of the seams.  TEPCo is now trying to determine if the holes are manufacturing defects, or caused by something else.

Meanwhile, the Pacific Ocean current off Japan brings that stuff right to the Pacific Coast of North America.

World War 3, Asia-Pacific Front: Obama increasing military personnel in Australia! Japan & Canada increases wargames in California, preps for war with China!

14 June 2013 (12:10 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Sha’ban 1434/24 Khordad 1391/07 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

It’s been revealed that President Barack Obama is increasing the number of U.S. Marines occupying Australia.

Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, announced that they’ve agreed to allow 1150 U.S. Marines to be deployed in the city of Darwin next year.  Currently about 200 Marines spend six months a year, in the Darwin area, playing army with Aussie Diggers.  There are other U.S. military personnel stationed elsewhere in Australia.

In 2011 Obama announced he would be stationing at least 2500 Marines and U.S. Air Force airmen in Australia.

Analysts point out that the city of Darwin has a strategic advantage to quickly deploy troops against China!

In the U.S. state of California, it was revealed that for the first time ever all three branches of the Japanese Self Defense Forces are taking part in a major war game with U.S. Marines, Canadian navy and New Zealand.  Officials from Australia and Singapore are observing operation Dawn Blitz 2013.

The war games began this past week, and involve (as in recent smaller war games with U.S. Marines) the invasion and capture of islands.  If you’ve been following news out of East Asia you’d know that Japan and China are at odds over certain islands, even threatening war over them.

The U.S. sponsored Dawn Blitz wargames began in 2010, which is about when Japan began ratcheting up their claims on disputed islands.  Recently Japan took over a island and China is demanding it be returned to them.

Japanese claims are upsetting not only China, but Russia, Korea (both north & U.S. ally south) and even U.S. ally Taiwan.  The Obama administration has repeatedly stated they support Japan’s claims on the disputed islands.