Tag Archives: japan

Operation Jupiter: For past 40 years a major Vaccine maker lied about how they make vaccines!

18 January 2016 (00:22 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Dey 1394/07 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/09 Ding-Chou (12th month) 4713

Quietly, in December 2015 police raided a decades old and respected vaccine maker.  Today it’s been revealed that at least eight of the company’s products are fake!

Japan’s Kaketsuken-Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute was suspended from selling those eight products after Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare discovered the company lied about everything regarding those products.  Kaketsuken is also suspended from doing business for 110 days.

The December raid came after an employee blew the whistle.  Documents seized in the raid proved the employee correct.  For at least 40 years banned ingredients were being put into vaccines and blood treatment products, and the data for the effectiveness of those products are false!

Katesuken is one of many drug companies that settled lawsuits claiming that more than 1,400 Japanese hemophiliacs were infected with HIV(AIDS) after using their blood treatment drugs!  (Somebody investigate how HIV got inside drugs at the point of manufacture)

Today’s admission by the Ministry of Health could open up lawsuits against the government, for failing to police the evil drugs industry which has killed thousands of Japanese (documented by lawsuits against the drugs companies) since the 1980s!

It’s time the common people of Japan throwaway that damned Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil philosophy and get mean!

I say once a Snake Oil Salesperson always a Snake Oil Salesperson.  But snake oil (drugs-vaccines-medicine-pills, etc) wouldn’t be such a big seller if it wasn’t for, as an unverified critic of iconic American hustler P.T. Barnum once said, there being “…a sucker born every minute.”  (by the way, P.T. Barnum did not utter that pontification, it was a critic of his charlatan ways who did, but Barnum did say that his customers were “fickle and ofttimes perverse”)

Operation Jupiter: Obama regime approves $900-million for new biological warfare, testing new vaccines on HIV-AIDS victims!

World War 3, 11 December 2015: Mass cell phone purchases sign of attack? Idaho POW accuses U.S. of “leadership failure”! Canada investigates 1980s-2013 genocide of Native American women!

Afghanistan: The death toll from the attack on U.S. led NATO’s Kandahar air base, is now at 50.  It was revealed that only 11 Mujahideen attacked the base.  Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security has resigned citing policy differences with President Ashraf Ghani.  Mujahideen have liberated the Khanashin District of Helmand Province.  14 government forces killed , 11 wounded.  Government forces claim they killed 50 Mujahideen.

Australia: The British empire False Flaggers have arrested a 20 year old man and a 15 years old boy for being terrorists.  Australia’s Federal Police claim their evidence against the two was collected in December 2014!

Canada: British empire False Flaggers have ordered their security forces on alert after somebody claimed False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created terrorists were going to bomb Toronto.  This comes after Canadian administrators finally agreed to investigate the genocide of thousands of Native American women, which took place from 1980 to 2013!

China: People’s Liberation Army Air Force says the U.S. deployment of spy planes to Singapore threatens peace.  The PLAAF will now spy on the U.S. spy planes.

Egypt:  In Cairo, two insurgents riding a motorcycle assassinated an undercover cop.   The policeman was not wearing a uniform, so the insurgents obviously discovered he was a cop.  To prove the current Egyptian government is a puppet regime, they released a convicted Israeli-Arab spy from prison.

Finland:  Police arrested two Iraqis and accused them of being members of False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), and of killing 11 Iraqi civilians in 2014.

Iraq:  U.S. NATO member Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan is refusing to comply with Iraq’s demands to vacate the premises. As a result Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has ordered “no mercy” to any country that violates Iraq’s sovereignty.   A Iraqi Kurd won $6.4-million USD in the Powerball Megabucks lottery in the U.S.  He bought the ticket, legally, from the state of Oregon through the internet.

Japan: The neo-imperialist government accuses China of sending two warships into Japanese water around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.  China claims the islands.  Tokyo police claim the ‘terrorist’ who blew up a public toilet (at the evil Yasukuni Shrine) is a Korean, based on DNA testing.  The Yasukuni Shrine honors Japan’s convicted war criminals, as far as I know no other country has a shrine that honors convicted war criminals (so who’s the real terrorists?).

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The U.S. ally is approaching a new record for number of people executed.  So far in the Gregorian year 2015, 151 people have had their heads chopped off, many were not even Arabs!  The majority were accused of being drug smugglers, because the drug smuggling Saudi princes don’t like competition.  In 1995 KSA executed a record 192 people!

Kaesong Joint Industrial Zone

Korea:  Republic of Korea (RoK) arrested a labor leader on charges of illegal public demonstrations.  The U.S. ally RoK is under martial law, since the 1970s.  The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) revealed they now have Hydrogen bombs. The DPRK is demanding a full blown peace treaty to replace the 1950s cease fire, so far the United States refuses, but today the DPRK and Republic of Korea (RoK) began talking peace at the Kaesong Joint Industrial Zone on the DPRK side of the border.  These peace talks come as dip-noodle U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power stated that the U.S. and Japan will work together against DPRK.

Lebanese forces near the town of Arsal, in their ongoing battles with U.S. backed Nusra Front

Lebanon: Lebanese Resistance Forces Hezbollah reports killing nine False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Nusra Front insurgents near the town of Arsal.

Palestine:  U.S. taxpayers are funding a new Israeli anti-ballistic missile system called Arrow 3.  Israel claims they conducted a successful launch today, the missile is jointly developed by IAI and Boeing.   A known Israeli terrorist, and his wife, were hit by bullets from a drive by shooter.  The member of the Jewish Underground, along with his wife, were only wounded.  Israeli occupation forces shot and killed a Palestinian in al-Khalil.   Israel’s National Insurance Institute has revealed their Zionist system is a failure; 1.7-million Jews, or 22% of their population, are poverty stricken due to austerity measures!

Switzerland: The once secure, and neutral, country where every adult male is required by law to have a machine gun in their house (unless they claim pacifism) is now pissing themselves over claims that False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created terrorists are going to bomb their precious cities.

Syria: Syrian Arab Army liberated the towns of al-Hamra and Zeitan from the control of the False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Nusra Front.  At least 50 insurgents killed.  More than 20 “strategic” locations in Latakia Governorate liberated.  More than 150 insurgents killed in Hama Governorate.  In Daraa Governorate, Syria Arab Army liberated 14 city blocks of al-Balad, and eight blocks of al-Mahata.   U.S. led NATO backed insurgents continue to retreat into Turkey.  Kurdish and Arab allies formed the new political party Syrian Democratic Council and the militia Syrian Democratic Forces.  In Hasaka Governorate, Social Affairs began distributing 40-thousand pieces of winter clothing thanks to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), as well as 1,800 food items and 17-thousand non-food items.


According to initial reports at least 15 people killed in Tal Tamer (Til Temir) town after U.S. NATO backed DAIISH insurgents blew up three truck bombs.  Russian news reports say 60 people were killed and more than 80 wounded, and that in typical U.S.-Israeli style the truck bombers targeted a hospital.

Video of Kurdish YPG (male) and YPJ (female) forces repelling attacks by False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]) :

The Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava is condemning the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for banning them from taking part in the so called Riyadh Syria Peace Talks.  Iran has revealed that KSA is allowing DAIISH and other ‘western’ insurgent groups to attend the so called peace talks.  It was discovered when one of the insurgent groups, Ahrar al-Sham, walked out of the meeting in protest.  The Riyadh Syria Peace Talks are preliminary to UN brokered talks sometime in January 2016.

Tunisia:  This North African country won yet another Nobel Peace Prize (this time awarded by the Royal Family of Norway themselves) despite the fact that it’s been revealed that more than 7-hundred Tunisian women are members of False Flag U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli created Islamic State-ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]).

Turkey: Fellow NATO member Germany began landing their Tornado recon planes in Turkey, along with other support planes and even ships in the Mediterranean Sea.

Ukraine/Novorossia:  The Washington DC based International Monetary Fund (IMF) violated its own rules about debt repayment, they made special changes for the financially broke U.S. Nato backed Ukrainian puppet government.  Russia will counter by taking legal actions that could cost the IMF a lot of money.  The United Nations estimates that 9-thousand people have been killed since the U.S.-EU-NATO instigated ‘revolution’ began in April 2014.

United Kingdom: British empire cops in London say they shot and killed a man during an “intelligence” operation.  Initially they said they wounded him.

United States of America:  The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was forced to shutdown their Washington DC office after getting a letter containing white powder.  It also read  “Die a painful death, Muslims!”  Idahoan Bowe Bergahl broke his silence years after being released by Mujahideen in Afghanistan.  He stated unequivocally that he left his U.S. Army post to protest “leadership failure” within the U.S. military! A former Oklahoma cop was found guilty on 18 counts of raping women.  The wimp-ass officer began crying hysterically when the verdicts were read, he could face life in prison (then he’ll know what rape is).  In Arkansas, police say a man showed up at Arkansas State University with a shotgun, gasoline and propane (LPG).  He apparently warned of his planned attacked on facebook. In New Jersey, police locked down a transit bus after a “suspicious” package was found. Witnesses say police took a suitcase from the bus, no other info.  In California, protesters are demanding the San Francisco police boss resign after a man was killed by fat-ass cops who shot him 26 times!  In Missouri, the Sparta police boss resigned after shooting a caged dog!  He admitted he killed the dog because he didn’t want to babysit it, and instead wanted to respond to a car crash!   Also in Missouri, state police are investigating the mass purchase of cell phones, saying 150 cell phones were bought at three Walmarts by the same men using cash only.  Also, and possibly connected to what happened in Arkansas, as many as three dozen propane tanks were stolen. It’s been revealed that propane tanks have been reported stolen starting at the beginning of November.   In New York, the former Suffolk County police chief was arrested on charges of assaulting a detainee and then ordering his personnel to cover it up.  In Boston Weak, Northeastern University Police Department will now issue M4 assault rifles to campus cops.   The New England Police Benevolent Association now endorses Donald Trump for president because of Trump’s anti-Muslim comments.   The Louisiana Attorney General has released damning evidence against two cops accused of killing an unarmed man and his six years old son: “The body camera video is approximately 13 minutes and 47 seconds long. At approximately 26 seconds into the video, the driver, Christopher Few’s empty hands are raised and visible when gunfire becomes audible…”-released documents

U.S. Boeing built KSA operated F-15 Strike Eagles

Yemen: Amnesty International accuses the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) of intentionally bombing children: “In some of the attacks….the schools were struck more than once, suggesting the strikes were deliberately targeted.”  Yemen news sources report multiple KSA airstrikes today.  In Hamdan District, Saudis bombed a communications tower.  In Dahmar Province, a Saudi plane bombed a house, then after paramedics arrived they bombed it again, four people killed, 12 wounded.  In Taiz Province, Yemeni forces killed 11 U.S. Academi (Xe, Blackwater) mercenaries.   In Sana’a City, a kamikaze bomber blew himself up, apparently he was the only victim.

CNN straight up lies about Arab nations not fighting Islamic State! 

8-million jobs lost by 2030, just in Japan! Even with 2% economic growth?

24 November 2015, 18:12 UTC-07 Tango 01 (04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The Ministry of Labor issued a warning to the neo-imperialist leaders of Japan; if you can’t fix the economy then prep for at least eight million permanent job losses over the next 15 years!

The study looked at jobs in eight prefectures and concluded that even with an expected increase in healthcare and social work employment the economy is so bad that the net result will be eight million job losses by 2030.

On top of that, even if the Japanese economy manages to miraculously grow at an annual rate of 2% (2% is actually stagnation, as I’ve pointed out many times in previous posts), and the government subsidizes the employment of old people and women, then the net result is still 1.82-million job losses!

The biggest job cuts will be in the retail sector followed by manufacturing.

The Future of Fish Fry: The dead in Japan can now procreate!

12 November 2015 (14:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Aban 1394/29 Muharram 1437/01 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology claim they’ve created a way to create new life from the frozen dead!

Actually they discovered that stem cells in frozen trout can remain viable for three years.  They transplanted the cells into live trout and those cells were able to grow and create eggs and sperm and eventually baby fish (aka Fry).

No, not that kind of Fry!

Until now the conventional wisdom said cells of frozen creatures were no longer viable.

Dumbing Down Japan: ‘Secret’ order to eliminate ‘thinking’ classes revealed! “attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.”

08 November 2015 (09:57 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Aban 1394/25 Muharram 1437/27 Ding-Hai 4713

Back in June the U.S. backed neo-imperialist government of Japan ordered all 86 taxpayer funded universities to “abolish or convert” courses that are not considered useful to big corporations (using the the Orwellian doublespeak term “society’s needs” when they really meant big corporations’ needs).  Those course to be abolished involve literature, history, philosophy and social sciences.

There is growing protests over the order to dumb down Japan:

“Pursuing studies of humanities and social sciences may not produce quick economic results, but shunning them risks producing people who are only interested in the narrow fields……Studies of literature, history, philosophy and social sciences are indispensable in creating people who can view developments in society and politics with a critical eye….Shimomura’s [Hakubun Shimomura of Ministry of Education issued the order to abolish such courses] move may be interpreted as an attempt by the government to produce people who accept what it does without criticism.-The Japan Times

“…there is a need for the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences (HSS) to work closely together in order to….play a vital and unique role in critically comparing, contrasting and reflecting on the way in which human beings and society operate.”-The Science Council of Japan

“…abolishing subjects such as sociology and philosophy just because they are not useful in business is incredibly short-sighted….business and making money is not everything in a society….”-Makoto Watanabe, Hokkaido Bunkyo University

Even the federation of Japanese businesses known as Keidanren condemned the order to dumb down their employees, basically saying Japanese businesses need employees who can think for themselves.

Japan admits Fukushima workers dying of cancer!

U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Human Rights apply only to Japanese citizens!

Japan admits Fukushima workers dying of cancer!

20 October 2015 (04:48 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Cannot deny the causal relationship between his radiation exposure and his illness.”-Japanese Ministry of Labor statement

Japan’s Ministry of Labor confirms at least one nuke industry employee is dying of leukemia caused by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions.

The employee was hit with 15.7 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation during the explosions.  His total ‘official’ exposure is 19.8 mSv.  These amounts are far less than what pro-nuke industry ‘trolls’ on the internet say will cause cancer.

Japanese news sources say 45-thousand people are still working at the China Syndrome Fukushima Daiichi and more than 21-thousand have been exposed to annual radiation levels of at least 5 mSv.

This admission comes two weeks after several international news reports said independent organizations were reporting a 50-fold increase in the rates of cancer in children near the GE designed nuclear disaster reactors.

Earless bunny found in the Fukushima No Go Zone.

Imperialist Japan to make 6,000 nuclear bombs!

Idaho National Laboratory admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.” Radioactive trash dump in U.S. on fire? 

U.S. created Japan Martial Law: Children of divorced mothers lose citizenship? Human Rights apply only to Japanese citizens!

19 October 2015 (19:12 UTC-07 Tango 01, 18 October 2015)/27 Mehr 1394/05 Muharram 1436/07 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

If you’re a Japanese woman and you and your husband divorce, better not get remarried and have children, they’ll not be considered ‘Japanese’!  Even the United Nations Human Rights Committee has condemned the main warmongering east Asian ally of the United States over it (the law was created in 1947 under the dictation of the occupying United States).

No, I’m not talking some medieval law, it’s the current law in Japan: A woman who gets divorced cannot remarry for a minimum of six months (Article 733).  Any marriage within six months is considered void, and if any children result from that marriage they are not considered legitimate citizens and could even be considered the ‘property’ of the former husband!  By the way, this law does not apply to divorced men!

Couple suing to have their marriage and child officially recognized by Japanese government.

What should be an archaic law is now in the news because a Japanese couple are suing in court to have it changed.  This is not the first time the Japanese Supreme Court might change such a drastic law, in 2008 the court halted the practice of not granting citizenship to children of single mothers.

Japanese soldier holding the head of a Chinese he just chopped off. Japan still denies they committed genocide during World War 2, and for some reason the United States protected most Japanese war criminals from being prosecuted for those crimes! From the late 1800s to just prior to World War 2 Japan committed massive genocidal acts in every territory they invaded, at least equal to what they did during World War 2!

Also, in Japan you are not considered ‘human’ unless you are a Japanese citizen, (“In Japan, all citizens were allowed to practice their traditional lifestyles, use their languages and exercise their religions freely, including citizens of Okinawa.  Nonetheless, the Government of Japan recognized only the Ainu people as an indigenous people.”-UN Human Rights Committee) therefore Human Rights only apply to officially recognized citizens.  This is the same law that evil Imperial Japan and evil Nazi Germany had, you know, those two countries accused of starting the Second World War and slaughtering tens of millions of people. Especially the Japanese who publicly beheaded Prisoners of War from the British empire, Soviet Union, China and United States, etc. because they were not considered ‘human’  (they even used them for biological warfare experiments).  Even the Nazi Germans had more respect than that for Prisoners of War (as long as you weren’t  Slavic, Hebrew, homosexual or a gypsy).


World War 3: Russia backs up Blind Bat News’ claim as to where all those Toyotas are coming from!

15 October 2015 (19:32 UTC-07 Tango 01, 14 October 2015)/23 Mehr 1394/31 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/03 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Back in February Blind Bat News reported that most of the Japanese and U.S. made pickup trucks and SUVs being given to Islamic State (DAIISH, al-DawlA al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-SHam[Syria]) went through a dealership in United Arab Emirates, possibly through a company known as Western Group. 

The U.S. government and the manufacturers of the pickup trucks continue to play dumb as to how Islamic State continues to get brand new U.S. and Japanese made vehicles.

Now there are reports that Russian and Syrian intelligence agents have estimated that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supplied 22-thousand 5-hundred new vehicles for DAIISH, along with Qatar supplying 32-thousand, United Arab Emirates supplied 11-thousand 650 and Jordan supplied 4-thousand 5-hundred vehicles.  They also estimate that DAIISH has at least 60-thousand U.S. and Japanese made vehicles, many converted into gun-trucks!

But wait there’s more!  The vehicles weren’t bought with cash, but on a huge line of credit, possibly through Saudi Arabian British Bank (SABB, aka Saudi British Bank)!

Toyota claims it suspended sales to the region in 2012!

Imperialist Japan to make 6,000 nuclear bombs! Blind Bat News revealed 2 years ago, new damning evidence!

09 October 2015 (05:42 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Mehr 1394/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/27 Bing-Xu 4713

A damning new report confirms that Japan is illegally stockpiling weapons grade plutonium and has more than enough to make 6-thousand nuclear bombs, and the United States, United Kingdom and other NATO members are complicit!

Anti-Abe Shinzo nuclear weapons poster

Back in August 2013 Blind Bat News reported that Japan’s Atomic Energy Commission admitted that the Commission itself was just a “formality” and did not actually monitor what was going on inside Japan’s nuclear industry!

In December 2013, a Chinese report said Japan has been secretly using its nuclear power plants to create weapons grade plutonium, enough for 1-thousand nuclear bombs.

In March 2014, U.S. NBC TV news reported concerns that Japan has the “bomb in the basement”.

Notice that Japan is not included on this map of nuclear weapons nations, yet Iran is!

Now, a new report says Japan has already accumulated a massive stockpile of plutonium it sent overseas for reprocessing. There is 11 metric tons in Japan and another 36 metric tons reprocessed in Britain and France waiting to be returned to Japan — in all enough for nearly 6,000 atomic bombs.”

The China Arms Control and Disarmament Association says Japan’s stockpile of plutonium has doubled since the 1990s: “Japan now has 47.8 tons of separated plutonium, 10.8 of which are stored inside Japan. Why are we so interested in this issue? It is because, first, we believe there is no reasonable civil demand for this huge stockpile of nuclear material. This is what we call a severe imbalance between supply and demand.”  

What was that about Israel and United States pissing themselves over the slight possibility of Iran building one nuclear bomb?






Hundreds of jobs lost means hundreds of horses slaughtered! Haggen gives up the Ghost, shuts ’em all down! CEO doubles bonus by killing jobs! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 02 October 2015

What housing construction industry recovery?  A major west coast builder has merged with a major east coast builder.  Standard Pacific and Ryland Group now known as CalAtlantic Group and their first order of business is to kill about 280 jobs across 17 states!

For the third month in a row unAmerican corporate America failed to produce the number of jobs needed create a strong economy.  For September only 142-thousand jobs were created, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.  Economists have long warned that for true economic recovery monthly job creation needs to be a minimum of 200-thousand.

Failed State Alabama:  15 state controlled booze (Alcoholic Beverage Control) ABC stores being shutdown due to lack of money.

California:  In San Francisco, the Exploratorium laid off 30 employees due to lack of money.  Unionized employees blame the managment for the lack of money.  Sunnyvale based AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) eliminating 5-hundred jobs, apparently before their fiscal year of 2016 begins!  Administrators essentially said there ain’t no recovery.  In San Luis Obispo, after 21 years Crazy J’s clothing store shutdown after the owner realized it wasn’t worth it to remodel the store or the brand.  Japan based upscale convenience stores FamilyMart-Famima! shutting down all their remaining California stores by the end of October!

Georgia: Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) forced bankrupt Hutcheson Medical Center to layoff 58 people.  The FDIC shutdown the Bank of Georgia.  Ivy Preparatory Academies shutting down all their high schools blaming what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome.  Apparently their high schools now have only 90 students each.  Only ten students graduated during the 2014-15 school year.

Idaho: Court ruling shuts down horse race betting venue Double Down Betting, Sports Bar and Grill in Idaho Falls, 70 jobs lost.  the Idaho Supreme Court banned instant horse racing gambling machines.    Taxpayers screwed over again, this time it’s education: “This case presents an Idaho taxpayer challenge to the illegal expenditure of Idaho public funds to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, on the grounds that the consortium is an illegal interstate compact not authorized by the U.S. Congress.  The Idaho Constitution recognizes that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The membership of Idaho and other states in the consortium violates … the United States Constitution, together with other provisions of federal and Idaho law. The use of Idaho taxpayer funds to support the consortium, an illegal interstate compact, therefore constitutes an unconstitutional expenditure subject to challenge by Idaho taxpayers.-Idaho taxpayers suing their state ‘lawmakers’ in federal court

Illinois: Historic horse racing track Balmoral Park shutting down for the 2016 season due to no races being scheduled by state regulators.  Horse racing track Maywood Park is also shutting down for the same reason.  Local news reports say not only will hundreds of jobs be lost but hundreds of horses will be killed “I would say 75% to 80% responsibility for the situation…..is the inability of the state to pass a law that would allow video gambling at the racetracks. In every state where they have allowed casino gambling at the tracks, horse racing has flourished.”-Gerald Hanson, Harness Racing Association

Iowa: Sears Holdings revealed they’re shutting down the Belvidere Kmart, 67 jobs lost right after Xmas. 

Kansas: Overland Park based Sprint warned of more layoffs in an effort to cut costs by $2.5-Billion USD!  Hows that for faith in a recovering economy?

Louisiana: Tango Transport has been sold to vulture capitalist Celadon Group who is now eliminating 80 jobs.  

New York: After 158 years (surviving the Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) the YMCA shutting down in Amsterdam. Administrators say they are $75-thousand USD in debt and they are cash broke! In NYC, McDonald’s at 427 10th Avenue shutting down after Xmas, 65 jobs lost. 

North Carolina: Thai Pan restaurant shutting down in Greensboro after 10 years of yummy food.  The owner blames her husband because he’s retiring and wants to move.  

Pennsylvania: Drug delivery system company Unilife eliminating 50 jobs, and as a result the evil CEO is getting a $420-thousand USD bonus because stockholders like it when jobs are destroyed!  After seven years the award winning Supper restaurant shutdown, it’s now a private party and catering only op.  The Leggett & Platt mattress factory in Delano Township shutdown. As with many companies they are consolidating operations to other factories.

Texas: Willacy County eliminated 25 jobs and is cutting work hours for five judges.  County administrators blame it on crashing revenues from their evil prison which was forced to shutdown seven months ago and eliminate 4-hundred jobs!

Washington: Bellingham based Haggen Foods has told the bankruptcy court of its intent to shut down all its grocery stores!

Wisconsin: Dairy Farmers of America shutting down their Plymouth Borden cheese factory in January 2016, 3-hundred job lost! Administrators said it wasn’t worth it to upgrade the old factory and will instead contract out the work!  Littelfuse shutting down their Hamlin circuit protection maker HQ in Lake Mills, layoffs begin before Xmas.  Local news reports say at one time Hamlin had 2-hundred employees in Lake Mills.

01 October 2015: “the bottom fell out…” “It’s bullshit….!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”