Tag Archives: idaho

Morale booster A-10C Gun-Run in Idaho!

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

Anticipating an A-10C fly-by of Sailor Creek Range control tower in Idaho, 06MAR2021. 

‘Cleared Cold’ Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

The image reminds me of many such flyby’s when I worked on the Edwards Air Force Base, California, bombing range in the early 1980s.     

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

At some point somebody figured out that letting personnel, and their families, watch bombing/gunnery runs was a great morale booster.     

‘Cleared Hot’ Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

124th Fighter Wing Thunderbolt-2 turns for a ‘hot’  gun-run on Sailor Creek Range, 06MAR2021.

Idaho ANG photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Senior Airman Joseph R. Morgan, 06MAR2021.

Sailor Creek Range is in the Owyhee Valley in Southwestern Idaho.  You can barely see the A-10C.




Pandemic Panic-Attack hits Cat Litter? Blame logistics competition and Robots!

06 March 2021 (02:29-UTC-07 Tango 06) 16 Esfand 1399/22 Rajab 1442/23 Xin-Mao 4719

For the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed a growing shortage of cat litter products at stores in Bannock County, Idaho.

Photo by AAron Hutchins.

I took this photo in the Pocatello Fred Meyer, on 05MAR2021 at about 22:50, just before they closed for the night.  Notice that even litter boxes and some other litter accessories are short supply as well.

Across the street at Winco, they’ve been shifting around slow selling basic clay litter to fill in the empty spaces of the faster selling clumping litter.  Is the litter shortage due to panic buying, or continued problems with a new global logistical supply system that still doesn’t work?

In September 2020, a Canadian news report suggested that cat litter shortages were the result of panic buying and that ‘experts’ expected high demand to last long after the ‘pandemic’ ended!

However, in April 2020, a possibly ignorant Alabama Public Radio stated that pet products were not subject to panic buying, but at the same time encouraged their listeners to stock up on pet supplies!

That Alabama Public Radio report came a few months after a report out of the United Kingdom, in January 2020, which stated that a big supplier of cat litter had “collapsed”, leaving British stores without litter!

But what about now, in 2021?  On 06MAR2021, a study was made available regarding the global cat litter market, saying pandemic panic-attacks had changed the dynamics of the litter market.  The ‘pay-per-view’ study gives predictions through 2025.

Another cat litter market study, also released in March, gives predictions through 2027.

Yet another litter market study predicts that post-pandemic litter sales will hit $5.37-billion by 2027!

And yet another study says it’s not just litter but litter boxes that are experiencing skyrocketing demand!

There are dozens of cat litter market studies out there, all saying demand is only going to go up, and it’s blamed on what I call pandemic panic-attack syndrome.

Recently, a cat litter company called Dr. Elsey’s moved production from Colorado to Wyoming, into a bigger factory to meet high demand for their products.

Pretty Litter recently joined up with Marquee Brands/Martha Stewart in an attempt to increase sales.

Logistics, better known as the supply chain, is partly to blame for random shortages as well.  It’s one reason why Arizona has been relying on its National Guard to deliver food to grocery stores ever since the pandemic panic-attack began.

An article by DHL, about the difficulties of distributing the CoViD vaccines, indicates that such global vaccine operations are impacting the supply of everything else!

In Pennsylvania, a large trucking company just shutdown a distribution operation, affecting at least one thousand employees!  The reason was that the client they were serving dumped them and signed a new contract with a new supplier.

Globally, a lot of bigger supply companies are taking over smaller logistics providers, and whenever that happens operations are shutdown and people lose their jobs, and that has to affect supply chain.

An article by Logistics Management says the pandemic panic-attack “amplified existing logistics challenges around the world”.  Meaning the global supply system was already in trouble.

But even more importantly, the logistics industry is actually getting rid of human labor.  Recently, Swiss logistics company CEVA announced it is replacing human labor in Canada with robots, those robots are made by a Massachusetts company called Berkshire Grey.  This is very important because according to another article, Berkshire Grey’s sudden involvement in automating the North American logistics industry began just before the pandemic panic-attack: “When I visited its Massachusetts headquarters last year, following a massive $263 million Series B, the company discussed some pretty aggressive growth plans. Mind you, that was before the pandemic had really touched down in the U.S. in a meaningful way.

If anything, COVID-19 has accelerated interest in automation….”-Brian Heater, TechCrunch

Manufacturing.net: The Future of Warehouse Logistics

Shipping Watch UK: Logistics chain bottlenecks trigger longer contracts for container carriers





Biden’s Borderland: Records about to be broken!

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news reports as of  05 March 2021:

Greyhound Bus company now requires proof that passengers, including illegals, are CoViD free!

Data shows that ‘significant’ number of illegals stopped using U.S. taxpayer funded medical care while Donald Trump was President!

ARIZONA: 18 illegals captured inside ‘stash house’ in Yuma.

Border Patrol agents get info that leads to the arrest of a Native American firefighter, and his sons, for operating a meth lab in his house.

CALIFORNIA:  San Diego Sector Border Patrol reports near-record numbers of sex offenders being captured!

Van full of illegals crashes, killing 13 of them!

Kern County to use taxpayer funding to provide pandemic panic-attack mobile vaccination clinics for farm workers.

The hypocrite gov’na signed into law the use of taxpayer pandemic panic-attack funding for illegals!

Border Patrol ‘rescues’ ten illegals after getting a tip from Mexican police.

Proof the California justice system is corrupt: A man with a criminal history, and currently on probation even though he also has an arrest warrant, was captured with 86-pounds of drugs, illegal guns and ammo, and lots of cash.   His capture was the result of a random traffic stop!  

FLORIDA: Miami-Dade makes illegals eligible for $61-million in taxpayer pandemic panic-attack housing funding!

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer First Class Nicole Groll.

A boat with 25 illegals on it was captured, approximately 30 miles off Jupiter, 04MAR2021.

IDAHO: Despite support by the agriculture industry and the largest Christian denomination in the world, efforts to grant driver’s licenses to illegals was killed.

ILLINOIS:   Staffing company executive sentenced for assisting in hiring noncitizens.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol) captured 65-thousand fake N-95 masks shipped into Chicago from Colombia!

NEW YORK: Farm workers suddenly removed from pandemic panic-attack vaccine list, no reason given.

The Empire State considers taxpayer pandemic panic-attack ‘bailout’ funding for illegals!

NORTH CAROLINA:  Taxpayers will fund pandemic panic-attack vaccinations for farm workers, 71% of farm workers are migrants.

TEXAS:  The gov’na of The Lone Star State accuses the Biden administration of intentionally releasing infected illegals into the United States!

108 illegals released by Border Patrol were infected with CoViD-19!

Texans living along the U.S./Mexican border are now demanding Biden do something to stop the swarms of illegals coming across!

Florida man confesses to smuggling 149 illegals into Texas!

Laredo Sector captures multiple illegals trying to swim across the border.

105 illegals captured in Havana, Texas!

VIRGINIA: Biden to use Virginia military base to house children!

WASHINGTON: Spokane judge intervenes to stop farm workers’ wages decreasing.

Washington DC: Biden orders Border Patrol to prep for pre-pandemic numbers of children swarming across the border!

Supreme Court rules that migrants must provide proof that they are legally allowed to be in the United States. 

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) using utility billings to find illegals!


Biden’s Borderland: Hypocrisy is the Policy

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to main stream news reports as of 24 February 2021:

CALIFORNIA:  Mexican government notifies U.S. Customs and Boarder Protection that human smugglers have abandoned at least three people on Otay Mountain.

Suspected Smuggler With 10 Undocumented People in SUV Leads Border Patrol on Short Pursuit.


COLORADO:  ‘Lawmakers’ want to allow illegals to get professional certification.

FLORIDA:  CBP at Miami International Mail Facility Seize 24 Pounds of DMT.

U.S. Coast Guard photo.

This is what’s left of a homemade raft from Cuba, made mostly from styrofoam blocks, found on 10FEB2021 eight miles off Long Key.   Ten people are now considered missing.

U.S. Coast Guard photo.

On 17FEB2021, the U.S. Coast Guard captured seven illegals from Cuba, approximately 35 miles east of Palm Beach.

U.S. Coast Guard photo.

On 20FEB2021, the U.S. Coast Guard captured five illegals from Cuba, approximately two miles southeast of Lake Worth Inlet.  They were sent back to Cuba.

GEORGIA: Taxpayer funded CoViD vaccines for illegals.

IDAHO: ‘Lawmaker’ wants illegals to get driver’s licenses.

At least 4-thousand-8-hundred out-of-staters took vaccines meant for Idahoans, state I-D now required:

Idaho business says it now requires customers to have Idaho I-D, blames it on increased crime by people from out-of-state!

ILLINOIS:  Gov’na signs into law expansions of protections for illegals!

KENTUCKY:  $22 Million in Designer Watches Intercepted by CBP Officers.

OHIO:  One in eight ‘essential’ workers in Columbus are illegal. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Push to legalize driver’s licenses for illegals re-starts.

MINNESOTA:  Republicans encourage Biden to open border with Canada!

NEVADA: Illegals can obtain state-level professional licenses.

NEW YORK: ‘Community Fridge’ meant to help feed children and homeless in NYC, ends up being used by illegal immigrants!

PUERTO RICO: CBP incauta 18 kilos de cocaína dentro de mochilas a bordo de un buque de carga que llego a San Juan.

TEXAS:  Human smuggler leaves woman to die in winter storm!

University of Texas-Rio Grande will give CoViD vaccines to illegals.


VERMONT: Revealed, Biden okays security cameras along Canadian border with Vermont and New York!

VIRGINIA:  Bill to give illegals CoViD Medicare services, advances.

WASHINGTON:  ‘Lawmakers’ demand Biden open the border with Canada!

Blames crashing economy on CoViD border closure.

Washington DC: The fastest way to get vaccinated is to become an illegal immigrant!

President Biden flip-flops, continues a Trump era CoViD policy to halt border crossers!




Which came first, the Apache or the Mustang?

NA-73X, North American project 73 experimental. North American Aviation photo.

This war-time advertisement shows a NA-73/NA-83, Mustang Mark 1, built for the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force.  The Mustang Mark 1 was put into production, supposedly in 1941, with first deliveries to the British in February 1942.  The name Mustang was supposedly the idea of one of the British officials overseeing the purchase of the NA-73/83.

Photo credited to Alfred T. Palmer, dated October 1942, via the U.S. Library of Congress.

Notice the wing of this Allison engined P-51/Mustang Mark 1.  The wing shape/armament changed from variant to variant.  Many model kits of different Mustang variants incorrectly use the same P-51D wing.

USAAF photo.

USAAF (U.S. Army Air Force) and RAF (Royal Air Force) ground crews go over a P-51 Mustang Mark 1, Margate, England, United Kingdom, 01APR1943.

NACA photo dated 1944.

Photo of a NACA model of a 20mm gun armed Packard-Merlin engined P-51B.  This is odd as the model has the 20mm guns of the P-51 Apache/Mustang Mark 1A, yet has the four bladed propeller of the P-51B Mustang/ Mustang Mark 3.  This is the XP-51B prototype. Back then NASA was NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics).

Photo credited to Alfred T. Palmer, dated October 1942, via the U.S. Library of Congress.

North American Aviation (NAA) employees build a large scale model of the future P-51D(?), at the company’s Inglewood, California, location.

Photo credited to Alfred T. Palmer, dated October 1942, via the U.S. Library of Congress.

Brand new 20mm gun armed P-51 Apache (NA-91, for North American model 91), over the mountains of Southern California.  Strangely, what the British called the Mustang Mark 1A was ordered in July 1940, before the Mustang Mark 1!  At this point, the U.S. called the P-51 the Apache, the United Kingdom called it the Mustang.  Eventually the U.S. changed their name for the P-51, and all subsequent P-51 variants, to Mustang.  The recon version of NA-91 was called F-6A.

Photo credited to Alfred T. Palmer, dated October 1942, via the U.S. Library of Congress.

Right-off the Inglewood assembly line, brand new P-51s, supposedly in October 1942.  The information with the photo calls them P-51As, yet you can clearly see the mounts for 20mm guns, which the A version did not use. P-51As (NA-99) used wing mounted .50 caliber guns (12.7mm).

NA-99, P-51A, Mustang Mark 2, with a direction finding loop on its spine.

Orders for the NA-99/Mustang Mark 2s were placed in the middle of 1942 , the official ‘first flights’ of P-51As began in February 1943. Recon versions of NA-99 were called F-6B.

In this photo of a Mustang Mark 2 (P-51A) you can see the earlier Mustangs had very small radiator air intakes.

A Royal Air Force A-36A Apache, the identifier are the dive brakes on the wings.

In April 1942, the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) ordered the NA-97, a ‘Mustang’ designed specifically for ground attack missions.  The USAAF designated it as the A-36 Apache/Invader, to differentiate from the P-for-pursuit P-51 Mustangs.

A-36A Apache/Invaders in 1943.

An A-36A (?) minus the underwing pylons for bombs. USAAF photo.

Photo source unknown.

This is not a P-51D.  In late 1942, a P-51B (note the wing) was modified with the bubble canopy, and exhaust manifolds, that would be used on the P-51D Mustang Mark 4.

Another non-P-51D(?), this time with totally straight leading edged wings, but with the six .50 cals mounted in the wings, as well as bomb and rocket pylons. It is the structurally different P-51H, which first flew in 1945, however, the info with the photo claimed it is a P-51D.

NACA photo dated September 1943.

In 1943, NACA used modified Mustang Mark 1s (notice the empty .50 cal gun throughs in the nacelle) to test laminar wing designs and called the experimental planes (two of them) the XP-51 Mustang.  However, there were many ‘XP-51’s, such as the XP-51Bs which were used in the U.S. to test the Packard license built Rolls Royce Merlin motor.

NACA photo, wing experiment, 1944.

By July 1944, NACA claimed its XP-51s were the oldest Mustangs in existence.

USAAF photo.

‘Malcolm Hood’ canopied P-51B The Iowa Beaut (formerly Man o’ War) over United Kingdom, sometime early 1944 as the plane was shot down over Germany on the 11th of September of that year.

USAAF photo.

Sometime in late 1943 or early 1944, somewhere in Italy, a U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) A-36 Apache/Invader.  Notice the .50 cal guns protruding from the plane’s chin, just behind the propeller.

USAAF photo, March/April 1944.

A-36 Invader of the Mediterranean Allied Air Forces.

USAAF photo.

P-51B/C (Mustang Mark 3 to the British) landing somewhere in Merry ol’ England, March 1944.

Photo via Stephen Ananian.

P-51D (Mustang Mark 4 to the British) ‘Baby Mine’, flown by then First Lieutenant Stephen C. Ananian, 505th Fighter Squadron, 339th FG, based at Fowlmere, England, 1944.

Photo via Stephen Ananian.

‘Baby Mine’ crew chief Staff Sergeant Joe C. Nicholas.  Back then there was no U.S. Air Force (USAF), it was the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF).

USAAF photo.

Somewhere in France, November 1944, this USAAF photo shows a Malcolm canopied P-51B/C recon plane, officially called F-6C.  You can see the camera pointing out of a hole cut in the rear window, behind the pilot.

Photo credited to Toni Frissell, via U.S. Library of Congress.

P-51Ds over Italy, March 1945.  Notice the wing shape.

USAAF photo, 29APR1945.

The arrows in this photo show where a P-51B/C was modified with ‘form-up’ lights on the side of its fuselage.  They were used to help other Mustangs fly in formation at night.

USAAF photo.

P-51C over China, sometime between January and July 1945, note the shape of the wing.

Photo via USAAF.

A weathered P-51C(?) somewhere in China, early 1945.

USAAF photo.

P-51D Mustangs on Iwo Jima, 25MAR1945.

U.S. Marine Corps silent film, by Sergeant E.G. Begston, of USAAF P-51D Mustangs operating from Airfield #1 on Iwo Jima, 10MAR1945:

Color silent film, by A.J. Clarke, of P-51Ds operating from Airfield #1, Iwo Jima, June 1945:

USAF photo.

An RF-51D reconnaissance Mustang, during the Korean so-called UN Police Action during the early 1950s.  When the U.S. Air Force (USAF) was created in 1947, P-51s became known as F-51s.

Silent film of F-51D ground operations sometime during the Korean Conflict:

Here’s some more old silent film, date & location unknown:

NACA photo dated September 1945.

1:1 scale P-51B(?) in NACA’s Full Scale Wind Tunnel.

Official U.S. Department of Defense video, by Matthew Hilborn, about the P-51:

NACA photo.

The information with the photo calls it an ‘air flow direction vane’, attached to the top of a NACA XP-51D wing, but look close, it is actually a ‘semispan’ (cut in half length-wise) model of a supersonic rocket plane.

NACA photo, 25JUL1945.

July 1945, the final production version of the Mustang actually came out at the end of World War Two, but never saw combat.  The P-51H was a lighter weight long-range version of the P-51D, it is structurally different from the P-51D.

NACA photo, 24JUL1946

NACA wing-glove experiment, 1946.  Notice the taller tail fitted to the P-51B, which would become an identifier of post-world-war Mustangs.

NACA photo, 24JUL1946.

NACA photo dated 1955.

1955 and still called NACA.  Notice the taller post-world-war tail.

NACA photo.

The F-51D had laminar flow wings.  This specific Mustang became NACA #127 and would be modified with the taller tail.

Photo by Jim Ross, 15SEP2000.

When they restored NACA 127, they even reinstalled the experimental reduced scale semispan airfoil wing plate.

Photo by Jim Ross, 15SEP2000.

Photo via North Dakota Air National Guard.

North Dakota Air National Guard F-51Ds, Hector Field, 02MAY1948.

Photo via North Dakota Air National Guard.

North Dakota Air National Guard, June 1948.

‘DAPSO South’ silent color film, by somebody with last name of Meyer, of Military Assistance Program (MAP) F-51Ds on La Aurora Air Base, Guatemala, 30AUG1969:

Photo via Kentucky Air National Guard.

Kentucky F-51Ds, just after the Korea conflict.  Tail #474202 was resurrected as ‘Swamp Fox’ and has been flying in recent air shows.

Kentucky Air National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Joshua Horton.

Formerly Kentucky Air National Guard’s 474202, modern day Swamp Fox takes-off from the Thunder Over Louisville air show, 11APR2019.

South Carolina Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Carl Clegg, 10AUG2019.

Size comparison between Swamp Fox and South Carolina Air National Guard F-16 Falcons.


Photo by William L. Hutchins.

When my father, William Lewis Hutchins, worked at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) he always attended the ‘Open House’ shows at Edwards, and sometimes Mojave Desert neighbor George AFB.  These photos are dated 1986, but don’t indicate which Open House air show (Edwards or George).

Photo by William L. Hutchins.

USAF photo by Senior Airman Chris Drzazgowski.

F-51D and tall tailed TF-51 trainer, fly over Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, 12FEB2017.

New Jersey Air National Guard photo by Technical Sergeant Mark C. Olsen.

Atlantic City Air National Guard Base, New Jersey, 17AUG2004.

USAF photo by Senior Airman Kenneth Holston.

Bill Yoke, owner of Quick Silver, makes final checks before takeoff from Shaw AFB, South Carolina, 19MAR2012.  Quick Silver was restored 13 years prior.

USMC photo by Corporal Orlando Perez, 04MAY2012.

Red Tails P-51C, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, 04MAY2012.

USAF photo, 10FEB2020.

Red Tails P-51C, Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, 10FEB2020.

Kentucky Air National Guard photo by Dale Greer.

P-51D ‘Swamp Fox’ and a Red Tail P-51C, over Bowman Field in Louisville, Kentucky, 17APR2021.

Arizona Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Andrew J. Moseley.

TF-51 trainer ‘Bum Steer’ at Davis-Monthan AFB, during the Heritage Flight Training Course, 01MAR2014.

Video by Sidney Lee, P-51s fly-by Gray Army Airfield at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, 06JUN2014:

Wisconsin Air National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Ryan Campbell.

Anybody have the old-but-gold Monogram 1:48 scale P-51D Mustang kit?  Here’s the color of the ram air scoop under the chin.  Veterans check out a restored Mustang during a 339th Fighter Group reunion in Wisconsin, 30SEP2017.

Close-up look at the Packard-Rolls Royce Merlin motor’s exhaust ports. Wisconsin Air National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Ryan Campbell.

Idaho Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Mercedee Schwartz, 14OCT2017.

Gowen Field, Idaho, Gowen Thunder Open House and Airshow 14OCT2017.

USAF video, by Senior Airman Jaye Legate, of ‘Heritage Flight’ P-51Ds flying over Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, 09FEB2017:

USAF photo by Ken LaRock, 13AUG2018.

North American A-36A Apache waiting to be moved into the World War Two Gallery at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 13AUG2018.

Notice the extended dive-brakes unique to the A-36. USAF photo by Ken LaRock, 13AUG2018.

Video by Staff Sergeant Philip Bryant, whistling P-51D shows-off during the Twilight Show at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, 17MAY2019:

USAF photo by Staff Sergeant Preston Cherry.

‘SCAT VII’ supposedly was the last aircraft flown by iconic Brigadier General Robin Olds during World War Two (notice the taller tail).  It paid Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, a visit in May 2019.  Robin Olds’ daughter, Christina, was giving a lecture about her father’s exploits as a three-war-ace.

USAF photo by Captain Kip Sumner.

Excellent size comparison between ‘Val-Halla’ and F-35, at Hill AFB, Utah, 17JUN2020.

U.S. Air Force Heritage Flight Foundation video, rear cockpit view from F-51 Mustang, 13FEB2022:

Crash Landings:

USAAF photo.


Lady Alice & other survivors:  STILL FLYING AFTER 75 YEARS!


Kit Bashing:


Pocatello Airport:

Photo by Denise ‘Mika’ Hutchins.


Kit Bashing: ITALERI P-51 MUSTANG-1 OUT OF BOX REVIEW (the wrong wing)

Pandemic Shenanigans: Biden orders FEMA Mass-Vax Sites! Navy building FEMA CoViD camps!

Here’s an incomplete list of links to news media reports on the latest pandemic FEMA shenanigans, as of 16FEB2021:

FEMA=Federal Emergency Management Agency

California: FEMA begins federal level mass-vaccination sites, in Los Angeles and Oakland!

U.S. Navy explainer video, from Bureau of Medicine and Surgery at Naval Medical Center San Diego, insists CoViD vaccines are voluntary because they are still considered experimental/emergency use only:

U.S. Navy explainer video, from Bureau of Medicine and Surgery at Naval Medical Center San Diego, stating that CoViD vaccines are not for children because vaccine testing did not include children, and the FDA did not approve the vaccines for use in children:

Delaware: FEMA begins mass-vaccinations in Dover!

Florida:  FEMA to spend at least $245-million in taxpayer funding for CoViD vaccination ops!

Hawaii: FEMA to spend at least $87-million in taxpayer funding for mass-vaccination operation!

Idaho:  The Gem State is one of as many as a dozen states that say they need more data before they accept FEMA operations!


U.S. Army National Guard photo by Captain Michael Fedner.

Maryland’s gov’na toured the state’s first mass-vax site in the parking lot of Six Flags in Bowie, 05FEB2021.


U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer First Class Caine Storino.

 In Gulfport, on 08FEB2021, U.S. Navy SeaBees (construction engineers) built what is being called a “CoViD Vaccine Administration Camp”.

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer First Class Caine Storino.

It was a ‘proof of concept’ build to see if such vaccine administration camps were feasible.

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer First Class Caine Storino.

The small camps are intended to issue 250 vaccines per day, and could also be used for ‘humanitarian assistance’ around the globe.


Photo by Chad Ashe.

On Fort Leonard Wood (my Army Basic  & Advanced Training alma mater), Nutter Field House was used to hold a mass vaccination event for military personnel on 05-06FEB2021.

New Hampshire:  FEMA (taxpayers) will somehow cover the cost of state/local level pandemic operations!

New Jersey: FEMA to begin mass-vaccinations!

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer Barry Riley.

14FEB2021, U.S. Army Urban Augmentation Medical Task Force-531, out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, began assisting FEMA’s mass vaccination ops in Somerset.

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer Barry Riley.

13FEB2021, Department of Defense’s Task Force North East arrived at FEMA Region 2’s Operations Center, in Earle, for what’s being called “whole-of-government CoViD-19 response”.

U.S. Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer Barry Riley.

13FEB2021, at New Jersey National Guard headquarters in Sea Girt, U.S. Army Urban Augmentation Medical Task Force-531 goes through FEMA orientation for mass-vaccination operations.

New York: 

U.S. Air Force Reserve photo by Staff Sergeant Christopher S. Muncy.

The National Guard helped to open a mass-vaccination site at Yankee Stadium, 05FEB2021.

North Carolina:   

U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Lance Corporal Isaiah Gomez.

On U.S. Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune, the Wallace Creek Fitness Center is now a mass-vaccination site for military personnel.

Oregon:  FEMA to spend $4.5-million in taxpayer funding for vaccine distribution ops in just one county!

Pennsylvania:  Convention center to become mass-vaccination site!

Texas: FEMA to open three mass-vaccination sites!


Air National Guard photo by Master Sergeant John Hughel.

More than 150 National Guard personnel are operating four mass-vaccination sites in Spokane, Kennewick, Wenatchee and Ridgefield.  Also, the National Guard is conducting a mobile vaccination operation targeting nursing home residents.

Washington DC: Local DC area officials ask FEMA to ‘help’ federal employees to get vaccinated!

Department of Defense says it will assist FEMA in mass-vaccination operations!

FEMA wants pharmacists to volunteer for mass-vaccination duty!

Biden wants at least 1-hundred FEMA mass-vaccination sites across the U.S.!

FEMA (taxpayers) to pay for CoViD funerals!

Pandemic Shenanigans:  RESTAURANT HELL!

Operation CoViD-19, March 2020:  NEW NORMAL NATIONAL GUARD

Pandemic Shenanigans: Restaurant Hell!

Here’s an incomplete list of links to news media reports on the latest pandemic related restaurant shenanigans, as of 14FEB2021:

CANADA: Restaurant patron arrested for punching worker, biting customer over facemask regulations.

UNITED STATES:    Celebrity chef says “It’s the toughest time in the restaurant industry at least in the last 30 or 40 years or so”, and adds that for an unexplained reason CoViD paranoia is targeting restaurants owned by specific ethnic groups!


Arizona;  Is the restaurant industry recovering?

California;  Iconic restaurant, and major contributor to San Francisco’s economy, now proclaimed to be ‘rowdy & racist’!

List of Bay Area restaurants that have shutdown since the beginning of February.

Restaurant owners beg Alameda City to ease CoViD restrictions, 80% crash in revenues!

Restaurant apologizes after getting threats for firing employee who wore racist face mask!

Apparently restaurants have been charging huge delivery fees (to cover their costs of using third party delivery services), so one city had to create a law to control it!

Los Angeles County gives restaurant workers vaccine priority.

New robot restaurant opens.

Stanislaus County restaurant shutdowns blamed on CoViD.

Riverside County inspections result in shutdown.

San Bernardino County inspections result in shutdowns.

Florida; Hot dog joint was actually an illegal drugs operation.


Idaho Falls restaurant Garcia’s thriving in pandemic, opens new location in Pocatello.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, December 2020.

But don’t get too excited for the economy, Garcia’s is opening in the former Chili’s location, which shutdown without warning, or explanation, towards the end of last year.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, October 2020.

In Pocatello, the iconic and beloved Chang’s Garden shutdown without warning last October, just confusing signs reading  “Sorry we are closed” and “Hiring server” on the door.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, October 2020.

It was known to loyal Chang’s fans that the husband and wife owners had been wanting to retire for several years, and they apparently used the pandemic as an excuse to sell the location to New Yorkers who created Tokyo Belly Sushi (they chose Idaho because New York is too expensive to start a restaurant). I don’t like fish.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, February 2013.

Chang’s opened in1994, and I had been eating there since 1997, 20-plus years of awesome General Tao (not Tso!) Chicken and Hot & Sour Soup, and occasionally Honey Walnut Shrimp.

CoViD-19 Shenanigans 2020:

Photo by AAron Hutchins, October 2020.

Golden Corral shuts down 18 years old Pocatello location.


New Hampshire;  Pandemic and bad weather puts restaurants “in survival mode”.

New Jersey;  Restaurant owners say despite expanded outdoor seating, reservations are way down.

New York;  Pandemic not stopping racist promotional event for restaurants owned by a specific ethnic group.

Restaurant owner declares New York “the worst run state”.

Domino’s and other food joints fail inspections with numerous violations!

North Carolina;  Local restaurant defies state order, warns customers that staff does not wear masks!

Pennsylvania; Restaurants slated to get millions in state taxpayer funded CoViD relief funding!

Ohio;   Restaurant that managed to stay open despite pandemic, is shutdown by vandals.

Oregon;  Snow storm causes multiple outdoor restaurant tents to collapse!

List of permanent CoViD restaurant shutdowns in Eugene and Springfield.

South Carolina; Social media post sparks shooting at Spartanburg restaurant.

Texas;  A single day closure cost a Dallas restaurant “at least $100-thousand”!

List of Austin eatery shutdowns, blamed on weather.

Washington; Restaurant shifts to retail sales to stay alive!

Restaurant owner says vandalism of his eatery might be an act of racism.

Washington DC;  Bill proposed to loan restaurants as much as $10-million each for CoViD relief!  (Is it truly ‘relief’ or just kicking the can down the road?)

Wyoming; Restaurant owner says they are struggling with CoViD seating restrictions.


Capital Press: 110-thousand U.S. restaurants shutdown in 2020!

Pandemic Shenanigans: Anti-vaxers using CDC’s own vaccine data to support their cause, as many U.S. states stop using CDC data now that Joe Biden is President! 

Combination of pandemic, logistics, market and labor shenanigans: Global Sugar Shortage, better stock up now!

Global Sugar Crisis, better stock up now!

Since the end of 2019, agricultural analysts have been warning of a global sugar shortage and thanks to a combination of pandemic, logistics, market and labor shenanigans, it is now upon us.  Here’s a list of links to news reports and food industry analysis, as of 10FEB2021.

New medical study says sugar promotes cancer killing Gamma-Delta T-cells!

Sugar shortage results in massive growth of sugar free chocolate market!

Global organic coconut sugar market expect to be worth U.S.-$442.8-million by 2027.

Monk Fruit sugar market expects steady growth until 2026.

Pandemic to affect organic sugar markets until 2025?

Predictions for the future of the global sugar market.

Brown sugar market predictions until 2029.

Powdered sugar market predictions until 2026.

Is there demand for sugar made from Dates?

Myths about sugar health risks debunked

European Food Agency:  Decades of logistical and government policy failures of European Union’s sugar industry, and now global shortages, results in a massive taxpayer funded study to solve the EU’s sugar supply chain problem.

AUSTRALIA: Aussie farmers told to focus on sugar production, to profit off the sugar shortage in Europe!

INDIA: Sugar farmers go on strike saying they haven’t been paid for their last sugar harvest!

Shipping container shortage and skyrocketing transportation costs halt sugar exports: “India has exported around 70,000 tonne [metric tons] so far. The container shortage, however, is affecting exports. Sri Lanka consumes around 60,000 tonne of sugar from India every month. But the freight costs have gone up from $250 per container to $1,000 between January 2020 and January 2021. Afghanistan consumes 60,000 tonne of sugar from India every month and freight costs for Afghanistan have gone up from $125 per container to $550 per container. There has been a sharp increase in freight rates and shipping is pretty tight at the moment.”-Rahil Shaikh, ‎MEIR Commodities India

INDONESIA: Government tries to expand sugar production by relaxing sugar licensing regulations, it fails due to lack of technologies and skyrocketing costs of operations.

KOREA: North Korea blames food shortages, including sugar, on the pandemic.

PAKISTAN: Government to attempt to import another 0.5m tonnes of sugar to overcome shortage.

PHILIPPINES:  Long term sugar shortage expected.

THAILAND: Black Sugar (the result of farmers burning sugarcane fields, not to be confused with Japanese Kuru Sato) increases due to lack of migrant farm workers caused by pandemic restrictions!

UNITED STATES: Sugar Processors Raise Prices as U.S. Faces Possible Sugar Shortage.

Florida; NASA releases images of Florida’s burning sugarcane farms (black sugar)

Georgia; Coca-Cola reports largest drop in volume production since World War Two, blames it on the pandemic!

Idaho; I live in Southeastern Idaho and since last year soda-pops made with 100% sugar (instead of 100% high fructose corn syrup, which is what the overwhelming majority of sodas are made with) have been disappearing.  In the past two weeks 100% sugar sodas have all but completely disappeared from local grocery store shelves (except for some very expensive gourmet sodas sold in individual bottles).

Amalgamated Sugar 2020 crop comes in at just over 40 tons per acre.

Idaho sugar beet growers report 29% increase in sugar beet revenues.

New York; Sugar High On Wall Street As White-Sugar Futures Climb On Container Shipping Worries.





Cancel Culture: Welcome to the new hell under the new ‘president’


Incomplete list of links to new reports about the new trend of cancel culture within the United States, as of 15JAN2021:

Will ‘cancel culture’ come for us all?


How to cancel Twitch subscription

Investors abandon Facebook and Twitter after they canceled President Donald Trump!

Hypocrisy as online tech industry works hard to prevent you from cancelling their crappy service;  Amazon faces legal challenge over Prime cancellation policy


Dog reality show The Pack Cancelled by Amazon


ALABAMA: University swim meets cancelled

Why are so many elective surgeries being cancelled?

ARIZONA:  One of the biggest annual car shows in the Desert Southwest cancelled!

CALIFORNIA: Disneyland to Cancel Annual Passes

Green Day cancels Asia tour

The city of Morro Bay officially joins movement to cancel President Trump

COLORADO:  Classic cycling race canceled

FLORIDA:  People are being told how to cancel their vaccination appointments!

Art groups continue to cancel shows

GEORGIA: Attempts to cancel yet another historic statue

IDAHO:  Ski resort cancelled due to lack of people wearing masks! 

Idaho internet provider cancels Facebook and Twitter!

ILLINOIS:  Chicago official to propose ordinance allowing for removal of Trump Tower sign

MASSACHUSETTS: Northeast-10 Conference cancelled

MICHIGANUniversity cancels yet another game

Feed the Need food drive cancelled

MINNESOTA: Law students seek to cancel a former student for being in the ‘wrong’ political party!


MISSOURI:  State House legislators cancel their legislative session!

NEW YORK: Will City Cancel Contracts for Golf Course and Carousel?


Legal action filed to stop the cancelling of a historic statue

UTAH:  County officials now claims the cancellation of vaccine appointments was a mistake

VIRGINIALocal politicians demand hotel cancel reservations for Proud Boys!

Richmond Public Schools cancel fall sports season


WISCONSIN: State politician wants to cancel election officials who blew the whistle on election fraud!  




Vaccine Fail: Why are healthcare workers refusing to take the shot, and what’s the connection between Llama’s and CoViD?

List of links to news reports/scientific studies about vaccine oddities, as of 02JAN2021:


Video warning about fake vaccine scams:

Can pregnant women get the CoViD shot?

Rabies vaccine marketing research warns that government funding for CoViD vaccines is delaying potential government purchases of rabies vaccines, at a time when rabies infections are increasing!

Study to see if MMR vaccine could work against CoViD discovers that mumps and CoViD create similar antibody response!

An auto-immune disease, usually in the form of a body rash, can occur after getting an MMR shot!

Did an Australian politician fake getting a flu shot?

Finland reports adverse vaccine reactions 


At least 240 Israelis infected after getting vaccinations!

A second Israeli dies hours after getting vaccinated!

Mexican doctor hospitalized after getting CoViD shot!

United Kingdom allows CoViD vaccines of different types to be mixed!


Drive-thru vaccination site operated by Arizona National Guard, in Sun City. Arizona Army National Guard Photo by Specialist Thurman Snyder, 28DEC2020.
