Tag Archives: idaho

Global Food Crisis: Red Bug invades United States, recently noticed in California, but has been seen in Idaho since late 1990s!

03 October 2012, a Red Bug (actually the official non-scientific name in the U.S.) was first reported in California in 2009, however, I moved to Idaho in 1997 and have seen the bug in the area since then.

Scantius aegyptius, aka Lodosiana (=Scantius) aegyptius, is native to the Mediterranean area.  It feeds on the seeds of plants, mainly plants that completely die out at the end of the year and can only be grown from seeds, which makes Red Bug a threat.

Red Bug was noted by BugGuide as being first reported in California in 2009 (as I said earlier, they’ve been in Idaho since late 1990s).

They are considered invasive, because of lack of predators.  People in California report that even their chickens stay away from them.  Harvester ants seem to be their main foe, however, here in Idaho I’ve noticed that our ants have been less and less active every year, possibly due to the ongoing drought (now in its 12th year).

This year the Red Bug swarms were so large I had to find out what they were.  Their growing swarms seem to correlate to the declining ant population!

When my youngest children were attending Chubbuck Elementary (years prior to the official 2009 California discovery) they said all the kids called them Fire Bugs, because they looked like they were on fire.

After all these years the Red Bugs haven’t touched my small victory garden in the backyard. So far they’ve relegated themselves to the driveway/south side of the house area, which is the warmest spot on the property.

I wounder if they have anything to do with my wide variety of bulb plants refusing to sprout this year (they are planted in the same area that these Red Bugs like to swarm)?

U.S. West Nile Virus update, 01 October 2012: Now being called a ‘disaster’! Humans, horses and now chickens! Medical media calls outbreak over, then suddenly 400 new cases! No insurance, no treatment?

“To judge from past reporting trends, these figures suggest that this year’s West Nile virus outbreak will be among the largest ever recorded!”-Lyle Petersen, CDC

“…disturbingly unpredictable, disagreeable, and difficult to control.”-CDC statement

“At first they said West Nile would remain concentrated along the Eastern Seaboard. Then, as it moved westward, they said it wouldn’t spread beyond the Midwest. In 2006, seven years after the virus was detected in New York, it infected several residents here in Washington. Now it’s been reported in every state except Hawaii and Alaska.”-Terry McElwain, Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

In the last week of September 2012, 400 new cases of West Nile virus were reported throughout the United States.

At least 3,545 cases in 48 states, with 147 deaths, and that’s what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reporting.  What the CDC reports is at least a week behind what’s happening on the ground.

Incredibly, during the middle of September, some medical media sources reported that the West Nile virus outbreak had peaked out, and was on the decline!

70% of cases are in Texas, South Dakota and Mississippi.

Mississippi: 197 human cases, five deaths: “We are in the middle of the worst epidemic of West Nile virus infection in the state of Mississippi ever and one of the worst in terms of the United States!”-Art Leis, Methodist Rehab Center

Ohio: Clark County Combined Health District confirmed an elderly man died from West Nile virus.  Computer problems prevented the release of details. Ohio Department of Health reports 93 human cases, so far.

Texas: Morris County reports first case of West Nile in horses: “The horse exhibited ataxis, which is lack of muscle coordination, fever, and depression.”-Dennis Seymore, veterinarian

So far this year there have been 39 cases of equine West Nile virus in Texas.   “It should also be noted that vaccination for West Nile Virus does not protect a horse from other mosquito-borne diseases such as Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis.”-Dennis Seymore, veterinarian

A Texas woman is suffering doubly, not only has West Nile left her partially paralyzed, but she has no way to pay for medical care.  The Fort Worth hospital she is in is trying to send her away. She needs 24 hour care, but hospital staff say it ain’t gonna happen without money: “Ideally, we’re usually able to get them transferred to a rehab facility or somewhere they can have impatient care. However, due to her limited funding status, we have to plan for her to go home.”-Melody Argueta, Huguley Memorial Medical Center

Louisiana: 29 more human cases reported.  So far 280 people infected, 11 deaths.

Iowa: Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and Iowa Department of Public Health report large number of horses infected.  More than 20, last year there was only one equine case.

Oklahoma: Nine people have died from West Nile so far. 154 human cases.

California: Reporting 182 human cases, 10 deaths. Health officials warning to stay away from dead birds.  So far 1,273 dead birds, in California, have tested positive for West Nile.  Rodents, like squirrels, also testing positive.

Florida: Alachua County Health Department discovered West Nile virus in several chicken flocks, and one horse.  More than 40 human cases statewide.

Massachusetts: “The Massachusetts Department of Public Health risk assessment level has been raised from ‘Moderate’ to ‘High’ in the towns of Stoneham and Winchester in efforts to raise awareness regarding this arbovirus in the closing weeks of the warm season.”

New York:  An elderly man from New York was diagnosed with West Nile while visiting friends in Canada. He is in critical condition.

Idaho: 11 human cases, at least five equine cases.

Illinois: DuPage County Health Department reports fourth human death.  138 human cases statewide.

Michigan: Department of Community Health reports two more human deaths, 170 cases.

New Jersey:   At least 22 human cases, one death.

Virginia:   First equine case, the horse had to be killed.

Georgia: Two new human cases, one fatal, in Gwinnett County.  At least 43 cases statewide.

Maryland:  30 human cases.

Tennessee: At least 21 human cases. Rap singer, Brabo Gator, fell into a coma after being infected. Doctors say he will probably never sing again because of damage to his lungs.

Rhode Island: Reporting third human case.

Wisconsin: Two confirmed human cases, 23 possible.

Colorado: Three human deaths, 92 cases.



What Economic Recovery? Hewlett Packard spending millions to save money in Idaho? Announces even more layoffs! Refuses to pay fair share in taxes! Hoping to save itself by making a deal with the devil: Israel!

“Just think of all the value that they have destroyed. It has been a case of just horrible management.”-Brian Marshall, ISI Group

23 September 2012, the past month has been a busy month of announcements from struggling computer maker, Hewlett Packard (HP).

At the end of August, HP reported a quarterly loss of $8.9 billion USD! (Dell computer maker also reported a big loss)  Then at the beginning of September, HP officials announced they will layoff 29,000 employees by 2014, that’s an increase of 2,000 from their layoff announcement in May of this year.

HP blamed the quarterly loss on down sales, and the cost of downsizing the company!

According to an Idaho Statesmen report, HP spent $50 million, over the past few years, downsizing its operations at the huge Boise HP campus.

The report also pointed out that HP is refusing to publish just how many people have lost their jobs at the Boise campus.  The Idaho Statesmen estimates it to be in the hundreds (at least 320).

HP also isn’t mentioning the fact that they’ve spent more than $40 billion on buying up worthless companies!

Just days ago a U.S. Senate investigation revealed that HP is one of thousands of unAmerican Corporations (including Microsoft) that are working hard to avoid paying taxes.

“The bottom line of our investigation is that some multinationals use our current tax system to engage in shams and gimmicks to avoid paying the taxes they owe.”-Carl Levin, Senator from Michigan

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations discovered that HP avoided paying $4.5 billion in taxes, from 2009 to 2011, by using complicated offshore loan deals  (you see it’s not just Mitt Romney, everyone in unAmerican Corporate America does it).

Of course HP officials deny it: “I can assure the committee that HP takes seriously its obligations to accurately follow accounting principle and to pay taxes that it owes.”-Lester D. Ezrati, HP

HP also has operations in Israel, and today it was announced that HP is in the running for a huge military contract worth half a billion USD!  (IBM, Dell and Lockheed Martin have also bid)

The contract will be for a new huge Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) computer server farm based in the Negev desert.  It will be the main server farm for electronic logistics, communication and military intelligence operations being run by other newly built bases in the Negev.

What Economic Recovery? Hoku pulls stocks from NASDAQ, deregisters with SEC.

Hawaii based Hoku Corporation is no longer selling stocks, through NASDAQ anyway.  At the beginning of September 2012, Hoku filed a Form 15 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), asking for their existing shares to be deregistered.

This means Hoku will not have to make any reports to the SEC for the next 90 days.

Back in July Hoku delisted from NASDAQ.  Hoku Corp. is blaming their fall on the crashing price of polysilicon.  Hoku Corp. shut down their Hoku Materials polysilicon operation in Idaho, back in May.

Hoku Corp. is looking for a buyer for its Hoku Solar division.

Hoku Corp. stocks are now being traded Over The Counter (OTC). As of  17 September 2012, they were selling for only .07 cents per share.


Idaho Wildfire Update, 20 September 2012: Another smokey day, still leading the nation, firefighter accused of starting fire! Forecasted dry winter, not good!

20 September 2012, Idaho leads the United States with eight major fires.

Smoked out sky over Cotant Park, Chubbuck, Idaho, about 08:45 hours 20 September 2012.

Even though the sun was high after 08:00 hours (8am for 12 hour clock users), the light was no brighter than dawn (don’t you love your itchy eyes?).

Boise County Sheriff’s Department has arrested an 18 year old firefighter accused of starting the Karney Fire, which burned at least one home, and is threatening another 100.

The firefighter was arrested while fighting the very fire he’s accused of starting.  Sheriff’s officials think the motive was to get attention!

Weather forecasters are calling for another dry winter for Idaho. Idaho has been in a drought since 2000.

Regarding the Mustang Complex Fire, officials said the only thing that’ll put it out is hoped for autumn rain and winter snow.  But, if this winter is going to be dryer than last year then we’re in for a really long fire season!

For 2013 the National Research Council predicts another record fire year!

Idaho now has 807,308 acres (326,705.9 hectares) of burned land.

Halstead (Salmon-Challis National Forest): 172,128 acres (69,657.7 hectares), area closures are in effect.

Karney (Southwest Area Office, Idaho Department of Lands): 350 acres (141.6 hectares), structures are threatened, evacuations are in effect.

McGuire Complex (Nez Perce National Forest): 59,141 acres (23,933.5 hectares), communities threatened, evacuations are in effect.

Mustang Complex (Salmon-Challis National Forest): 327,017 acres (132,339 hectares), area closures are in effect.

Powell SBW Complex (Clearwater National Forest): 49,925 acres (20,203.9 hectares).

Sheep (Nez Perce National Forest): 41,036 acres (16,606.6 hectares), structures are threatened.

Trinity Ridge (Boise National Forest): 146,832 acres (59,420.8 hectares), area closures are in effect.

Wesley (Payette National Forest): 10,879 acres (4,402.5 hectares), residences are threatened.


What Economic Recovery? Idaho’s Coldwater Creek loses $17 million! Store closings will continue!

On 29 August 2012, Coldwater Creek reported a 2nd quarter loss of $17 million USD.  It’s the third quarter in a row for the women’s apparel retailer.

The Sandpoint, Idaho, based company blames it on falling sales (again).

Direct catalog sales dropped $5 million, retail/outlet stores and spas dropped $12.3 million, compared to the same time last year.  Some of the sales loses were blamed on the closing of 24 Coldwater Creek stores across the United States, since 2011 (four closed during the 2nd quarter of 2012).

Company officials say one of their plans to improve financial performance is to move existing stores into smaller locations, as well as closing another 20+ stores by 2013.

NASDAQ is threatening to delist Coldwater Creek from its stock exchange, because the price of one share is still below $1.00.

Also at the end of August, a former Coldwater Creek official was sentenced to 18 months in prison, and more than $246,000 in restitution, after pleading guilty to embezzling the company.  The judge rejected a plea agreement which called for a sentence of only 90 days in jail.

Idaho Wildfire Update, 17 September 2012: Idaho leads with most active fires, Purple Haze air quality!

17 September 2012, Idaho leads the U.S. with seven large fires. Montana, Washington and Wyoming have four each. California and Utah with one each.

Click pics to make bigger.

The weather is being blamed for an increase in smoke.  Two counties in Idaho have been issued Purple Air Quality alerts, the second worst condition after Maroon (Hazardous).  Purple means visibility is only one to one and a half miles (1.6 to 2.4 kilometers).

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued the alerts to Lemhi and Custer counties.

The smoke is hurting local business: “It has been smokey up here off and on for six weeks. It looks like everybody has fires in their yards because the smoke is hanging in between the trees. It burns your eyes and it smells like you are standing over a campfire. We’ve lost a tremendous amount of business.”-Sharon Osgood, Greyhouse Bed and Breakfast

Jan Flynn, Idaho Director of the American Lung Association, says she’s never seen it so bad in the Gem State: “I’ve never experienced smoke like that before.”

The problem is a low pressure system off the California coast, and a high pressure system near Washington/British Columbia. They are not moving, holding the building smoke in the Rocky Mountain area.  Weather forecasters don’t think the pressure systems will move until after this coming weekend.



2012 Pocatello Airport: Idaho National Guard A-10C Thunderbolt 2

Photos by AAron Hutchins.  Model kit builders take note of the mass of raised rivets all over the tank-killer.  Click pics to make bigger:


2012 Pocatello Airport: U.S. Army Sherpa

Click on pics (by AAron B. Hutchins) to make bigger:



Idaho Wildfires, Pocatello Tanker Base: 13 September 2012, Sikorsky & USMC in town

Click pics (by AAron B. Hutchins) to make bigger: