Tag Archives: idaho

2 1/2 mile fire update, containment. More Idaho fires expected, warns officials.

03 July 2013 (23:12 UTC-07 Tango 02 July 2013)/24 Sha’ban 1434/12 Tir 1391/26 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Blackened hill from 2 1/2 Mile Road fire. About 1048 acres (424 hectares) burned. During the night winds died down and firefighters got the upper hand.

Blackened hill from 2 1/2 Mile Road fire, northern Bannock County (as seen from Cotant Park, Chubbuck). About 1048 acres (424 hectares) burned. During the night winds died down and firefighters got the upper hand.

Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center reports the 2 1/2 Mile fire is contained.

EIIFC also reporting the lightning caused Beaver Pass fire in Butte County.   One of the fire crews that battled the 2 1/2 Mile fire are now working the Beaver Pass fire with other crews from federal agencies and the cities of Arco and Custer County’s Lost River.  50 acres burned so far.

In southern Idaho, several fires are burning federal Bureau of Land management property.   The Emery Fire has burned at least 600 acres (248.8 hectares), they hope to have it contained by Wednesday night.  Another fire 3 miles north of the city of Wendell has burned 1833 acres (741.7 hectares), and is considered contained.  The Point fire, near Rogerson, has burned at least 2500 acres (1011.7 hectares).  The Jim Brown fire has burned 13000 acres (5260.9 hectares), containment expected by Wednesday night.   The West Hollister fire is contained, and burned at least 3000 acres (1214 hectares).  All the mentioned fires are suspected of being caused by lightning.

In western Idaho, fire crews are fighting the Turner fire, near Lucky Peak.  It burned about 300 acres (121 hectares) and is suspected of being human caused.

“We saw what last year’s fire season did to Idaho. Right now, we are set up to have potentially a worse fire season than last year.”-Bob Shindelar, Boise National Forest

Back in June, analysts warned that the fire danger is extreme for Idaho mountain areas.

“They’re coming into their third year of really dry conditions. Even though we had a relatively good snowpack across most of Idaho this year, it hasn’t made up the deficit we’ve seen in the past.”-Ed Delgado, National Interagency Fire Center



June 2012:

Smoke seen from downtown Old Town Pocatello. Photo by AAron B. Hutchins, 28JUN2012.


2 1/2 mile fire update, approaching northern Pocatello

02 July 2013 (20:37 UTC-07 Tango 01 July 2013)/23 Sha’ban 1434/11 Tir 1391/25 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Click pics to make bigger

New 2 and a half Mile fire northeast of Chubbuck, Idaho

01 July 2013 (22:07 UTC-07 Tango 30 June 2013)/22 Sha’ban 1434/10 Tir 1391/24 Ji-Wie (5th month) 4711

Click pics to make bigger

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Another $20 million lost by Coldwater Creek! Blames it on climate change and shuttered stores!

29 June 2013 (21:41 UTC-07 Tango 28 June 2013)/20 Sha’ban 1434/08 Tir 1391/22 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The Idaho based women’s clothing retailer, Coldwater Creek, just keeps bleeding out cash!  For its most recent quarter, which ended in May, Coldwater Creek lost $19.4 million USD.

Executives headquartered in Sandpoint blamed it on climate change and the fact that they’ve closed so many stores: “Our first quarter results were impacted by unseasonable weather throughout the quarter….”-Jill Dean, CEO

Coldwater Creek closed two retail stores in the last quarter, along with one factory store.  Company officials don’t expect any good news when this current quarter ends, either.  Amazingly, Coldwater Creek (CWTR) stocks are selling for about $2.50 per share, despite being downgraded to neutral by investment bank B. Riley!

To try and become more efficient, Coldwater Creek just spent money on a Oracle Retail Merchandise Planning and Optimization program: “Ultimately, this should lead to further reductions in aged inventory and allow us to increase our full price selling, making us more productive and profitable.”-Jim Bell, CFO/COO

They say the program will let them better forecast what women want to buy (by spying on customers’ shopping habits).

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan: Whirling Dervish Obama does another 1-80 in Afghanistan! Idaho POW now a barganing chip! More tax dollars wasted & linked to suicide bombings!

21 June 2013/12 Sha’ban 1434/31 Khordad 1391/14 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Kunar Province, Ghazi Abad District, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike (drone strike?) killed three people and wounded several others.

In Helmand Province, Greshk District, reports of a major battle between Mujahideen and NATO/ISAF and Afghan National Army (ANA) troops.  Four armored vehicles destroyed, 17 people killed, dozens wounded.  The battle might have started because of home invasions launched by NATO/ISAF/ANA in the same district.  Five people were kidnapped, including an 80 years old man.

The Washington Post reports that the U.S. Department of Defense is planning on destroying $7 billion USD worth of military equipment in Afghanistan!  That includes up to 11000 MRAP (mine-resistant ambush-protected) vehicles which cost taxpayers about $1 million each!  DoD officials say destroying in place is cheaper than shipping them back to the U.S.  (more reason not to go on a nation building spree disguised as a War on Terror)

The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev, says Obama told him personally that the U.S. will remain “….deeply involved in developments in Afghanistan and Central Asia” after 2014.

20 June 2013/11 Sha’ban 1434/30 Khordad 1391/13 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Parwan Province, provincial government officials say Mujahideen “…..beheaded an Afghan intelligence officer along with a member of his family, and an Afghan police officer together with his brother.”  Most Mujahideen groups have stated they’ve sworn not to behead Afghans.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, an explosion killed one cop and one civilian, one civilian wounded.

In Herat Province, Italian NATO officials announced they will keep up to 700 Italian troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!

In Balkh Province, German NATO officials announced they will keep German troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!   Working with German NATO command are troops from Montenegro.  Officials from Montenegro said they will keep troops incountry after the 2014 ‘pullout’!

Mujahideen have announced they are willing to trade the only U.S. POW (prisoner of war, isn’t that nice he’s considered a POW, but none of the detainees at Gitmo are) for five senior level Mujahideen held as “combatants” in Gitmo.  A Mujahideen source said of the POW from Idaho that “as far as I know” he’s in good condition.  They say he’s actually being held in Pakistan by Pakistani Mujahideen.

At the UN Security Council meeting, Afghan and Pakistani officials traded heated accusations over recent cross border incidents, and just who is behind “Islamist extremists”.  If the ‘Islamic World’ is confused about Islamic extremism, then maybe accusations that the United States/United Kingdom are the real instigators behind Islamic extremism are true?

“We do not recognize the name ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ and are pleased that Qatar has clarified that the name of the office is the Political Office of the Afghan Taliban, and has had the sign with the incorrect name in front of the door taken down.”-Rosemary DiCarlo, U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the UN

“The manner in which the office was established was in clear breach of the principles and terms of references agreed with us by the U.S. government.”-Afghan Foreign Ministry

“We have from time to time reminded all stakeholders about the red lines that was drawn by the world community and certainly by the participants should not be touched, should not be erased and should not be violated.  The talks are (being held) between the high peace council and the chosen representatives of Taliban. Of course, the U.S. had its role in encouraging this, perhaps even in precipitating this.”-Salman Khurshid, Foreign Minister of India

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has discovered that the reason why many contractor funded projects have not been completed is because those contractors haven’t paid their subcontractors!  In at least 52 cases, contractors sub-contracted the work, then never paid the subcontractor!  SIGAR investigations revealed that some suicide bombers are subcontractors devastated by non-payment from the primary contractor: “In one example reported to SIGAR, after the prime contractor offered mediation and arbitration to solve a contract dispute, the subcontractor threatened to use a suicide bomb to blow up himself and the prime contractor’s offices. In another case, a prime contractor told SIGAR that a subcontractor threatened to blow up a compound of U.S. contractors and government agencies and another subcontractor threatened to kill the attorney for the prime contractor over nonpayment issues.”  (so what are these primary contractors doing with all that taxpayer money?)

19 June 2013/10 Sha’ban 1434/29 Khordad 1391/12 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

In Logar Province, Pul-e-Alam District, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike killed at least nine people.  Afghan National Army says they captured six Mujahideen in the same district.  In Baraki Barak District, ANA claims to have killed eight Pakistani Mujahideen, and seven Afghan Mujahideen.  Mujahideen confirmed “massive U.S. airstrikes” but said they killed six U.S./NATO personnel and destroyed three armored vehicles.

In Farah Province, Balablook District, local government reports a U.S. drone strike killed five people.

In Helmand Province, Greshk District, Zambuli area police check post, a local cop killed five fellow cops, then joined the Mujahideen.  He took all weapons and ammo at the check point with him.

A war artist working with U.K. Royal Army Red Coats, was shot in his left arm and hand by a Mujahideen sniper.

U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S. is not bringing troops back home from Afghanistan, but sending them to war in Syria: “I can tell you, right here and right now, that the U.S. is every bit as determined to engage in an ill-defined, ill-advised and seemingly interminable mission in Syria as we were in Afghanistan. All that’s changing is the Zip Code.”

After announcing peace talks with Mujahideen (Taliban) at their newly built office in Doha, Qatar, President Obama is spinning another one eighty!  Now he says he is not in negotiations with Mujahideen, even after the U.S. main streamer media reported he was!  This comes after the Afghan government called off post 2014 U.S. troop deployment talks (aka Bilateral Security Agreement) in protest of the talks between the U.S. and Mujahideen.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 12-13 April 2013. Business owner says the U.S. economy is the “Titanic…iceberg in sight”!

In California, AMS Fulfillment will layoff 200 people!  Company officials blame it on the loss of a major client. The Hanford Adult School officials warned they might have to layoff staff.  They blame the possible transfer of adult education to community colleges. The Technology, Arts, and Design High School closed down due to lack of enrollment.  Riverside County Superior Court to layoff 25 stenographers.  San Bernardino County Superior Court looking to reduce court reporters.  Despite having high profile customers the Empire Tap Room, in Palo Alto, shut down.  The owners blamed across the board increases to operating costs.  In San Marino, Fancy That! holiday supply store closed down.  In San Francisco, Freed, Teller & Freed coffee shop closed down.  The cafe opened in 1899, long before Starbucks was even an idea!  Xyratex moving operations to Mexico, leaving 300 Californians out-o-work!

Orthopedics company, Medtronic, laid off 50 people in Warsaw, Indiana.  Company officials blame the Obama/Romney Care medical device tax.

In New Mexico, 57 UNM Hospital employees lost their jobs.  The hospital contracted out their jobs to try and save money.

In Massachusetts, Quincy Medical laid off 30 nurses.  Tuell Nursing Home shut down after four decades of operations.  The operators blamed skyrocketing health care costs, and reduced Medicare payments under the Obama/Romney Care.  Amherst Woodworking shut down their 38 years old operation. The owner blame the bad economy: “We actually had a pretty good year in 2008, and then the bubble burst. Since then we’ve lost money.”-David Short

In New York, Horseheads Central School District plans to cut 70 positions.   Too Big to Jail Bank of America closing its branch on state Route 28 in the town of Olive.  Oswego Hospital closing its pediatric unit.  Cookie’s laying off 124 people in Fordham!  Store management blamed the bad economy.

Government communications and IT contractor, Harris Corporation, laying off up to 180 people!

In Muskegon, Michigan, Bon-Ton furniture store closed down.  20 employees out-o-work.  Art Van Furniture in Onaway closed down.  Owners blame lack of business.

The 50 years old Independence, Missouri, YMCA shut down.  Protestors pointed out that the YMCA was closing fitness centers in areas with “modest economics”.

In Louisiana, Charlie’s Seafood closed down due to a lease dispute.

Lockheed Martin creation and Department of Energy contractor, Technology Ventures, closed offices in Idaho and California.

Too Big to Jail Raymond James Financial laying off 160 people around the United States.  Company officials say they’re trying to get rid of “employee overlap”.

In Virginia, Petland in Roanoke shut down.  The owner tried to find a buyer for his store, but he said all potential buyers were refused business loans for some unknown reason.

Maker of plastic and metal containers, BWAY, consolidating two Texas factories into one, laying off 69 people.

In North Carolina, Meatballs on Main closed without notice, employees’ paychecks ‘bounced’.  The restaurant was open for less than a year.

In Hawaii, Farmers Insurance laying off 74 people.

The largest pool, patio and gameroom superstore in the United States, Branch Brook, closing stores in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.  The shut down operation is being conducted by Romney style vulture capitalist company Gordon Brothers Group.

Plass Appliance & Furniture closing in Illinois.  Company officials say they plan to close all their Illinois stores and move to Florida.  In La Grange, the Clipper Ship Gallery shut down.  The owner of the 40 years old art gallery blamed the bad economy: “Businesses like ours that depend on discretionary spending have found it very difficult.”-Bert Jacobs

In Arizona, all Phoenix area Baja Fresh restaurants shut down!  Apparently the franchise owner dropped the franchise without telling Baja Fresh corporate people.

In Centerville, Iowa, one of the last Ben Franklin stores in the U.S. shut down.  The store had been in operation since 1954.  Sources related to the store owners said “…sales have dropped tremendously…”

3Rivers Credit Union will be closing its Van Wert, Ohio, branch.  It’s blamed on declining customers.

In Pennsylvania, Merchant’s Village indoor market closed down.  At one point there were 170 vendors working the market, but sales weren’t good enough and most vendors quit.

In Florida, Breakers Restaurant closed after 42 years in business.  Harpoon Harry’s beach club closed down.   Here’s what the owner said about the economy: “I thought we would have the whole season, and I’d have preferred to go through September. But my helpers need to find jobs. They’re on the Titanic, with the iceberg in sight.”-Jack Bishop

On Mercer Island, Washington, Alpenland Delicatessen closed up.  It first opened for business in the 1970s.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Idaho Electric rates going up, blame the demise of Pocatello’s Hoku silicone factory!

11 June 2013 (15:02 UTC-07 Tango)/02 Sha’ban 1434/21 Khordad 1392/04 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

It’s been revealed that in May, Hoku Materials laid off its last engineer at the failed $700 million USD polysilicone factory in Pocatello, Idaho.  There are now only eight security guards working at the 50 football fields long factory.

Pocatello based news media interviewed the engineer who told them they were trying to work on a way to save the factory from bankruptcy sale.

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho.  Now estimated to have cost $700 million.

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho. Now estimated to have cost $700 million.

Today, the factory is considered officially shut down, and will likely be parted out in bankruptcy liquidation sales (who wants to buy a 50 football fields long, never been used, polysilicone factory?).

The project was started five years ago, but right away ran into trouble because Hoku Corporation didn’t really have the money to build their Hoku Materials factory.  Pocatello even gave the company a huge tax break equivalent to the value of the land the factory was being built on.

Construction was delayed several times because Hoku couldn’t pay the construction contractor on time.  Eventually Hoku sold out to a Chinese company (Tianwei).  Then commodity market prices for polysilicone crashed.  The coup de gras was given by President Obama when he imposed high tariffs on Chinese solar power companies.

Another issue was that Idaho Power, the main supplier of electricity in Idaho, cut off power several times because Hoku didn’t pay their electric bill.  Now Idaho Power is jacking up electric rates for Idahoans, partially blaming it on the failed solar power polysilicone provider.

Most of Idaho Power’s electricity comes from dams on the Snake River, but water levels are so low they must rely more on wind and gas fired plants to generate electricity this year.  Regarding Hoku, Idaho Power is trying to regain the $23 million they invested.  In other words, Idaho Power company officials made a bad investment and they’re going to make their captive customers pay for it!

Electric rates for Idahoans trapped on the Idaho Power grid will see a 12% increase, the fourth largest increase in Idaho’s history.

I’ve been following this disaster for years, here’s more on the demise of Hoku Materials:

Capitalist Commodity Markets to blame for Pocatello’s Hoku Polysilicon near abandonment!



Cell Phone Martial Law: Verizon ordered to hand over all customer records to NSA & FBI! Idaho’s Frank Church was right!

06 June 2013 (03:46 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rajab 1434/16 Khordad 1391/28 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“The NSA’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter.”-a prophetic warning in 1975 by Frank Church, U.S. Senator from Idaho

“We decline comment.”-Ed McFadden, Verizon

The news media in the United Kingdom has revealed a top secret order from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  It orders cell phone companies to hand over all customer records to the U.S. National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation.  It specifically names cell service provider Verizon.

The order states that the collection of customer data (called “tangible things”) will be “…on an ongoing daily basis…”  It encompasses “…all call detail records…” 

Not only that, but it ordered “…that no person shall disclose to any other person that the FBI or NSA has sought or obtained tangible things under this Order…”

However, the Guardian obtained a copy of the police stateist order, and you can read it by clicking here. 

Your glorified leaders in Washington DC are using legal games and referring to phone calls as “metadata”, because if they used the term ‘communications’ then they would have to get court orders on each and every customer!

“We’ve certainly seen the government increasingly strain the bounds of ‘relevance’ to collect large numbers of records at once, everyone at one or two degrees of separation from a target, but vacuuming all metadata up indiscriminately would be an extraordinary repudiation of any pretence of constraint or particularized suspicion.”-Julian Sanchez, Cato Institute

This is more proof that Obama is no different, perhaps even worse, than Bush Jr!

Washington Unions & city officials opposed to employee owned WinCo! It’s not evil crony Walmart man, it’s employee owned WinCo!

31 May 2013 (14:51 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Bellingham will not win with the opening WinCo…..It is an unfortunate ‘race to the bottom’ for jobs, wages and benefits in Bellingham.”-Jack Weiss, an obviously ignorant Bellingham city council member

I’ve been shocked to learn of a growing anti-WinCo movement in Bellingham, Washington.  It involves unions and some city council members.

They claim WinCo will crash local wages, and hurt other businesses.  On the first count, WinCo actually pays well, damn good in fact.  And the benefits are considered some of the best in the whole U.S. of A.

My ex-wife worked for WinCo for at least a decade, she admitted to me many times that it was the best damn job she ever had (considering she never finished high school, at one point she was making more money than me).  She loved the medical benefits!  She also loved the employee ownership of WinCo stocks.

My eldest daughter is working for WinCo, nine years now, and she’s extremely happy with her income and benefits, especially since she sees what’s going on with the rest of the grocery industry.  She was started several dollars an hour above minimum wage (a WinCo policy. WinCo’s pay policy is also adjusted according to region) and gets periodic raises.  She’s now making more money than her mother did while she was working for WinCo.  She also loves the medical/retirement benefits and the employee ownership of the company through stocks.  That’s the real threat to unions, they don’t own the company.

As far as hurting other businesses, I know another Idaho based grocery store, Albertsons, went down, but not because of WinCo, but partly because of their unions!  The unions forced Albertsons to charge outrageous prices for food.  (There are cases of mom and pop stores going under because of competition from bigger stores, but not any case that could be specifically pinned on WinCo.)

Employee owned businesses threaten both the traditional ‘publicly’ held evil elitist corporations and unions (I think some unions have become a type of evil elitist club).

Employee owned businesses usually have tougher employee work policies, which are voted on by your fellow co-workers so it’s hard to challenge (WinCo employees don’t dare be late to work, and if you’re sick for more than one day better get a doctors note).  Isn’t that similar to a union, except, once again, the union doesn’t own the company.  Also, no outrageous union dues, in fact WinCo employees get back more in their medical/retirement/stock benefits than what the average union member gets from their union!

A weakness is that it is possible for the employee owned business to be tricked into becoming a publicly held company, which would open the door to Romney style vulture capitalists.

In Pocatello, the new WinCo 117 recently opened up across the street from the ‘new’ Fred Meyer, yet I don’t see any sign that Fred Meyer is being adversely affected by the new expanded WinCo.  Fred Meyer is still just as busy (my other daughter works for Fred Meyer and loves it, employee pay/benefits similar to WinCo but it’s not employee owned), as is the evil Chubbuck Walmart.   I have noticed a lot of out of county and out of state license plates on the vehicles parked in the WinCo 117 parking lot, so it seems the WinCo is actually bringing new customers into the area.

The manager of the Bellingham, Washington, Fred Meyer was asked about any concerns over the idea of a WinCo being built.  His response: “It’s just an additional competitor in town. I’m sure there will be some customers who are price sensitive and will go to WinCo for certain items. But we have the one-stop shopping concept, where WinCo is just the basic food store.”-Bill Pelan, Lakeway Fred Meyer store director

(if Bellingham has a publicly held Fred Meyer, then there’s no excuse for Bellingham not to have an employee owned WinCo!)

Construction/remodeling started on the new Bellingham WinCo on 09 May 2013.  It should be ready to go before the end of the year.

WinCo is proof that employee owners know how to run a company better than unions or corporate elites! 

United Police States of Corporate America: ‘Christian’ Mormons behind privately run concentration camp in Mississippi? Same company behind Abu Ghraib?

31 May 2013 (02:43 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

All inmates report significant weight loss since arriving at EMCF, from ten to 60 pounds, and from my direct observation it is clear that all the men are much thinner, almost emaciated…..”Terry A. Kupers, psychiatrist

The U.S. state of Mississippi is being sued by two civil rights groups over inhumane conditions at a private for profit corporate run prison for mentally ill convicts.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describe conditions that perpetually puts prisoners at “grave risk of death and loss of limbs”.

The East Mississippi Correctional Facility is run by Centerville, Utah, based Management & Training Corporation (MTC).  MTC was founded by Mormon Robert L. Marquardt in 1981.

An 83 page complaint alleges that beatings, rapes and riots are common in the MTC run prison.  Cells do not have working lights or toilets.  Prisoners are denied medical care (one of the most common complaints about all privately run prisons).   One prisoner went blind because he was denied his glaucoma medication.  Another prisoner lost part of a finger after getting gangrene.

“I’ve been in prisons all around the country, and this is the worst I’ve ever seen!”-Gabriel B. Eber, ACLU

The lawsuit is targeted towards the state of Mississippi, as they were the ones who created the situation.  MTC took over operations of the East Mississippi Correctional Facility in June 2012 (up ’till that point it was run by another evil corporate prison outfit known as GEO).

Here’s a snippet of MTC’s evil track record:

In 2001, the MTC run Borallon Correctional Centre, in Queensland Australia, was found to be full of illegal drugs.   In Texas, at the MTC run Giles W. Dalby Correctional Facility, prisoners filed a lawsuit claiming inadequate medical care, food, rehabilitation programs and legal supplies.

In 2003, MTC was sued by a prisoner after an MTC prison guard at the Bradshaw State Jail, in Texas, cut off two of the prisoner’s fingertips.  And in California, an MTC run prison in Riverside County was the site of a huge race riot.  150 prisoners rioted for 90 minutes, two were killed.  Somehow the prisoners had weapons made from barbecue skewers, meat cleavers, table and chair legs, two-by-fours, mop and broom handles.  MTC prison guards had to wait for an officer to show up with the key to the guards’ weapons arsenal, before being able to put down the riot.   The prison was permanently shut down.

In 2004, MTC so upset the prison guards at the Borallon Correctional Centre (Australia),  that the guards began locking up prisoners and walking off the job.  Prison guards said MTC did not pay them a living wage.

May 2004, it was revealed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) that Lane McCotter, an executive with MTC, was put in charge of Iraqi prisons, including Abu Ghraib.  It was also revealed that McCotter was forced to resign as director of the Utah Department of Corrections in 1997, after a mentally ill prisoner was killed (almost immediately after his resignation McCotter was hired by MTC). McCotter was part of a four man team of contractors sent to Iraq to oversee the U.S. operation of Iraqi prisons.  They all denied any connection to what happened at Abu Ghraib under their watch.

Also in May 2004, a Senator from New Mexico, as well as the the New Mexico Corrections Department, accused MTC of denying medical care for inmates at the Santa Fe County jail.   It turns out that the U.S. DoJ investigated New Mexico’s claims, and filed their own 36 page report documenting inhumane conditions caused by MTC and Lane McCotter (yet they still hired him to go to Iraq).

In 2006, Canadian officials declared the MTC run Central North Correctional Centre a failure and returned the prison to direct government control.  The failure included the murders and ‘accidental’ deaths of prisoners, prison fights, computer system crashes, prison guards refusing to work, and failing security systems all under MTC’s watch.

Also in 2006, it was revealed that MTC “left town” when they bagged on their operation of the Hood County Juvenile Detention Center, in Texas.   According to county commissioner, Charles Baskett, MTC lost $1.2 million USD!

November 2007, four MTC employees at the Willacy Detention Center, Texas, were caught smuggling illegal immigrants into the U.S. using MTC vehicles!

July 2010, three prisoners escaped from the MTC run Arizona State Prison, in Kingman, because an alarm system between perimeter fences was not working, for nearly two years!  The prisoners ended up killing two people.

June 2011, back at at the Willacy Detention Center, Texas, an MTC Security Officer was arrested for sexually assaulting a female prisoner.

According to a 2012 Associated Press (AP) investigation, MTC is one of three for profit corporate prison operators making big profits off increased illegal immigration detentions, and the U.S. taxpayer.  Almost 50% of illegal immigrants being held by the federal government are housed in private for profit prisons.  The AP investigation revealed that those corporate prisons are not saving taxpayers any money, they’re actually costing taxpayers more money.

MTC manages at least 16 private correctional facilities in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas and Idaho.  Here’s what MTC officials said about their inhumane operations: “MTC believes in rehabilitating inmates by providing them with educational opportunities. For nearly a quarter century we have helped inmates improve their lives and to reestablish themselves as successful members of society.”

MTC is also the largest Job Corp contractor in the U.S.