Tag Archives: fukushima

Mysterious reactor shutdown in Japan! Corporate cronyism blamed for Fukushima disaster!

29 February 2016 /21:29 UTC-07 Tango 01 (11 Esfand 1394/21 Jumada al-Ula 1437/23 Geng Yin 4714)

Only three days after re-start a nuclear reactor in Japan suddenly shutdown, automatically.

Kansai Electric Power Company restarted reactor 4 at their Takahama facility on Friday, then on Monday it shut itself down.  Administrators say an alarm went off when technicians were connecting the reactor to the consumer power grid, the computers sensed ‘abnormal currents’  and automatically shutdown the reactor.  Administrators don’t know what caused the problem.  (just a week prior the same nuke plant leaked contaminated water)

France based OECD Nuclear Energy Agency concluded its investigations into the ongoing nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi.

One finding is that Japan’s ‘tradition’ of involving corporations in the government regulation of industries is a major factor for the failure of proper response to the disaster that began on 11 March 2011.  In other words, the government nuclear regulation is a farce because it allows the nuclear industry corporations to essentially self-regulate.

It’s not just Japan, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency criticized several countries of doing the same thing: “The principle of regulatory independence, in particular the effective separation between the functions of the regulatory body and those of any other body or organisation concerned with the promotion or use of nuclear energy, is fundamental and requires vigilance to ensure it is maintained.  Some member countries have reviewed, and other member countries are in the process of reviewing, their regulatory frameworks and are making changes as appropriate to update their legislation so as to reflect lessons learnt from the Fukushima Daiichi accident.”FIVE YEARS AFTER THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI ACCIDENT: Nuclear Safety Improvements and Lessons Learnt

Confirmed: Population death spiral for Japan!

26 February 2016 (03:34 UTC-07 Tango 01) 07 Esfand 1394/17 Jumada al-Ula 1437/19 Geng Yin 4714

The results of the 2015 census prove what social administrators in Japan have been warning about for several years; massive population decline.

Over the past five years Japan’s population has suffered a net decline of 947-thousand people!  That even includes the increase in foreigners who’ve moved to Japan!

The eastern Asian nation is now in an official population death spiral as deaths far outpace births and the influx of foreign residents combined!

Not surprising the prefectures suffering the highest population decline are Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, the ones hardest hit by the 2011 quake-tsunami and nuclear disasters.

Nursing shortage continues for Japan, only 30 applicants pass new certification test!

“Developed Country” status for Japan to end, could officially regress to “Less-Developed” 

One Year Later: Big Exodus continues; most number of people flee Japan since 1950! 

Airline pilot? Need a job? Japan needs you! 

Japan’s nuclear family Myth busted: Family households now at Record low. 

130,000 Japanese flee 11 March 2011, disaster areas!

Think your taxes are bad here in the U.S.? Try 45% income tax and 10% sales tax, welcome to Japan!

5 years later Fukushima Hell continues!

26 February 2016 (03:11 UTC-07 Tango 01) 07 Esfand 1394/17 Jumada al-Ula 1437/19 Geng Yin 4714

Three former executives of TEPCo are finally going to face trial over the 2011 nuclear melt downs and resulting explosions at Fukushima Daiichi in 2011.  They are charged with professional negligence resulting in deaths and injuries. Prosecutors accuse the former executives of knowingly ignoring procedures for handling nuclear emergencies.  The deaths include numerous patients evacuated from the nearby Futaba Kosei hospital.

Despite the criminal charges, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) continues to amaze at its level of seeming ignorance concerning the never ending melt downs at Fukushima Daiichi.

Five years later the basements of the reactor buildings are still flooding with contaminated water, and TEPCo adminstrators announced yet another plan to stop the flooding.  In the meantime TEPCo has been pumping the radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean (of course they claim they filter it down to ‘safe’ levels).  By the way, the new plan to stop the flooding the basements is expected take four years to complete!

On top of that TEPCo will begin incinerating accumulated mixed nuclear waste.  Japan has no official nuclear waster storage and the Fukushima Daiichi property is piling up with nuclear waste.  Interestingly news reports say that reducing the mixed waste (clothing, tools, etc) to ash will actually increase the concentration of radiation by volume.  TEPCo wants to burn 14 tonnes per day.

The incinerators were in use before the 2011 disasters, it took TEPCo five years to get them up and running again (maybe, they still have to test fire them), the reason is the same reason TEPCo has given for almost all their problems dealing with the melt downs; unexplained contaminated water leaks.

Now, if you work at Fukushima Daiichi would you trust what your supervisor tells you?  Workers are now being told they don’t have to wear protective clothing while working on certain areas of the nuclear plant’s grounds.

TEPCo administrators say it’s because they’ve completed removing contaminated topsoil from a large area of the complex.  They claim radiation levels in those areas are low enough that protective clothing is not required, but workers can still wear them if they want to (good idea).

The ongoing nuke disaster is blamed for an exodus of 115-thousand residents, the largest population drop of all the prefectures.

More TEPCo lies revealed! United States to blame!

24 February 2016 (03:43 UTC-07 Tango 01) 05 Esfand 1394/15 Jumada al-Ula 1437/17 Geng Yin 4714

Five years after the ongoing nuclear disaster known as Fukushima began more lies propogated by Tokyo Electric Power Company are being outed!

Originally TEPCo stated it had no corporate policy regarding the definition of a reactor core melt down.  They based their reasoning for not having melt down policies on lies from U.S. General Electric (who designed the disaster reactors), which literally said in writing that the reactors were “safe”.

It’s now been revealed that TEPCo did indeed have a definition of a reactor core emergency based on possible 5% damage to core.  Just days after the 11 March 2011 tsunami TEPCo employees documented 30% damage to several reactor cores!

A recent United Nations IAEA study concluded that the lack of response to the nuclear melt downs was because Japanese officials truly believed the bullshit spewed by U.S. nuclear industry, which said nuclear reactors were 100% safe!  Japanese officials have even produced letters from U.S. companies stating so!

Nuclear leak halts restart in Japan! U.S. refuses to compensate fishermen caught in Castle Bravo test!

22 February 2016 (02:49 UTC-07 Tango 01) 03 Esfand 1394/13 Jumada al-Ula 1437/15 Geng Yin 4714

A radioactive water leak halted the re-start of a nuclear power plant, no, not in northeastern Japan near the ongoing disaster known as Fukushima, but in southern Japan, at the Kansai Electric Power Company’s Takahama Nuclear Power Plant, in Fukui Prefecture.

At least 34 liters of contaminated cooling water leaked from the reactors.  Plant operators are investigating to find out why.

This latest leak is taking place at the same time that fishermen caught up in a 1954 U.S. nuclear weapons test are now demanding they be compensated for their cancers.

These are not the fishermen of the infamous Fukuryu Maru Number 5, who were compensated, but men on boats further away from the Castle Bravo nuclear blast.  They all suffer cancers now directly connected to exposure to radiation specifically created by nuclear weapons.

Japan’s economy goes negative!

14 February 2016 /20:02 UTC-07 Tango 01 (26 Bahman 1394/06 Jumada al-Ula 1437/08 Geng Yin 4714)

Japan’s economists are surprised at their nation’s 4th quarter 2015 GDP results, a negative 1.4%!  For the past year Japan’s GDP hit a stagnant 0.4%.  It should be noted that mainstreamer news sources call this “growth”, but anything below 3% is officially stagnation.

Consumer spending, public and housing investments all down.  Several factors were blamed, from climate change to slowing trade with China to currency wars involving the U.S. dollar.

Japan develops parasitic e-skin that lets other people know what you’re doing! 

8-million jobs lost by 2030, just in Japan! Even with 2% economic growth?

Cougar with jaw & teeth growing out of its forehead killed in Idaho!

07 January 2016 (02:33 UTC-07 Tango 01)/ 17 Dey 1394/26 Rabi’a’-Awwal 1437/28 Ding-Chou 4713

A young mutant Mountain Lion was killed near Weston, Idaho.  It has a jawbone with fully developed teeth growing out of its forehead.  The Idaho Department of Fish and Game made the pics available to the public.

The hunter who shot the cougar says he will have it stuffed.  Fish and Game biologist Zach Lockyer said “We may never know why those teeth are there.” but postulated that it could be a birth defect, a tumor called teratoma, or an unusual injury that healed wrong.

8-million jobs lost by 2030, just in Japan! Even with 2% economic growth?

24 November 2015, 18:12 UTC-07 Tango 01 (04 Azar 1394/12 Safar 1437/14 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The Ministry of Labor issued a warning to the neo-imperialist leaders of Japan; if you can’t fix the economy then prep for at least eight million permanent job losses over the next 15 years!

The study looked at jobs in eight prefectures and concluded that even with an expected increase in healthcare and social work employment the economy is so bad that the net result will be eight million job losses by 2030.

On top of that, even if the Japanese economy manages to miraculously grow at an annual rate of 2% (2% is actually stagnation, as I’ve pointed out many times in previous posts), and the government subsidizes the employment of old people and women, then the net result is still 1.82-million job losses!

The biggest job cuts will be in the retail sector followed by manufacturing.

Japan admits Fukushima workers dying of cancer!

20 October 2015 (04:48 UTC-07 Tango 01)/28 Mehr 1394/06 Muharram 1437/08 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Cannot deny the causal relationship between his radiation exposure and his illness.”-Japanese Ministry of Labor statement

Japan’s Ministry of Labor confirms at least one nuke industry employee is dying of leukemia caused by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi explosions.

The employee was hit with 15.7 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation during the explosions.  His total ‘official’ exposure is 19.8 mSv.  These amounts are far less than what pro-nuke industry ‘trolls’ on the internet say will cause cancer.

Japanese news sources say 45-thousand people are still working at the China Syndrome Fukushima Daiichi and more than 21-thousand have been exposed to annual radiation levels of at least 5 mSv.

This admission comes two weeks after several international news reports said independent organizations were reporting a 50-fold increase in the rates of cancer in children near the GE designed nuclear disaster reactors.

Earless bunny found in the Fukushima No Go Zone.

Imperialist Japan to make 6,000 nuclear bombs!

Idaho National Laboratory admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.” Radioactive trash dump in U.S. on fire? 

Imperialist Japan to make 6,000 nuclear bombs! Blind Bat News revealed 2 years ago, new damning evidence!

09 October 2015 (05:42 UTC-07 Tango 01)/17 Mehr 1394/25 Dhu l-Hijja 1436/27 Bing-Xu 4713

A damning new report confirms that Japan is illegally stockpiling weapons grade plutonium and has more than enough to make 6-thousand nuclear bombs, and the United States, United Kingdom and other NATO members are complicit!

Anti-Abe Shinzo nuclear weapons poster

Back in August 2013 Blind Bat News reported that Japan’s Atomic Energy Commission admitted that the Commission itself was just a “formality” and did not actually monitor what was going on inside Japan’s nuclear industry!

In December 2013, a Chinese report said Japan has been secretly using its nuclear power plants to create weapons grade plutonium, enough for 1-thousand nuclear bombs.

In March 2014, U.S. NBC TV news reported concerns that Japan has the “bomb in the basement”.

Notice that Japan is not included on this map of nuclear weapons nations, yet Iran is!

Now, a new report says Japan has already accumulated a massive stockpile of plutonium it sent overseas for reprocessing. There is 11 metric tons in Japan and another 36 metric tons reprocessed in Britain and France waiting to be returned to Japan — in all enough for nearly 6,000 atomic bombs.”

The China Arms Control and Disarmament Association says Japan’s stockpile of plutonium has doubled since the 1990s: “Japan now has 47.8 tons of separated plutonium, 10.8 of which are stored inside Japan. Why are we so interested in this issue? It is because, first, we believe there is no reasonable civil demand for this huge stockpile of nuclear material. This is what we call a severe imbalance between supply and demand.”  

What was that about Israel and United States pissing themselves over the slight possibility of Iran building one nuclear bomb?



