Tag Archives: fukushima

Nearly two years later, Fish still contaminated with radiation!

18 February 2013, fish being caught off the Pacific coast of Chiba Prefecture, in Japan, are contaminated with 130 becquerels of cesium per kilogram! The new (higher) official safe limit is 100.

The area is 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of Fukushima Daiichi, where several GE designed reactors melted down in March 2011.

This is the first time that fish caught near Chiba Prefecture has exceeded the government safe limits.  However, back in December 2012, sea bass were already showing 60 becquerels of cesium per kilogram. Some fisheries voluntarily stopped accepting the fish back then.

This shows that radioactive contamination of the Pacific Ocean is ongoing, almost two years after the multiple melt downs.

Fukushima Daiichi still deadly! 40 years to go before it might be safe!!! More proof nuke disaster reactors are not worth the risk!

01 February 2013, almost two years since three GE designed reactors melted down at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi, and the latest tour given to Japanese reporters shows it’s still spewing radiation.  The entire clean up process is expected to continue until Gregorian year 2051!!!

Here’s more of what NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) reporter, Akira Hombo, discovered at Fukushima Daiichi.

“The highest reading was on the ocean side of the building that houses the number 3 reactor. It was over 1,300 [micro sieverts per hour].”

“The most important task remains to cool down the melted fuel….could be as hot as a one million watt heater….heat emitted by one thousand electric stoves in a small space. If these units aren’t kept consistently cool another melt down could happen.”

“Work has already started at the number 4 unit….since this reactor didn’t melt down.”

“The entire [clean up/decommissioning] procedure will take until 2051, that is 40 years after the accident.”

Hombo Akira explained that Tokyo Electric Power Company is facing three major problems in getting the decommissioning work done.

1: Radiation is so high that even existing robots are failing after just a few hours inside the reactors.  New robots must be built that can withstand such high levels of radiation.

2: There are not enough trained workers, and there are ongoing problems with the way subcontractors hire and train their employees.

3: There is currently nowhere in Japan to store the massive amount of radioactive material that will be coming from Fukushima Daiichi.

Government Incompetence: Radiation decontamination of cities a big fail in Japan!

04 December 2012, more than a year after the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor disaster began, decontamination of residential areas isn’t anywhere near completion.

Japan’s Environment Ministry released the results of their study of the progress of radiation cleanup.  More than 80% of homes have not been decontaminated!

Of nearly 100,000 homes picked for decontamination only 18% have been cleaned up.

69% of educational facilities were cleaned up, as well as 51% of roads.   Only 38% of parks and sports facilities have been decontaminated.

26 years later: Chernobyl expected to remain a threat for the next 100 years, at least! Warning for worse things to come from Fukushima Daiichi!

29 November 2012, two days ago workers in Ukraine raised steel arches over the entombed Chernobyl reactor: “This is a very significant milestone, which is a tribute to the ongoing commitment of the international donor community, and an important step towards overcoming the legacy of the accident.”-Suma Chakrabarti, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Those new steel arches weigh 5000 metric tons (5,511.5 tons), and are 22 meters (72 feet) tall!  The steel container won’t be finished until 2015.  It’ll weigh 20000 metric tons (22,046 tons) and is designed to allow ongoing decontamination work for the next 100 years!

26 years ago the Soviet designed reactor melted down, and it’s still spewing radiation.

The Soviets slammed Chernobyl with tons of concrete, sand and boric acid.  The impromptu concrete tomb was breaking down and a new one was built.  But even that one is breaking down, so a new massive steel tomb is being built, hopefully to contain the radiation for the next century.

Now realize that Chernobyl is only one reactor, with no spent fuel storage, and Japan’s General Electric designed Fukushima Daiichi melt down disaster involves at least four damaged reactors with four spent fuel pools that contained hundreds of fuel rods, each.

Initially Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) said they could have Fukushima Daiichi cleaned up by July 2011!!!  In December 2011 the Japanese government published their own report, saying cleanup will take at least 40 years, TEPCo downplayed the government report.  Then in March 2012, TEPCo admitted that reactors actually melted down.  Now, at the beginning of November 2012, TEPCo is admitting that clean up will take much longer, and they’ve even doubled their estimated cleanup and compensation costs from $62.5 billion USD to $125 billion!

Government, Corporate & Media Incompetence! Radiation monitoring devices shown to be inaccurate! $1.8 million to fix the problem!

08 November 2012, Japan’s Science Ministry discovered that 675 radiation detectors, placed around Fukushima Daiichi, are reading at least 10% below actual radiation levels!

Since April 2011 the monitors have been uploading radiation readings to the internet, in real time.

The Science Ministry investigated their devices because independent radiation detection by local governments, and individuals, were consistently higher than the national Science Ministry’s data.  Something I’ve pointed out in past postings, but of course the main stream media goes with official national government data.

In March 2012, residents of Fukushima Prefecture reported that the national government data was too low.  They were ignored.  In April 2012, Green Peace reported that radiation levels were much higher than what the national government was reporting.  Green Peace was blown off.   Even independent Japanese reporters risked their lives going into the radiation contamination zone, then posted their video on YouTube, in some cases showing their radiation detectors pegging at higher than officially reported levels.  They were ignored.

The Science Ministry now says the data from individuals and local governments are correct. The 675 defective official radiation monitors were constructed with the battery housing blocking the radiation detectors’ sensors!

It will now cost Japanese taxpayers $1.8 million USD to fix the problem!

Global Food Crisis & What Economic Recovery? Crops being destroyed by weather, disease and plagues of Red Squirrels! Crop prices going up, good for Idaho farmers with crops to sell, bad for you at the grocery store check out! Is it all smoke & mirrors bull shit?

17 October 2012,  despite reports indicating crop destruction worldwide, and within the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports (in their newly released October 2012 report) that overall crop production in the United States is way up (if you throw out corn & soybeans).

A major indicator of crop destruction is the announcement by Farm Credit Service of America (FCSA) that insurance payouts, to U.S. farmers who’ve lost crops, will be at least $25 billion USD, but could hit $40 billion for 2012.

FCSA blames the insurance claims for most of the U.S. crop losses on drought.  Even the USDA reported that the entire state of South Dakota is suffering severe to exceptional drought.  South Dakota farmers, alone, have filed more $149 million in insurance claims.

Some states are now experiencing corn crop destruction because of early freezing temps.  So, in states like Arkansas and Kentucky, not only have drought and cold weather hurt corn production, but the October/Halloween corn mazes aren’t happening because the stalks are too short. The result is that revenue from agritourism is going down (the USDA does agritourism surveys every five years, the last one in 2007).

It’s so bad that corn crops from the Midwestern states are considered destroyed (U.S. corn production is at its lowest point since 1995).  The result is corn prices are soaring.  By 15 October, corn commodity prices increased 5% at the Chicago board of trade.

Last year U.S. corn prices averaged $6.22 per bushel, this year the average is now $7.80!  Some analysts say it’ll hit $8.25 before the end of the year.

The U.S. corn crop destruction is part of a worldwide decline in corn crops. Currently international corn stockpiles are 14 million metric tons below what was expected!  (keep that in mind; “what was expected”, research UN data and you’ll learn that there’s still a lot of corn out there)

Apples are down as well. My own apple tree (here in Idaho), as well as my neighbors’ apple trees, have produce only a fraction of what they normally put out.  In the state of Michigan apple farmers are reporting the same thing, saying their trees produced only 10% of normal output!  An apple farmer in Michigan reports his agritourism revenues way down at his U-Pick apple farm.

In Indiana, apple farmers report getting only 25% of their normal apple harvest.  The Washington Growers Clearing House reports that apple commodity prices are 13% higher than last year.  But that’s good news for Washington state apple farmers; they’re reporting a record harvest.

Even with their record harvest, apple growers in Washington can not make up for crop loses in the rest of the U.S.  As a result, with the high commodity prices for apples, Washington apple farmers could see a record $7 billion in revenue for 2012!  By the way, if your willing to pick apples reports say Washington apple farmers are unable to fill 700 apple picking jobs.

Why the decrease in apples in the rest of the country?  Some states are blaming earlier than normal freezing temps, but several states are reporting a plague of red squirrels.  In Vermont some apple farmers report the squirrels ate half their crop.  In South Carolina, squirrels are blamed for killing more than 100 apple trees.

While biologists suggest that warmer than normal temps caused an increase in squirrel populations (causing an increase in food sources), they admit no one could have predicted this year’s huge numbers of squirrels.  The squirrels are now devouring apples because their normal food source, acorns and beechnuts, are way down this year.

Around the world, in Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Korea (north), India, Pakistan, and in African countries, crops have been destroyed by drought, or other extreme weather events like flooding.

In Japan, domestic agriculture has not only been affected by weather but by the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.

In Afghanistan, farmers report hundreds of acres of crops destroyed by disease.

In Zimbabwe, farmers who couldn’t pay their electric bills had the power cut off to their irrigation pumps.  A farmer said the power was cut without warning, even thought they tried to make payment arraignments with the utility company: “We admit we owe ZESA a debt of $3,000 but they should not have disconnected us without discussing our payment arrangements which we had submitted. The farmers were willing to settle their debts after harvesting their crop during the first week of November.”-Newton Gwetu

In India it’s not just weather, but animals.  Farmers are reporting that their crops are being destroyed by rampaging wild boars and elephants. Elephant rampages have been reported since August.

It’s not just elephants in India, but elephants in African countries are also rampaging.  In Tanzania, officials report elephants have destroyed villages and crops: “Up to now people are helpless and TANAPA [Tanzania National Park] rangers are just watching the destruction without taking any action.”-Jumanne Kwiro, Serengeti District Council

In Australia, the climate change is being blamed for driving feral pigs to eating farmers’ crops: “We’re seeing enterprises being destroyed, also pressure in grazing lands that we haven’t seen before. Going into drier seasons we’re really looking at grazing problems as well as destruction of crops.”-Rachel Pratt, Queensland’s AgForce

Australian ag officials are also concerned the exploding feral pig population will affect cattle: “Pigs carry diseases like bruscellosis, leptospirosis and paracites and also they can also carry potentially exotic diseases like foot and mouth.”-Ben Gardiner, Australian Veterinary Association

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) recently reported that corn and wheat crops in Central America are expected to continue their downward trend, averaging a loss of $120 million per year by 2020: “Even with our most conservative estimates, it’s clear that climate change could transform the agricultural landscape across Central America.”-Anton Eitzinger, CIAT

One activist said farmers need to be more adaptable to radical changes in climate: “Extension services across the region need to be reinvigorated to train small farmers in soil and water management. And governments need to lead, they have the ability to make a real difference through setting climate-smart agricultural policies.”-Paul Hicks, Catholic Relief Services

War can be blamed for crop destruction as well. Not just the obvious destruction by bombing and gunfire, but illegal Israeli settlers, in Palestinian territory, have been actively destroying Palestinian olive trees.  More than 500 Palestinian olive trees destroyed by illegal Israeli settlers, so far in 2012!

But what about crops that we don’t eat?  The clothes on your back could be threatened as well.  Cotton crops in Pakistan and India have been destroyed by recent floods.  However, Indian officials have stated that many cotton farms that survived the floods will actually produce bumper yields.  (also, cotton production in the U.S. is up, according to the October 2012 USDA report)

Again, those areas that are not suffering from crop destruction tend to be enjoying bumper crop yields, which means those farmers will also enjoy the higher revenue due to the higher commodity prices, created by speculators supposedly fearful of crop destruction.

While researching Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) I noticed that their most recent graph of global food production shows a steady increase, year after year.  Yet back in August, the UN actually asked the United States to stop bio-fuel production so those crops could be used for food!

The problem isn’t a lack of crops, the problem is the increasing cost to people who need to eat those crops.

There are several examples from the 1990s, such as U.S. rice rotting on Haitian docks because Haitians couldn’t afford to buy it, and African tomato farmers who left their crops to rot in the field because forced competition from Italian companies drove down tomato prices so low it wasn’t worth harvesting the fruits.

Is that what’s happening now, but on a global scale?  Is this what our leaders  mean by leveling the playing field of globalization?

I live in a state that is experiencing bumper crops: Idaho.

Idaho’s dry bean production is up 61% from 2011 (in fact bean production for the entire U.S. is expected to be 56% more than last year).  Despite bean production being so high, speculators are also keeping prices for beans high. Commodity prices for beans are currently about 40 cents per pound, some bean prices are down from last year but they’re still near record highs: “That’s still the best price I’ve ever got myself! I’m not going to complain.”-Dana Rasmussen, Idaho bean farmer

The USDA says Idaho’s canola production has doubled from last year (canola production is also up in Washington & Oregon).  Ag officials attribute this directly to higher commodity prices driven by speculators: “The number one  reason for this increase is there have been excellent and very competitive prices available for farmers.”-Jack Brown, University of Idaho

Idaho’s alfalfa production was down 7%, but that reflects those hay farmers who do not have irrigated fields.  Idaho hay farmers with irrigation actually saw bumper alfalfa yields: “I would say our yields were up a half to a ton per acre. It was a warm summer, and alfalfa loves heat and water.”– Will Ricks, Idaho Hay and Forage Association

Even though Idaho hay farmers with irrigation had bumper crops, the demand for those crops far exceeded supply: “Hay producers were getting calls from dairies in the Midwest. They were willing to pay $300 per ton plus shipping, but nobody had any hay to sell.”-Glenn Shewmaker, University of Idaho

Ag Officials from other states are lamenting just how much Idaho’s ag industry has grown: “Idaho has increased in just two years the equivalent of the entire state of Maine’s production. The July 2012 U.S. Department of Agriculture’s crop production report showed Oregon at 41,000 acres, Colorado at 55,000, Michigan at 46,000, Minnesota at 51,000, Maine at 59,000, New York at 17,000 and Wisconsin at 63,000 acres.”-Bob Davis, Maine Farmers Exchange

What is Bob Davis talking about?  Idaho’s farming acreage has grown, in just two years, to 345,000.   That’s 13,000 more than Oregon, Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Maine, New York and Wisconsin combined!!!

You might say Idaho’s ag industry is good for the economy, providing jobs for Idahoans.  But that ain’t so.  Most ag workers are migrants, and even though there’s a shortage of migrant workers many Idaho farmers complain that Idahoans aren’t willing to work for the peanuts they pay.

Idaho law states that farm workers must be paid minimum wage (currently $7.25 per hour in Idaho), however, if a farm laborer is “contracted” that’s a different story: “When I first talked to the farmer about work, he told me that he would pay me $14 per acre. I worked nine hours every day for over a week, but the work was so hard I was only able to do three acres a day. On payday, my boss made up all kinds of excuses and ended up paying me just $11 per acre, which comes out to about $3.60 an hour…. I didn’t know what to do. I have two children to feed.”–Gloria Paniagua, Cassia County, Idaho

Being a contracted farm worker is similar to being on salary, a really bad salary.

According to a report by Idaho Community Action Network, and the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations, the average wage earned by farm workers in Idaho is $5.97 per hour, working ten hours per day, six days per week.

So what’s the point of all this?  There is no food shortage!  Reports show that while there are massive crop losses, those farms still producing are producing record yields!  UN agencies (FAO) report record global ag production almost year after year!  Crony capitalist speculators (who’re probably working for the corporate farms) are driving up food prices, even when there is no shortage of the resources!  Farmers with crops to sell are making big money because of the increased commodity prices and because of the dirt wages they pay their workers!  Don’t forget to add in escalating transportation costs! The net result is everyone is going to pay unjustifiably more for their food at the grocery store or restaurant!

Did you get a pay raise?

Eating in Japan: Beware disease & radiation. International standards don’t exist! Are you worse off in the United States?

For the past few years Japan has been struggling with food problems, from diseases to radiation contamination.

The latest problem is an outbreak of E Coli in imported Chinese pickled cabbage. At least six people have died, 100 people are sick. The outbreak seams to be contained to northern Japan.

Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster rice from northern Honshu has been found to be contaminated with radiation.  However, 28 August 2012, Fukushima Prefecture has cleared this year’s rice crop for sale.  The rice was harvested last week.  The Prefecture claims it will check all 360,000 tons of harvested rice for radiation contamination.

However, news is not good for fish.  Just in the past 24 hours the Japanese government banned the sale of Pacific cod.  The fish were caught 300 kilometers (186 miles) from the GE designed reactors in Fukushima.  When the fish were tested in port, they were found to be contaminated with twice the Japanese government’s current safe levels for cesium.

A week ago Tokyo Electric Power Company said they found fish near the nuclear plant that had a record 258 times the safe levels for cesium!

An even bigger concern is fresh water fish.  It’s been discovered that on average Japanese fresh water fish, caught in northern Honshu, are far more radioactive than salt water fish.

Recently, and sneakily, the central government of Japan changed the radiation safe limits for food, so that foods that were considered unsafe, are now safe.  Prior to the change the maximum safe limit was 370 becquerels per kilogram of cesium, now the maximum safe limit is 600 becquerels!  So even if you’re told the food is officially safe…..

Many other Asian countries, that rely on food from Japan, are crying foul.

Just two weeks ago Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety (CFS) discovered that oatmeal from Japan was contaminated with cesium 137.  CFS officials stated the amount of cesium was less than that of a chest x-ray, but made the announcement as part of their daily Food Surveillance Program of food coming from Japan.

But get this, Japan’s new radiation safety standards are still more strict than the Codex Alimentarius.

Codex Alimentarius is the United Nations’ World Health Organization’s, and Food & Agricultural Organization’s, international food safety standards.  According to reports in the Hong Kong media, the Codex Alimentarius allows up to 1,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium in your food!   (I’ve tried to read the PDF’s from Codex Alimentarius, it’s as if it was written for extraterrestrials, no average human could understand the info!)

By the way, Codex Alimentarius just changed their international food safety rules at the beginning of August 2012.  One suggestion, by participating countries, is that the Codex Alimentarius logo will be displayed on food considered safe.

Vietnam’s Department of Food Hygiene and Safety announced they will start testing baby formula from Japan.  This is because Hong Kong officials reported finding radioactive iodine in Japanese baby formulas.  Hong Kong officials said the amounts were below the Codex Alimentarius limits.

Another interesting development is that six months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved a new International Basic Safety Standards (aka BSS).  Most of what I found on the internet is the old 1996 version.  It is a complicated publication that seems to say a lot without really saying much (see my comment about Codex Alimentarius above)!  Basically the IAEA tells governments to set their own standards!

Oh, and don’t try using a Geiger Counter on your food, it doesn’t work.

So when it comes to radiation contamination in the food we eat, it’s a crap shoot, whether we’re in the United States or Japan.

For cattle raised in southern Japan it seems everything is OK. Radiation hasn’t affected the cows that far south, and, last week U.S. and Japanese officials declared the two year foot & mouth disease of no more concern. Japan is set to resume exporting their beef to the U.S.

Interesting that Japan is resuming beef exports to the U.S., while Australia is now beating out the U.S. as the main supplier of beef to Japan.  In 2003 Japan banned U.S. beef because of Mad Cow (bovine spongiform encephalopathy/BSE).  Since 2006 only U.S. beef from cows younger than 20 months are allowed into Japan.

This year the Japanese government is considering further relaxing the restrictions on U.S. beef imports.

Australia has some of the strictest health standards for their meat industries, and is one reason they’ve escaped problems with Mad Cow.  It’s also why their beef exports are booming.  From July 2011 to July 2012, Australian beef exports to Japan increased 4%, Japanese are now the number one consumers of Australian beef.  But here’s really interesting news, Australian beef exports to the United States, for the same time period, went up 40.2%!

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. overall beef exports to the world have dropped by 15.4% from last year.  Mmm, wonder what’s wrong with the U.S. beef?

Foodborne illness, in Japan, is a more immediate threat (than radiation), according to a memo published on the U.S. Embassy (Tokyo) website.  The memo says the top two reasons for foodborne illness in Japan are improper handling, and improper storing of food.  The third reason is improper cooking of food.

A 2010 study that compared Korea (south) to Japan, showed that Japan had a high rate of foodborne disease (FBD).  The causes are basically the same as stated by the U.S. Embassy memo.

To put it in perspective, how high is the FBD rate in the United States?   According to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers, about one in every six people (or 48 million!) get sick with FBD every year in the U.S.

Don’t rely on the central government of Japan for help in determining where to eat.  The discoveries of radiation contaminated food, last year, was made by prefectural and local governments, as well as by businesses, and individuals who paid for the tests out of their own pockets. Most Prefectures, local governments, and even local Japanese businesses, have taken matters into their own hands, providing information on radiation contamination and other health issues regarding food.  So check with the locals when seeking safe food in Japan. It’s a clear example of how a central government is useless.

For U.S. citizens traveling to Japan, who are concerned about being able to get safe food, and who think U.S. food products exported to Japan are safer, the USDA provides information about U.S. food suppliers doing business in other countries, so you might check that out.  But just because it’s from the United States doesn’t mean it’s safe.  Remember the drop in U.S. beef exports?

You can also check out the website Where Food Comes From.


One Year Later: Evidence Fukushima Daiichi damaged by earthquake, BEFORE tsunami hit. Radioactive water never ending!

27 August 2012, Tokyo Electric power Company (TEPCo) officials announced they need more storage tanks for contaminated water coming from the nuclear reactors.

Since the 11 March 2011 disaster began almost 220,000 tons of contaminated water has been stored, and the GE designed disaster reactors are putting out 400 tons per day!  TEPCo says it’ll run out of storage tanks in three months.

A new order for more tanks will provide TEPCo with storage only until November 2013.  The problem now is no space for more storage tanks, unless nearby forests are felled.

So where is all the water coming from?  Ever since the 11 March 2011 disaster began it was noticed that more water is coming out compared to water being pumped in.

TEPCo officials now say it is groundwater flooding into the basements of the reactors through cracks in the basement walls.  Cracks probably caused by the 9.0 earthquake, not the tsunami.


One Year Later: Workers at Fukushima Daiichi exceed 5 year radiation limit, in just one year!

24 August 2012, the Japanese Labor Ministry is sounding a warning; Japan is running out of qualified employees for the ongoing nuclear disaster at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Since 11 March 2011, at least 3,000 people have been working (unsuccessfully) to bring Fukushima Daiichi under control.  As of March 2012, 167 workers were dismissed because they had exceeded radiation exposure limits equal to five years of contamination!!!

In Japan a nuclear industry worker can not exceed 50 millisieverts of radiation per year and 100 millisieverts in 5 years.  The 167 employees dismissed in March of this year, were exposed to more than 100 millisieverts in one year!

But wait, there’s more!  For the three months following April 2012, 79 workers were exposed to more than 20 millisieverts!

The numerous contractors working for Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) say they can not find enough new workers to replace the volume of workers leaving due to contamination.

But some contractors have set their own stricter radiation exposure standards, they are concerned with their employees health and maintaining their employability.

One Year Later: Nuclear waste estimates from Fukushima Daiichi revised…upward!

21 August 2012, the Environment Ministry of Japan has revised upward the estimated amount of radioactive waste in nine prefectures around Fukushima Daiichi.

As of now, there is 42,575 tons of waste, containing radioactive cesium levels of more than 8,000 becquerels per kilogram, in storage.  Officials originally estimated that only 50,000 tons of debris would be contaminated with that much radiation, but it’s now obvious there is much more.

A newly passed law makes the national government of Japan responsible for disposal of all nuclear waste.  Recently it was decided that four or five prefectures will be designated as permanent nuclear waste disposal sites.  However, there is great concern over the fact that Japan is crisscrossed by seismic faults.  Officials stated that any new waste site must not be built near a fault line.

Not surprisingly at least 75% of the contaminated waste is being collected in Fukushima Prefecture.