D Company, 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team (CBCT), Oregon Army National Guard. Oregon National Guard photo by Major W. Chris Clyne.
In August 2015, the 116th Cavalry (Cav-al-ry, not Cal-vary) Brigade Combat Team (Idaho, Montana & Oregon) deployed to Fort Irwin, California, for Total Force Warfare training.
126th Engineers, backhoes & bulldozers:
126th Engineers explainer:
Logistics (lots-o-trucks), M2s and M1A2s arrive at Fort Irwin:

M2A3 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. Oregon Army National Guard photo by Specialist Michael Germundson.

Idaho National Guard COLT (Combat Observation Lasing Teams) of the 1-148 FA (HQ in Pocatello), identified by the AN/TVQ-2 Ground/Vehicular Laser Locator Designator (G/VLLD, usually called a ‘glid’) mounted next to the .50 cal machine gun. Oregon Army National Guard photo by Major W. Chris Clyne. In 1998, I was at NTC representing the 1-148 FA as a FiST/V (Fire Support Team Vehicle) crewman.

Idaho Army National Guard UH-60, M240 door gunner with A Company, 1st Battalion, 183rd Aviation Reconnaissance Battalion. Oregon Army National Guard photo by Major W. Chris Clyne.
The August 2015 NTC rotation (15-09) also included National Guard units from six other states, providing air support through Task Force Talon:

Arkansas Army National Guard’s 1036th Engineer Company supports the 116th CBCT by detonating an M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MCLC, pronounced mic-lic). Oregon Army National Guard photo by Major W. Chris Clyne.
Video, Combined Arms Live Fire, “On the way!”:
The last time the 116th went to NTC was in 1998, with yours truly.