Tag Archives: disaster

False Flag op? Japanese scientists knew major tsunami was going to hit Japan, at least one month prior!

A report discovered by Japan’s NHK news, shows that officials knew in February that a major tsunami could hit Japan soon.

The report was put together by the Earthquake Research Committee.  It looked at geographical evidence, and recent studies, and came up with a scenario that is exactly like what happened on 11 March.  It even named Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures as being the hardest hit!

The conclusion of the report was that the prefectures of north east Honshu needed to make preparations.  Even though the report was finish in February, the officials weren’t planning on releasing it until April.   Apparently even the experts didn’t think it could actually happen.

Japan orders nuke plant shut down, expecting 8+ quake

Prime Minister Naoto Kan ordered the Hamaoka nuclear plant shut down, for fear of a major earthquake.

The Hamaoka plant is run by Chubu Electric Power company.  The plant has two reactors already decommissioned, one shut down for maintenance, and two still operating.  It’s located south west of Tokyo, in Shiuoka Prefecture.

Prime Minister Kan ordered the shut down because Japanese scientists believe an 8.0 quake will take place under the nuclear plants location, anytime in the next 30 years.  Kan says that Chubu Electric must come up with a plan to reinforce the reactors for an earthquake greater than 8.0, before they can resume operations.

TEPCo: problems with another Japan nuke plant

Tokyo Electric Power Company announced early May 2, that another of their nuclear plants in Japan is in trouble.  The Tsuruga nuclear plant is having technical problems, resulting in overheating.

The plant is around 450 km (280 miles) west of Tokyo, in Fukui prefecture.  TEPCo says the problem is so bad they are considering shutting down the whole plant.  There is a possible leak of iodine from Tsuruga nuclear plant #2 reactor’s nuclear fuel assemblies into its coolant.

Japan quake bigger than 9.0

Ocean researchers say the March 11 earthquake off the coast of north east Honshu, believe the quake was more powerful than 9.0.

The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, studied the sea floor at the epicenter of the March 11 quake, using a deep sea research vessel named “Kairei”.  They determined that the sea floor rose 7 meters (23 feet), and moved 50 meters (164 feet).

The scientists say that the earthquake had to be more powerful than 9.0, in order to raise the sea floor 23 feet.


U.S. Red Cross investigating where donations for Japan are going

“We are completely committed at the American Red Cross to make sure that they would feel proud about how the money is being spent.”-Gail McGovern, President American Red Cross

McGovern admits that inspecting how U.S. donations are being spent was a key reason for her trip to Japan. The American Red Cross was criticized for its handling of gifts after the 9/11 terror attacks, and Hurricane Katrina.

McGovern claims $100 million of the $187 million collected has been handed over to the Japanese Red Cross.  The donations will help the Japanese Red Cross provide medical care for thousands of people, and relief items like blankets and helped people find missing loved ones.


Japan warns of major flooding

The north eastern areas of Honshu, devastated by the March 11 disasters, will suffer major flooding.

The Land Ministry says the 9.0 earthquake caused a huge portion of the coast off Miyagi Prefecture, to sink.  Many parts are now at or below sea level.

The ministry used lasers to check ground height on the Sendai Plain, of Miyagi Prefecture.  Before March 11, only 3 square kilometers (1.8 square miles) were below sea level, now 16 square kilometers (9.9 square miles) are below sea level.

Areas known as full tide areas, have increased from 32 square kilometers (19.8 square miles) to 56 square kilometers (34.7 square miles).  Areas that could be affected by record high tides (set by 1980 record high tide) increased from 83 square kilometers (51.5 square miles) to 111 square kilometers (68.9 square miles).

Because the typhoon season is here, the Japanese government is asking locals to start sandbagging, now.

Another fatal U.S. mine cave in

After a fatal silver mine collapse, in Mullen, Idaho, a Washingtonville, Ohio, man was killed April 25 in a coal mine accident.

Officials with the East Fairfield Coal Company says the cave in was a freak accident.  They claim it was the first fatal accident in the mine’s 80 years of operation.  State and Federal authorities are investigating.


School 50km from Nuke Plant must remove top soil!

The city of Koriyama is 50km (31 miles) away from Fukushima Daiichi, well out of the evac zones, yet the soil at their schools are so contaminated they have get rid it.

Starting this weekend, they will remove the top 2 centimeters (.78 inches) of soil from 28 schools.  Even after the soil removal, school officials say they will not allow the children to play in the yards for more than one hour per day.




Female TEPCo employee contaminated 3 times safe limit!

A female employee, working at the Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant, is contaminated with three times the safe limits for women.  She was working at the damaged plant, directing emergency crews.

Tokyo Electric Power Company thinks she was contaminated when taking off the protective suit.  They say most of her contamination is internal, so they think she inhaled the radiation. TEPCo is now testing all female employees at the nuke plant.  Safe exposure limits for women are set lower than men.