It was Valneva that revealed the violations: “Pfizer, as the study sponsor, has decided to discontinue a significant percentage of participants in the U.S. These study participants, representing approximately half of the total recruited participants in the trial, are being discontinued following violations of GCP at certain clinical trial sites run by a third-party clinical trial site operator.”
17 February 2023 (11:57-UTC-07 Tango 06) 28 Bahman 1401/26 Rajab 1444/27 Jia-Yin 4721/17 февраля 2023 года
The Idaho National Guard revealed that over the past few years the training area known as Orchard Combat Training Center (formerly known as Orchard Training Area [OTA], back when I was a member of the Idaho Army National Guard) was greatly expanded, from approximately 143-thousand acres to more than 170-thousand acres!
Orchard Combat Training Center (OCTC) is located on federally owned BLM (Bureau of Land Management) property. In the past few years the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has spent big taxpayer dollars making the OCTC a premier combat training area, but it still doesn’t come close to the size of the U.S. Army’s Fort Irwin-National Training Center, in California.
The expansion of 2022 required more money to be spent, on upgrading the OCTC fire department. When I was in the Idaho Army National Guard there was no fire department on the OTA, but that changed in 2013, due to the massive spending by the DoD to create a new OCTC. To justify a fire department located out in the middle of BFE western Idaho, in 2014, the Idaho National Guard established mutual aid agreements between Orchard Fire & Emergency Services, the Boise Fire Department and the Oasis Volunteer Fire Department. In 2020, a deal was made with the Idaho Transportation Department. Currently, there are deals in the works with the Mountain Home Fire Department, and Mountain Home Air Force Base.
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 11JAN2023.
The result is that the OCTC Fire & Emergency Services has responded to more than 120 fires, and more than 40 emergency service calls on Interstate 84: “The Orchard Fire and Emergency Services is able to support emergency responses in local communities and during accidents on the interstate through mutual aid agreements. The agreements provide a benefit to not only those in need during emergencies, but also our firefighters who continuously hone their skills.”-Lieutenant Colonal Eric Sharp, OCTC director
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 11JAN2023.
Since 2019, the Idaho National Guard’s Orchard Fire & Emergency Services got federal taxpayer money for new vehicles, equipment, plus more than $6-million in building renovations which expanded the fire-station’s size from 10-thousand square feet to 21-thousand square feet. Also, the number employees went from 15 to 30.
16 February 2023 (21:45-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Bahman 1401/25 Rajab 1444/26 Jia-Yin 4721/16 февраля 2023 года
Vermont is a geographically small state, a little smaller than the regions of Eastern and Southeastern Idaho (which, apparently, at the federal level are combined in one Eastern Idaho region), but with a population just over half-a-million. The regions of Eastern and Southeastern Idaho have combined populations of less than a half-a-million.
Despite being relatively population dense, the Vermont National Guard is having trouble finding new recruits to join-up, and silly-vilian (civilian) employers claim they can’t find qualified workers. They have created a new ‘incentive’ program called Partnered Recruiting Initiative for Military and Employers, or PRIME.
On 11FEB2023, a company called Blodgett Oven announced that it was willing to become the first victim, I mean participant.
Vermont National Guard photo by Sergeant Denis Nunez, 15FEB2023.
The official signing ceremony took place on 15FEB2023.
16 February 2023 (19:15-UTC-07 Tango 06) 27 Bahman 1401/25 Rajab 1444/26 Jia-Yin 4721/16 февраля 2023 года
The United States has the normally underutilized Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). But after mRNA vaccines were issued adverse reaction reports blasted off, yet apparently were covered-up, until on 15FEB2023 when the state of Florida blew the lid off the VAERS numbers regarding mRNA: “The State Surgeon General is notifying the health care sector and public of a substantial increase in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports from Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increasein VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine…. ….The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%. This is a novel increase and was not seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign….. The findings in Florida are consistent with various studies that continue to uncover such risks. To further evaluate this, the Surgeon General wrote a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) illustrating the risk factors associated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and emphasizing the need for additional transparency.”
On 14FEB2023, NATO began a huge anti-Russia meeting, called the Meeting of the Defence (King’s English spelling used by NATO) Ministers. The meeting took place at NATO’s massive headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
The first day of the meeting was actually about the U.S. led 9th Ukraine Defense Contact Group (notice the U.S. spelling of defense). U.S. Department of Defense photo by Chad J. McNeeley, 14FEB2023.
The European Union (EU) is not officially a country, it is considered a supranational political and economic union. Many of its member countries are also members of NATO, but not all the EU countries are NATO members. 14FEB2023 statements of EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy representative Josep Borrell; the NATO meeting is about Ukraine and Russia, and reveals EU & NATO are willing to spread the war to non-NATO countries Georgia and Moldova:
Ukraine is not a full member of NATO, yet Ukraine’s Defense (U.S. spelling not used by NATO) Minister Oleksii Reznikov is taking part. Towards the end of the video he hints at getting fighter jets from NATO taxpayers, by showing the reporters a handkerchief with the image of a Russian Sukhoi 27 on it:
U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin the Third greets Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov, at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, 14FEB2023. U.S. DoD photo by Chad J. McNeeley.
Sweden is not a full member of NATO, here the Defence Minister of Sweden Pål Jonson answers a question about becoming a member of NATO, on the second day of the meeting, 15FEB2023:
Finland is not a full member of NATO, here is a statement by the Defense Minister of Finland Mikko Savola, second day of meeting, 15FEB2023. Notice that he mentions ‘conscription’, many NATO members force their citizens into the military. In the U.S. this is known as ‘The Draft’, or ‘Being Drafted’, and such practice was ended in 1973, however, adult males are still required to register with what is called the Selective Service:
Opening statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, on second day-15FEB2023, reveals NATO is at war with Russia, NATO is planning for the war to last “for the next few years”, will increase spending on NATO’s military industrial complex, will increase the acquisition of “resources”:
During the evening of 06FEB2023, West Virginia National Guard’s 35th Civil Support Team (CST) deployed to East Palestine, after getting a call for help from the Ohio National Guard. It was considered quid-pro-quo for responding to a CBRN event in West Virginia: “Our team members are highly trained for these exact type situations, and we are proud to provide assistance to our neighbors in Ohio. The Ohio 52nd CST was the very first team on the ground… …to assist West Virginia during the 2014 Elk River MCHM spill. It’s our honor to return the favor and provide support for and with them.”– Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Floyd, 35th CST
Also on 06FEB2023, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency intentionally detonated pressurized chemicals:
Ohio National Guard’s 52nd Civil Support Team prepares personal protective equipment before entering the affected area to collect ground and air samples from public buildings following a train derailment incident in East Palestine, Ohio, 07FEB2023. Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Ivy Thomas.
Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Ivy Thomas, 07FEB2023.
On 07FEB2023, a television reporter was arrested while trying to do a live report from the governor’s press conference. Was the derailment the result of U.S. rail-workers recently being screwed over by the government? :
Orange suited survey teams collect ground and air samples from public/government buildings, 07FEB2023. Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Ivy Thomas.
Ohio Air National Guard photo by Airman First Class Ivy Thomas, 07FEB2023.
Ohio National Guard released this ‘social media’ slide-show video report, on 09SEP2023:
On 13FEB2023, Kentucky hired scientists to monitor water that is being affected by the Ohio spill:
14FEB2023, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reveals train was carrying more toxic chemicals than reported, Ohio governor says train company lied about what the train was carrying:
14FEB2023, toxic chemicals reach Ohio River:
14FEB2023, toxic plume approaches Huntington, West Virginia:
James Fabisiak, an associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, speculates on the affects of the CBRN event and the revelation of other toxic chemicals the train company did not disclose:
It was not revealed as to where the Georgia state militia was deploying to, other than “overseas”.
Here is some interesting food-crisis information; back in April 2011, 58 of Georgia’s RSG militia personnel were ordered into active federal service, as Agribusiness Development Team-1. Then in 2012, a second ADT unit (known as Agribusiness Development Team-2) from Georgia was deployed. In 2013, ADT-3 was deployed, again from Georgia. Agribusiness Development Teams (ADT) are all about spending U.S. taxes helping Afghanistan grow food! Multiple state militia units from several U.S. states served in the ADT role in Afghanistan.
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), September 2020:
However, to prove that the super computer can be wrong, Fugaku also stated that non-N95 cloth masks would work, or at least that is what your fear inducing leaders wanted you to think!
Then, in 2021, Fugaku issued a warning about mask wearing, that actually backed up the 2006 U.S. military study; wearing more layers of masks doesn’t work!
The point I’m trying to make is, even when using a super-computer, globalist-woke-progressive-leaders will still pick-and-choose, and even twist, the so-called evidence they use to support their Orwellian agenda.