This is just a fraction of the intense photos and videos captured by U.S. Navy personnel, 12-17 July 2020.

U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer Second Class Austin Haist, 12JUL2020.
On the morning of 12JUL2020, and after two years of extensive retrofitting, USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) became a steel inferno while moored pier side at Naval Base San Diego, California.

Into the steel inferno. USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Jason Waite, 14JUL2020.
Video by Petty Officer Third Class Christina Ross, 1st day of fire. At the end of the video, night time, it’s clear that flames are leaping from inside the island superstructure:

USN photo by Lieutenant John J. Mike, 12JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 12JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 12JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Nall Morgan, 13JUL2020.
Video via Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, 2nd day of fire:

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Nall Morgan, 13JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Julio Rivera, 16JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Natalie Byers, 15JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Natalie Byers, 15JUL2020.

Barrels of firefighting foam. USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Austin Haist, 12JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Jessica Paulauskas, 14JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 13JUL2020.
Video from day 2, boats and helicopters focus on the superstructure:

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Austin Haist, 12JUL2020.
In this photo, notice that the forward mast is still standing.
Video, 3rd day, fire and smoke are no longer visible on the outside, but the external damage is obvious:
On 14JUL2020, with the fire(s) contained the boats, and MH-60S Knighthawk helicopters, continued applying water to cool down the exterior of the amphibious assault ship.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Patrick W. Menah Junior, 13JUL2020.
In these photos you can see the forward mast has collapsed.

USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Mar’Queon A. D. Tramble, 13JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Benjamin K. Kittleson, 14JUL2020.
For more helicopter action: KNIGHTHAWKS FIGHT TO SAVE LHD 6!
On 16JUL2020, the fires were considered extinguished. The U.S. Navy press release was careful to state “all known fires.”

USN photo by Seaman Lily Gebauer, 15JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 14JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Christina Ross, 14JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Hector Carrera, 14JUL2020.

USN photo by Seaman Apprentice Jeffrey Yale, 16JUL2020.
On 16JUL2020, a U.S. Navy press release stated “We did not know the origin of the fire. We do not know the extent of the damage. It is too early to make any predictions or promises of what the future of the ship will be.”

Burned-out hanger bay. USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 14JUL2020.

Yes, metal can burn. USN photo by Petty Officer First Class Jason Kofonow, 27JUL2020.

USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Brandie Nuzzi, 16JUL202.
Listing due to all the water pumped in.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Natalie Byers, 15JUL2020.
The ship’s motto would become ‘famous last words’.