Tag Archives: biden

Going Viral: Operation Warp Speed proves leftist-liberal news media wrong!

CoViD-19=Corona-Virus-Disease 2019

Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Chris Miller receives the CoViD-19 vaccine, 14DEC2020.

When U.S. President Donald Trump promised a CoViD vaccine by the end of 2020 the main stream news media, their scientific medical ‘experts’, and even Joe Biden, stopped short of calling President Trump a fool.  Now that the U.S. has several CoViD vaccines the news media refuses to acknowledge Trump’s promise!

Operation Warp Speed is a President Donald Trump ordered partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Defense, to produce and deliver 300-million doses of safe and effective vaccines as a part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of CoViD-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.

Video, Operation Warp Speed reminds you how wrong the U.S. news media, and Joe Biden, was:

Under Operation Warp Speed, U.S. Marshals Service is working with United Parcel Service to distribute vaccines, 14DEC2020.

U.S. Marshals Service working with Federal Express to distribute vaccines under Operation Warp Speed, 14DEC2020.

U.S. Army leaders meet with executives of Walgreens Boots Alliance to discuss Operation Warp Speed vaccine distribution, 16NOV2020.

Operation Warp Speed video explaining what to expect when you get your CoViD-19, keep in mind the video was made on 19NOV2020:

Here’s a list of FAQs by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia concerning CoViD-19 vaccines, such as the fact that multiple shots will be needed and nobody knows how long you’ll be immune after getting the shots (it’s assumed that people who’ve been infected are immune for no more than three months): Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines

Here’s a list of links to news media articles about the vaccines:

Trump administration makes deal for millions more CoViD vaccines for next year  (who’s paying for all this, especially when so many taxpayers have lost their jobs?)

FDA warns of side effects of CoViD vaccines

Despite CoViD vaccine California orders thousands of body bags

Health workers in Contra Costa County first to get CoViD vaccines in California

In Colorado, minorities are suspicious of CoViD vaccines

Healthcare workers at Veteran’s Hospital first to get CoViD vaccines in Minnesota

University of Utah health workers first to get CoViD vaccines in Utah

Big Brother/Sister-ism as people are given CoViD “Got my vaccine” stickers 

International shenanigans:

U.S. movie maker Oliver Stone opts for Russian CoViD vaccine!



With First Dibs on Vaccines, Rich Countries Have ‘Cleared the Shelves’



British Empire, let slip the dogs of war: Islamic State DAIISH (updated)

“What we want…..is a weak and disunited Arabia, split up into little principalities so far as possible….incapable of co-ordinated action against us.”-Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, aka Lord Crewe

In this 2014 documentary, it’s revealed that the true goal of so called ISIS is the spread of chaos within ‘muslim’ countries:


Islamic State, aka DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria])

“Saudi Arabia’s first king……on the British payroll…founded the extremist Wahhabi kingdom in 1932 with full British blessings.”John R. Bradley

Video, how the extremist Saud takes over Arabia, creating Saudi Arabia with the blessings of the British:

In April 2016, it was reported that a former al-Qaeda fighter, who later became a spy for the British secret service, says ISIS is likely planning an attack in the U.K. which would persuade voters to leave the EU.

“Our allies in the region are our largest problem in Syria. The Turks….The Saudis, the emiratis, etc….they were so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war…they poured hundreds of millions of dollars….into anyone who’d fight against Assad…..”-Joe Biden in October 2014, vice president of the United States, who later apologized for making the statement

“London is our association’s headquarters. The city is the nexus between America, the Old Continent and the Arab countries…the authorities are very tolerant….”-Richard Labévière quoting Khaled al-Fawwaz (Osama bin Laden’s London rep) in his book Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam

The Origins of British-Saudi Relations: The 1915 Anglo-Saudi Treaty Revisited


Mexico’s Drug War, another front in the Control through Chaos war 

U.S. led military actions part of Control though Chaos 

United States ‘THE’ drug lord in Mexico’s drug war

Obama Regime, will establish new military bases under the False Flag of fighting Ebola!

Tens of thousand of mostly Christians killed in the name of U.S. instigated False Flag Drug War in Mexico!

Obama  will officially recognize Taliban in exchange for permanent U.S. base in Afghanistan 

In 2011 the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (aka The Foreign Office) announced plans to stop people fleeing the expected chaos ….into Britain. 

Obama wants your guns Biden making plans with gun control advocates

There are reports that President Barak Obama is looking into the possibility of issuing an executive order, to over ride the Second Amendment.

Reportedly he has asked the Justice Department to look into the legalities of such a move.  President Obama has made statements recently in which he expressed desires to make current gun control laws tougher.

On March 15, 2011, Aides to Vice President Joe Biden met with Justice Department officials, and gun control advocates, to discuss options.  Apparently no pro-gun advocates were present.  Biden’s aides said this was the beginning stage, “…we are just gathering ideas…”.