When going to the store, even if it is just to purchase a few items, you are often faced at the end of your shopping trip with a long, very long receipt. Gone are the days of simple receipts with a barcode at the bottom, company logo at the top, and you items purchased […] Continue Reading…
“…Americans will not stand for privatization of the nation’s most successful programs.” This is what a critic of President Bush Jr. said back in 2007, regarding the privatization of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. I think the critic is uninformed because many states have already privatized some or most of their Medicaid programs. And […] Continue Reading…
The first thing Verizon Wireless touts, is it’s contiguous 700 MHz spectrum across the continental U.S. and Hawaii, which will carry Verizon’s new LTE (Long Term Evolution) 4G network. Verizon plans on deploying 4G to 38 markets by the end of 2010, however, does not currently have a 4G enabled phone, but is expecting […] Continue Reading…
Who are these “experts” who keep getting monthly job numbers wrong? Once again the “experts” have been surprised by job creation data that didn’t go the way they thought it would. According to reports our “experts” expected to see a net increase in September’s job numbers. Somewhere around 24,000 jobs created. But oh no, […] Continue Reading…
On October 2nd, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned the world’s countries not to start a currency war. Such action could end any economic recovery. The problem is that it appears that the world is already in a currency war.
Today, October 6th, an RT (I think it stands for Russia Today) […] Continue Reading…
Elections are coming up. Local, state and national. Which elections affect you the most? Local of course! Those City and County buffoo… officials affect your day to day life directly. Your State Legislature also has a direct impact on your life.
The Federal Congressional gang does impact us, but indirectly, by coming up with Federal […] Continue Reading…
We have all seen our fair share of DVRs, however, Google has released one set-top box OS that is sure to gain popularity. Google TV is not a set-top box, but more of an operating system, as on Google’s website, the products listed are a Sony TV with Google TV built in, or Logitech […] Continue Reading…
This afternoon, after a long awaited rain finally hit (possibly redeeming local weather forecasters), I discovered that my small plot of maize is suffering from an infestation of Smut. In researching this Smut I discovered that Idaho grain farmers are facing a new disease potentially more harmful, because it is attacking wheat & barely […] Continue Reading…
Today, twelve days after the official start of Autumn, the trees in my yard started dropping their leaves. The family across the street has a tree that starts dropping it’s leaves before Fall officially begins. His front yard now has a nice thick carpet of leaves, and […] Continue Reading…
Brand new Red Cross Hummer seen in the Fred Meyer parking lot in Pocatello, Idaho.
General Motors has been donating Hummers to the American Red Cross since 2004, along with a lot of cash ($100,000 in 2004). GM claims the vehicles help with disaster response. I can see the Hummer H1 […] Continue Reading…