Category Archives: U.S.

Afghan pilot kills U.S. troops, financial troubles might be the cause

“Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, shooting started. After the shooting started, we saw a number of Afghan army officers and soldiers running out of the building. Some were even throwing themselves out of the windows to get away.”-Colonel Bahader, Afghan Air Corps spokesman

An Afghan pilot shot and killed eight U.S. troops and one U.S. contractor.   Witnesses say the shooting happened after an argument between the pilot and the troops.  The pilot was also killed. Five Afghan soldiers were wounded.

The pilot was a 20 year veteran of the Afghan government forces, and part of a unit that undergoes strict screening for loyalty.  So far no word on what the argument was about.  The brother of the pilot thinks the shooting was a result of stress aggravated by financial problems: “He was 48 years old. He served his country for years. He loved his people and his country. He had no link with Taliban or al-Qaeda. He was under economic pressures and recently he sold his house. He was going through a very difficult period of time in his life.”-Dr. Mohammad Hassan Sahibi, brother of the shooter


Another fatal U.S. mine cave in

After a fatal silver mine collapse, in Mullen, Idaho, a Washingtonville, Ohio, man was killed April 25 in a coal mine accident.

Officials with the East Fairfield Coal Company says the cave in was a freak accident.  They claim it was the first fatal accident in the mine’s 80 years of operation.  State and Federal authorities are investigating.


Obama ready to change line up, the result will not change much

There are rumors that President Barack Obama is ready to change his military and national security staff.

Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to leave.  He could be replaced by current CIA chief Leon Panetta.   The position of chief of the CIA could go to current Army General David Petraeus, who is about to finish his tour of duty in Afghanistan.  Petraeus’ old job, Commander of Coalition Forces in Afghanistan, could go to Marine Lieutenant General John R. Allen.

There seems to be a clear pattern of ladder climbing.  Obama is expected to name a new ambassador to Afghanistan, someone who is from the Bush Jr camp (as is Robert Gates); Ryan C. Crocker.

Crocker has lots of experience being an ambassador.  Obama even gave him the highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Crocker is currently the dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service.  Guess who else was dean of that school?  Current Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

So even with all the staffing changes there might not be much change to U.S. foreign policy.

Gates says still no plans regarding troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

At a press conference in United Kingdom, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates admitted there were no set plans for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“I expect that (the recommendations) will be coming in the not-too-distant-future.”-Robert Gates

Gates said he was still waiting for recommendations from General David Petraeus.  President Obama had announced that troops would start coming home in July, 2011.  But in February, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made statements that the U.S. would be in Afghanistan “beyond 2014“.

Iraqi PM wavers on claims that Iraq no loger needs U.S. forces

Iraqi Prime minster Nuri al-Maliki, made several statements in the recent past, saying Iraq does not need U.S. troops.  Now it seems Maliki is caving into demands from the Obama administration.

His latest statements are that Iraq does not need U.S. help for “internal” security, but help is still needed for training, weapons and financing.  “If we talk about the internal need, our security forces are capable now to maintain the situation. But regarding the external challenge, yes, the Iraqi military still needs weapons to defend its sovereignty, especially for the air force.”-Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki

Maliki also added that the Iraqi government must be unified in wanting the U.S. to stay: “No deal will happen unless there is a national unified stand. Otherwise everything will remain as it is and this pact will be terminated by the end of this year. A deal of any military cooperation with the United States, Britain, France or any other country will not happen unless everyone agrees.”

Professor who wanted Bush Jr impeached now demands the same for Obama, but it will fail because it’s faulty

Remember the U.S. professor that wanted Bush Jr impeached?  Probably not. Now Professor Francis Boyle wants Obama impeached.  It’s basically for the same reason, war mongering and war crimes and failing to get congressional approval.

The problem is that the calls for impeaching Obama are faulty, because they claim Obama violated the U.S. Constitution by not getting the permission of Congress.  Reality check here, the President of the U.S. does NOT need the consent of Congress to send in military forces; it’s called the War Powers Act!

In my college days I was amazed how many Political Science students were ignorant of this fact (including graduate students).  The War Powers Act (aka War Powers Resolution of 1973) gives the President authority to sends troops anywhere in the world WITHOUT concessional consent.  The President simply has to make periodic progress reports to Congress, to avoid being impeached.

The Act was created after President Johnson (also a Democrat) failed to get congressional approval for going to war in Vietnam, but sent U.S. troops in anyway.  President Johnson increased U.S. forces in Vietnam, WITHOUT a congressional declaration of war.  That’s right, the ten years we were in Vietnam, it was never an officially, congressionally declared war!  By the way, check the history of war carried out by the U.S., you could be surprised how many were never congressionally declared.

Many sources, on the internet (Even the information on WikiPedia is faulty), and college professors, incorrectly state that the War Powers Act prevents the President from sending troops to war.  No it does not!  It prevents the DECLARATION of war without the consent of Congress.  It is legalese that actually makes it easier for the President to send troops into COMBAT.

Here’s the basic rules of the War Powers Act: President notifies Congress within 48 hours of military action (at this point Congress has no say).  After 60 days the President makes a progress report to Congress.  If Congress doesn’t agree with the President, they can try to hold a vote to order troops out.  If there is no resistance from Congress, the President is simply required to make periodic progress reports.

Another misunderstanding is the belief that Congress needs to “approve” the military action.  Historically, as long as Congress does not “oppose” the military action, then the president is off the hook.  Not ‘opposing’ the action is not the same as ‘approving’ the action.

Historically, Congress going against the President is a rare occasion.  It happened under President Clinton, after the fiasco in Somalia.  It’s funny that right wingers accuse Clinton of being weak, but it was actually the Congress that used the War powers Act to override Clinton and pull out the troops.

Bottom line; the President actually has 60 days to do what ever in regards to military action anywhere in the world.  Then the President must convince Congress that the action is justified, or at least prevent members of Congress from opposing it.  Historically Congress doesn’t counter the President.

If you’re looking to impeach the President, stop trying to use the War powers Act, it actually supports the President.


Russia issues more warnings against NATO, over Libya, willing to officially oppose UNSCR 1973

“If a resolution leads to a further escalation of a civil war by any means, including outside intervention, we will not be able to support this.”-Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister

Russia is demanding that military strikes stop, and that peace talks begin following a ceasefire.  Russian officials indicate that they will move from a neutral stance on UNSCR 1973 (Russia abstained from voting on it), to officially opposing it, if NATO doesn’t back off.