Category Archives: U.S.

Here we go, Obama’s anti-Syria speech (rewritten anti-Libya speech), now sanctions against Syria, get ready

After President Obama’s anti-Syrian speech, that was so similar to his anti-Libyan speech that it had to be a rewrite, he now is calling for sanctions.  I told you…

White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday, April 25, the U.S. is pursuing a range of possible options, including targeted sanctions, such as freezing assets held by senior Syrian leaders.  Can you say “cookie cutter” war policy?

Italy will now bomb Libya, the order came from Obama, more lies

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced that Italy will now take part in air strikes against Libya.  He says the order came from U.S. President Obama.

Italy previously said it would not join bombing raids, because of its “friendly” relationship with its former colony.  But Obama, in a phone call, convinced Berlusconi to take military action.  What was that Obama said about this NOT being a U.S. led operation?

Iran loves classic U.S. made cars, who doesn’t?

Iran will be hosting its second classic car show.  The show will open April 28, in Tehran.

It’s not that big, only about 80 classic cars, but for the second effort by Iranian car collectors, it’s good enough.  “Most of the cars are being displayed for the first time. Some have never even been used before.”-Fariborz Ensafi, Touring and Automobile Club

Private collectors will show off German, French and, of course, American automobiles.  Motorcycles and bicycles will also be on display.  The show will run until May 2.

U.S. nuke plant shut down because of failed electronics, another nuke plant down because of grass

Last week reactor 1 of Plant Vogtle nuclear plant, near Waynesboro, Georgia, shut down, on 20 April 2011, without explanation.  Company officials say they are replacing a breaker and other electronic equipment.  They don’t know why the equipment failed.

In Delaware, on 21 April 2011, the Salem 1 nuclear reactor was shut down because of grass.  The Salem plant is along the Delaware river, and plants periodically grow over the water intakes of the nuke plant.  Salem 1 had to be shut down because the plant growth was blocking cooling water from coming into the reactor.  Officials say it’s back on line now.

Surprisingly, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says unexpected shutdowns of nuclear reactors happen every year.


Iraqi religious leader issues warning for U.S., if it doesn’t leave as planned

“Americans occupied our country and started corruption in here and ruined whatever was left by Saddam, therefore after 7 years and based on the security agreement (between Iraq and the U.S.), all the U.S. forces should leave Iraq at the end of 2011.  The extended mission of the infidel occupiers in Iraq even for one single day after the mentioned date (as cited in the security agreement) is haram (religiously forbidden).”-Senior Iraqi Shiite Grand Ayatollah Kazzem al-Hosseini al-Haeri

Iraqis attack U.S. base, again, 2 soldiers killed

Ever since officials from the Obama administration made statements about staying in Iraq passed the 2011 withdrawal date, the Iraqis have been really upset.  Not only protests, but attacking U.S. bases.

According to some reports a U.S. base was attacked on April 23.  Three rockets hit the Echo Army base near the city of Diwaniyah, in southern Iraq. This makes the fourth time the base has been attacked in the past few weeks.   On April 22, two U.S. soldiers were killed, patrolling in southern Iraq.  No details were given by U.S. officials.  So far for April nine U.S. personnel have been killed.

New York City desperate to sell land to China

New York City’s Economic Development Corporation is hosting a weeklong program, trying to sell property to Chinese companies.

It’s another sign that the economy is not recovering.  Real estate agents can’t sell enough property to U.S. companies, so they’re trying to get the rich Chinese to buy it.

Several Chinese businesses have already opened New York City offices, include the apparel company Li & Wang, and several banks and investment firms.

Chinese bankers say dump U.S. dollar, buy other currencies

Several banking officials in China, have stated that they Chinese government needs to “reduce” and “diversify” their foreign currency holdings.

Tang Shuangning, chairman of China Everbright Group said China must reduce its excessive foreign exchange reserves and further diversify its holdings.

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China’s central bank, said that China’s foreign exchange reserves “exceed our reasonable requirement”.

Xia Bin, a member of the monetary policy committee of the central bank, said China should further diversify its foreign exchange holdings.

According to western media reports, most of China’s foreign currency holdings are in U.S. dollars.  This is part of why the value of the U.S. dollar hasn’t dropped as far as it should have.  But if the Chinese government listens to its bankers, then the dollar could crash.

When the Chinese bankers say China must reduce its current foreign currency holdings they’re talking about U.S. dollars.  They’re saying the Chinese government has too many, based on how bad the U.S. economy is.

When the Chinese bankers say they want the Chinese government to diversify foreign currency holdings, they mean they want to get rid of U.S. dollars and buy money from countries that have good economies, like Russia, India, South Africa and several South American countries.


After dissing African Union, over Libya, Obama now asking for their help

The United States, the Europeans, even the United Nations, ignored the African Union when they expressed concerns about military action being taken against one of their own; Libya.  Now, the U.S. wants the AU’s help.

“In addition, we seek the African Union’s assistance in arriving at a political solution in Libya.”-Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State

So now the Obama administration wants a political solution to Libya?  Why didn’t they do that to begin with!  Is this just part of the U.S. plan to move on to attacking Syria?