Category Archives: U.S.

British intellegence officer says Tony Blair, and others, lied about the reasons for war with Iraq

“I am writing to comment on the position taken by Alastair Campbell during his evidence to you … when he stated that the purpose of the dossier was not to make a case for war; I and those involved in its production saw it exactly as that, and that was the direction we were given.”-Major General Michael Laurie, British military intelligence official

General Laurie says that Campell, and then U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, lied to the Chilcot Inquiry (Iraq war inquiry) when they testified that their Iraq dossier was not a case for war.  Laurie says he and other intelligence officials were directed to specifically make the Iraq dossier a case for war against Iraq.

Laurie says that Air Marshal Joe French, a Blair administration official,  continued to pressure  intelligence officials to produce a report that would justify war with Iraq.  He says Air Marshal French was getting frustrated by lack of evidence to justify war: “We could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment that related to WMD, generally concluding that they must have been dismantled, buried or taken abroad. There has probably never been a greater detailed scrutiny of every piece of ground in any country.”

Israelis back off suing Former U.S. President Carter

At the beginning of 2011 a lawsuit was filed against Jimmy Carter, by Israelis upset by the facts in his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”.   They wanted $5 million in damages.

They claimed that Carter’s facts were false, but, according to some reports, as of May 5 they have dropped their claims.  I wounder if they realized Carter’s book is factual regarding Israel’s brutality towards Palestinians?

former Blackwater founder setting up mercenary force in United Arab Emirates

New York Times reporting that former Blackwater founder, Erik Prince, has set up a mercenary force in U.A.E.  The force is mainly made up of Colombians, but includes South Africans, Germans, British and U.S. citizens.

United States officials say if the mercenary group does not have U.S. approval then the U.S. citizens involved could face criminal charges.

Reports say United Arab Emirates is using the mercenary force to build up its own military, in preparation for possible war with Iran.



IMF boss arrested for sex crime, is it really because he was going to run against Sarkozy?

International Monetary Fund boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested just after he boarded an Air France flight at John F. Kennedy airport.  He’s accused of assaulting a hotel maid.

Is it coincidence that Kahn was going to run against French President Sarkozy in next year’s French elections?  Sarkozy is the puppet of the Untied States, the Bush Jr administration helped him become President of France.

These charges also sound very similar to the charges brought against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Afghanistan corruption linked directly to U.S. military

“[They] discussed the history of America and how it was built on the back of others, ultimately concluding that ‘fleecing the government’ was the American way.”-statement by prosecutors concerning corruption charges against U.S. military officers in Afghanistan

Recently an Afghan contractor plead guilty in U.S. court, to bribing U.S. military officers.  Those officers did not come forward with the crime, instead they committed the crime.

The prosecution is recommending one year for the Afghan contractor, because they say his bribery was typical, and he actually did a good job as a contractor.  But the case against the Afghan contractor is actually part of an investigation into corruption inside the United States military.

In most cases, U.S. military officers in Afghanistan decide what contractor will get the job.  Many Afghans have responded to complaints of corruption by saying they have to bribe the U.S. in order to get the job.

Currently two Illinois National Guard officers, and one USAF Sergeant, are facing corruption charges.  They were taking bribes from potential contractors in Afghanistan.  One of the National Guardsmen admitted to the crime.  Both Guardsmen were mailing the cash back home.  One of the packages was intercepted by Customs in the United Kingdom, upon inspection $10,000 was found inside.

Afghan contractors say one of the National Guard officers told them they were in Afghanistan to become rich.


Obama to announce new Middle East Policy

Israeli media reporting that U.S. President Barack Obama will announce a new U.S. Middle East policy, before his visit with the Israeli Prime Minister next week.

Reports say Obama’s new policy is in response to the drastic changes taking place in the Middle East, and North Africa.

When Obama became President he made promises about peace between Israel and Palestine, but some Israeli analysts say he failed to keep that promise. Any new policy he comes up with, they think will fall short:  “…will lay out some very well known parameters and call in the parties to negotiate, but it won’t be a full blown plan.”-Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, Bar-Ilan University


U.S. media lying about Osama bin Laden DNA, someone screwed up the test

“Given what I’ve seen so far, there have been some inconsistencies in what’s been presented, and the reason for that is unknown at this time.”-Bruce Budowle, University of North Texas

A Dallas/Fort Worth DNA expert says no DNA evidence, of Osama bin Laden, has been released by the U.S. government.  Bruce Budowle is a Professor at University of North Texas, Health Science Center’s Department of Forensic and Investigative Genetics (whew).

If Budowle’s University credentials aren’t enough, he spent 26 years doing forensics work for the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).

He believes someone screwed up the DNA test. The DNA might not be bin Laden’s, but a close relative: “We’ve heard that it’s from his sister in Boston, that’s one explanation, and someone else said he only has a half sister and not a full sister, yet they had a 99.99 percent certainty. That alone says there was something done to the calculations.”

Budowles speculates that the government does not have a direct DNA sample of bin Laden, and is using DNA from relatives to try an identify the body they dumped in the Arabian Sea: “That’s where the problem comes in. Right now, anything is just speculation or at best misunderstood.”

Real reason jobs are lacking: Corporate America is broke, lying about profits

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of U.S. citizens living in poverty increased to 43 million, in 2009 (the most recent survey data).

If corporations keep reporting profits, why aren’t they hiring more people?   Paul Sheldon Foote says corporate America is still “cooking their books”, the recovery is false: “…how is it possible for example for American banks to report increases in income and have their stocks go up when all they’re doing is releasing reserve accounts on their balance sheet.”

Also: “If in fact you are playing games with the accounts creating reserve accounts and releasing reserve accounts and playing other accounting tricks you are publishing false financial statements. This is what has been happening.”

Foote is an Accounting Professor at California State University in Fullerton.


Pakistan to give China downed U.S. stealth Blackhawk, U.S. Congress threatens end to financial aid for Pakistan

One of the helicopters used in the May 2 assassination of Osama bin Laden could be a modified Blackhawk.

According to an Air Force Times article, the helicopters are modified MH-60 Blackhawks, similar to the Direct Action Penetrator.  However, analysts with Janes Defense point out that the tail section of the copter that crashed does not match that of the Blackhawk.  Officials will not tell what kind of helicopter it was.

Pentagon officials are demanding that Pakistan give the copter back, but Pakistan has another plan.  They may use the high tech helicopter in a deal with China.  Some reports say all that’s left of the helicopter is the tail section.

U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, from California, has introduced a bill that would end financial aid to Pakistan if they don’t return the damaged helicopter remains.  U.S. Senator John Kerry, from Massachusetts, is set to visit Pakistan to discuss issues surrounding the May 2 operation.