Category Archives: U.S.

What Economic Recovery? Proof that it’s gotten worse since Obama became President

The following list is not necessarily blaming Obama for the economic problems, it’s just showing how things have gotten worse since he became President.

1: In January 2009, the official U.S. unemployment rate was 7.6 percent. Today it is 9.1 percent.

2: When Barack Obama took office, the number of “long-term unemployed” in the United States was approximately 2.6 million. Today, that number is up to 6.2 million.

3: When Barack Obama first became president, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States was $1.83. Today it is $3.79. This also affects the price of almost everything else that we buy.

4: In April 2009, the average U.S. household spent approximately $201 on gasoline. In April 2011, the average U.S. household spent approximately $369 on gasoline.

5: According to an article in the Daily Mail, the cost of a Memorial Day cookout was 29 percent higher this year than it was last year.

6: When Barack Obama was sworn in, there were nearly 32 million Americans on food stamps. Today, there are more than 44 million on food stamps.

7: According to the U.S. Census, the number of children living in poverty has gone up by about 2 million in just the past 2 years.

8: When Barack Obama took office, the U.S. national debt was 10.6 trillion dollars.  Today it is 14.3 trillion dollars.

9: The federal government has borrowed 29,660 more dollars per household since Barack Obama signed the economic stimulus law two years ago.

10: During Barack Obama’s first two years in office, the U.S. government added more to the U.S. national debt than the first 100 U.S. Congresses combined.

11: The combined debt of the major GSEs (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae) has increased from 3.2 trillion in 2008 to 6.4 trillion in 2011.  Thanks to George W. Bush, Barack Obama and the U.S. Congress, U.S. taxpayers are standing behind that debt.

12: Under Obama, the U.S. trade deficit continues to grow. The trade deficit was about 33 percent larger in 2010 than it was in 2009, and the 2011 trade deficit is expected to be even bigger.

13: Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.

14: Just since August, 2 million more Americans have left the labor force.

15: In 2010, more than a million U.S. families lost their homes to foreclosure for the first time ever, and that number is expected to go even higher in 2011.

16: The U.S. real estate crisis just continues to get worse. During the first three months of this year, less new homes were sold in the U.S. than in any three month period ever recorded.

17: The U.S. dollar has fallen by 17 percent compared to other major national currencies since 2009.

18: Faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. Treasuries is rapidly declining.  The mainstream news is not reporting on it much, but right now the Chinese are rapidly dumping U.S. government debt. That is not a good sign.

19: When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850. Today an ounce of gold costs about $1500.

20: Americans seem to be more pessimistic about the economy than ever.  According to a brand new poll, 61 percent of Americans believe that they will not return to their “pre-recession” lifestyles until at least 2014.

Source: The American Dream

What Economic Recovery? U.S. Investor Markets about to crash

1: According to The New York Post, nearly all of the major Wall Street banks are planning huge layoffs….

“Barclays Capital, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley currently are among those financial institutions either weighing staff cuts or actually paring payroll.”

2: A new CNBC article claims that a “negative feedback loop” has “taken control” on Wall Street.  Essentially what is happening is that bad economic news is creating an “environment of pessimism” which creates even more bad economic news, etc. etc.

3: OPEC has announced that oil production levels will not be raised. This is likely to spook the financial markets and cause the price of oil to go up even higher in the coming weeks. The last time U.S. energy expenditures were over 9 percent of GDP was back in 2008 and at that point the economy rapidly plunged into a very deep recession. For the first time since 2008 we have reached the 9 percent figure again, and many on Wall Street fear that this could lead to bad things.

4: QE2 will be wrapping up at the end of June, and many on Wall Street had been counting on yet another round of quantitative easing. Over the past couple of days, however, it has started to become clear that is just not going to happen – at least for now. In fact, Pimco’s co-chief investment officer, Bill Gross, is telling investors that for the Fed it will “be difficult to initiate a QE3.” But without artificial stimulation the U.S. economy may start really struggling again, and Wall Street knows this.

5: Moody’s recently warned that it may downgrade the debt ratings of Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo. Bank stocks were on the cutting edge of the financial collapse of 2008, and it looks like that may happen again this time.

6: Faith in the U.S. dollar continues to decline. Back on April 18th, Standard & Poor’s changed its outlook on U.S. government debt from “stable” to “negative” and warned that the U.S. could soon lose its AAA rating. China has been very busy dumping short-term U.S. government debt and there does not seem to be a lot of people (other than the Federal Reserve) that are eager to buy U.S. Treasuries right now.

7: U.S. consumer confidence is already lower than it was back in September 2008 when Lehman Brothers collapsed. Consumer spending makes up approximately 70 percent of the U.S. economy and Wall Street is watching this number closely.

8: A whole slew of bad economic news has been pouring in lately. Mike Riddell, a fund manager at M&G Investments in London, recently pointed out to CNBC some of the data points that have been particularly alarming….

“US house prices have fallen by more than 5 percent year on year, pending home sales have collapsed and existing home sales disappointed, the trend of improving jobless claims has arrested, first quarter GDP wasn’t revised upwards by the 0.4 percent forecast, durables goods orders shrank, manufacturing surveys from Philadelphia Fed, Richmond Fed and Chicago Fed were all very disappointing.”

9: A whole lot of folks in the financial industry have been warning about the next financial collapse lately. For example, economist Nouriel Roubini recently made the following statement….

“I think right now we’re on the tipping point of a market correction. Data from the U.S., from Europe, from Japan, from China are suggesting an economic slowdown.”

10: According to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, 48% of Americans believe that it is either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that the United States will experience a “depression” within the next 12 months. Needless to say, Wall Street is highly influenced by the overall mood of the nation.

Source: The American Dream


Iraq tells U.S. Congressmen to get the F out!

They are unwelcome in Iraq from now on. Their demand to conduct an investigation into the raid is categorically unacceptable and has upset Iraq.-Ali Al-Dabbagh, Iraqi government spokesman

The U.S. Congressional delegation in Iraq has really put their feet in the their mouths, by showing just how arrogant U.S. officials are when it comes to Iraq.

First, the stupid Kalifornian (sic) Congressman Dana Rohrabacher demanded that Iraq pay for being invaded and occupied by the United States.  He said it was to pay back the U.S. for the service of taking out Saddam Hussein, something the Iraqis never really asked for (most of the testimonies before Congress have proven to be faked).

The Kalifornian described the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a sign that we care about Iraqis: “We were hoping that there would be a consideration of a payback because the United States right now is in close to a very serious economic crisis and we could certainly use some people to care about our situation as we have cared about theirs.”-Dana Rohrabacher

Moron Rohrabacher!  The only justified “payback” is that Iraq invades the United States and takes out our government!

Second, idiot Congressmen have arrogantly demanded that the United States conduct an investigation into the Iraqi attack on the Iranian refugee Ashraf camp.  The Iranian’s were long time refugees in Iraq, but they were also pro-U.S./anti-Iranian rebels who had been using Iraqi territory for training, supply and a safe haven for decades.

The U.S. demand to investigate the Iraqi raid makes it sound like the United States was really using Ashraf camp to stage terrorist raids into Iran, despite denials of such action by our leaders.

The U.S. Embassy in Iraq, has been notified that the Congressional delegation needs to leave NOW.


Obama has worst Veto record since Garfield

According to Smart Politics at the University of Minnesota, President Barack Obama has the worst veto record since President James Garfield in 1881.

Obama has vetoed only two bills since becoming President; a stopgap appropriations bill on December 30, 2009, and a housing foreclosure bill on October 7, 2010.

So it looks like Obama is the most Congress/Corporate America friendly President in the past 130 years!

What Economic Recovery? Beige Book shows New York, Philly, Atlanta and Chicago Slow Down

The big bank known as Federal Reserve released its “Beige Book” of economic conditions (aka Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions).  Four districts of the United States show a slow down in economic activity.

Activity in the New York (district 2), Philadelphia (district 3), Atlanta (district 6) and Chicago (district 7) regions are slowing down.  The Federal Reserve blames the down turn on everything from the March 11 disasters in Japan, to a weak housing market, to increasing food and energy prices.

Their are 12 Federal Reserve districts in the United States.  The Beige Book will be presented at a Federal Reserve meeting on June 21.

What Global Warming? U.S. ABC, NBC & CBS News ignores cooling trend in Pacific Northwest

Climate change? Yes!  Global Warming? Doubtful, if your from the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

For the past few days we’ve been getting tired of hearing American Broadcast Company (not to be confused with Australian Broadcasting Corporation) news talk about the heat wave affecting “America”: “One week into June, America is in the grip of pulverizing summer heat…”-Diane Sawyer, ABC.

The National Broadcasting Company used The Weather Channel forecaster Kelly Cass, standing in front of a weather map which showed, deceptively, the Pacific Northwest in warm yellow temperatures.

At least CBS (formerly known as Columbia Broadcasting System) specified the heat wave was “…across about two thirds of the nation…”, instead of trying to make it look like it was the whole country.

I’m also getting tired of hearing experts on international news sources say this “heat” is proof of global warming. Well it ain’t hot in the Pacific Northwest!  It’s not even close to normal!

The average high temperature for Idaho, in June, is 77 Fahrenheit.  Today, June 8, in the cities of Pocatello and Chubbuck the official high was 56 (according to the Pocatello International Airport)!  Tomorrow’s forecasted high is 53 to 62 (depending on the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, or Idaho Falls TV station KIFI)!  Add to that the rain we’re getting.  The average number of rainy days in June, for Idaho, is seven.  We are about to break that average.

The point is, the U.S. Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana) have been cooler than normal, by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

The term Global Warming means a unified warming of the entire planet.  There are many places on Earth that are NOT warming.  What is going on is Climate Change.  Why does mainstream media keep harping on this Global Warming thing, and it’s all human’s fault because of their green house gasses, when there are places that are actually cooling down?  In fact there are reports that contradict the claims that the Earth is warming up.

What Economic Recovery? Diesel Fuel usage new Canary in the Coal Mine, Recovery is Dead

“I was optimistic we’d have a better month, but it looks now like the recovery ended last summer, which means we’re just idling.”-Ed Leamer, University California Los Angeles economist

If you use diesel fuel you might have noticed that the price has been slowly going down.  That’s good for those of use who pay at the pump, but for the economy as a whole it’s a Canary in the Coal Mine of worse to come for our economy.

Diesel fuel prices are dropping because of a huge drop in demand.  That drop has been ongoing since last year, and in the past four months has been picking up speed.

Most users of diesel are transportation industries.  They ship products all over the country, but shipments of new products have dropped so much in eight of the past 12 months, that trucks, ships and aircraft are sitting idle.

According to the Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index, the drop in diesel fuel demand is proof any economic recovery that might have been, is over.

Ed Leamer says the two main reasons demand is down: Low wages/lack of jobs and high debt.  Notice they’re the two things our elected officials, across the board from local leaders to the White House, can’t seem to deal with.

Leamer also says such a drop in demand, in the U.S., is a first in world history: “U.S. demand has been such a key for the rest of the world for so long. This is sort of uncharted territory.”



U.S. to stay in Afghanistan until 2017

“We won’t complete doing what we need to do until about 2016, 2017.”-USA Lieutenant General William Caldwell

General Caldwell made his statement at the Brookings Institute on June 6.  His reasons are that only one in six Afghans, who join the Afghan government forces, can read and write.  Caldwell says that means it will take longer than expected for the U.S. military to train up Afghan troops to a level U.S. officials will feel secure with.

What Economic Recovery? U.S. unemployment much higher than officially reported, Corporate America needs to create 500,000 jobs EVERY month

The official U.S. unemployment rate is currently 9.1%, but that does not count those unemployed who dropped off the official lists, or those who are discouraged job seekers.

Fadhel Kaboub, an economics professor at Denison University in Ohio, says when you take into account people who are no longer counted by official sources, the actual unemployment rate is 17%.

The U.S. Department of Labor said 14 million people are officially unemployed, but Kaboub believes it’s actually 20-23 million.

He said the reason the stock markets reacted badly to the May job creation numbers, is because the only way there can be a recovery is if Corporate America creates 500,000 new jobs every month.  That has yet to happen, and as demonstrated by the May numbers, jobs creation is actually going down.