Category Archives: U.S.

French warmongers: Lower Parliament approves continuing war against Libya

July 12, the lower house of the French Parliament approved an extension to the war against Libya.  The vote was 482 in favor, only 27 against.

The French Senate will vote next.  The war with Libya is costing French taxpayers 1 million Euros per day.

It is a sign of desperation when the leaders of a government throw millions, if not billions in taxpayer money at a war that seems to have no end.  The leaders must think that controlling Libya’s oil is the only option for saving their own economy.

“If NATO loses, the consequences are enormous. There are enormous, trillion dollar  financial consequences for those NATO member countries that are seen as aggressors and invaders here.”-Franklin Lamb, Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace

Iraqi Prime Minister succumbs to demands of president Obama, will ask for U.S. troops to stay

Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, told the newly appointed U.S. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, that he will ask for U.S. troops to stay beyond the original withdraw date.

The Prime Minister said it would be contingent upon the Iraqi Parliament to approve such a request.  At least half the members of the Iraqi Parliament have warned of dire consequences if the United States keeps troops in Iraq.

Leon Panetta was in Iraq on July 11, to push the Iraqis to keep U.S. troops in their country, despite the promised pullout by the end of the year.


Evil Cops: Idaho officials rig forensic lab results, thousands of drug convictions now questioned! How many innocent people went to prison?

After an internal investigation, the Idaho State Police (ISP) discovered that technicians working at the ISP Region 5 Forensics Lab in Pocatello, Idaho, may have tampered with illegal drugs testing.

The ISP actually conducted the investigation some time ago, and is only now going public.  Three lab technicians were put on leave, but then they resigned in June.

ISP documents show that the lab techs were concealing illegal drugs in the Region 5 Lab.  Testing done at that lab was used as evidence in drug related cases.  One lab tech is said to have kept a box of drugs stashed above the ceiling tiles.

The illegal conduct of the lab techs now raise questions about drug convictions going back to 2003.

Evil Cops: Former New Orleans Police officer admits to covering up murders by other cops

The mainstream U.S. media is not reporting on the number of New Orleans cops on trial for murders they committed after hurricane Katrina.

A witness for the Federal government, and former New Orleans detective, Jeffrey Lehrmann, testified on July 11, that he helped to cover up murders committed by cops.

Lehrman said the cover ups included falsifying paperwork and planting false evidence, like guns, on the victims.

Five former, and current, New Orleans cops are on trial for shooting and killing people, including a mentally handicapped man, and then lying about it.

Already five former cops, including Lehrman, pleaded guilty.  Lehrman is serving three years for his part in trying to cover up the crimes.

Incompetent Charities: 4 months later only 23% of donations have reached victims of the March 11 disasters

Within Japan, at least $3.7 billion has been raised by charities, like the Japanese Red Cross and Central Community Chest of Japan.  It was all to help the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunamis.

A report shows that so far only 23% of that money has actually gone to the victims.

The charities are working with local governments to get the money out, but local officials say the logistics of such an operation, because of the huge number of displaced victims, is making the job difficult.  On top of that, local governments are short on manpower.  Most government workers are involved with clean up, rebuilding, radiation checks and decontamination.

Here’s an idea:  Why not take some of the victims, who’re complaining of not having anything to do because their homes and jobs have been destroyed, and create a disaster relief crew that helps the charities distribute the donations?

The $3.7 billion does not include all the money Japan got from other countries.



What Economic Recovery? Chinese industries continue to cut back on imports, blames lack of demand

“The slowdown in import growth will last two to three months or even longer due to both falling demand and possible commodity price drops.”-Li Wei, Standard Chartered Shanghai

While China’s industry activity looks great, compared to other countries, the fact is that it’s slowing down.  The latest import numbers are the lowest ‘increase’ since November 2009.  This means that Chinese industries are buying less materials from other countries.

Imports are at 19.3%, compared to the previous year.  But export numbers are down as well.

China’s June export numbers are 17.9%, compared to May’s 19.4%.  Export numbers to the U.S. and EU dropped to 16.9%.

“The slow recovery of the global economy and the European debt crisis have added uncertainties to export growth.”-Zheng Yuesheng, GAC statistics

While some Chinese industry analysts remain optimistic, some Chinese officials are not so positive: “Exporters in Zhejiang have experienced a disappointing first half, and the second half will not be better.”-Han Jie, Zhejiang Department of Commerce



Study says relaxation can work almost as good as headache medication, and is cheaper

University of Mississippi researchers say relaxation can work just as good on migraine headaches, as expensive medication.

The study was actually a cost benefit analysis.  Researchers followed people for a year, and compared the cost of prescription medication against professional relaxation services like massage, hypnosis, etc (called minimal contact therapy).

The results were that the minimal contact therapy was just as effective, and $500.00 cheaper.  Some of the patients in the study say they’ve actually cut back on their professional relaxation treatment to just a few times a year, saving even more money.


Deadly European E Coli hits Arizona, Michigan

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that an Arizona man died from the same strain of e.coli that has killed about 50 people in Europe.  The man died last month, after a trip to Germany.

The CDC confirmed six more U.S. citizens are infected.  They all live in Michigan.  Five of them had been in Germany.  There are possible cases in North Carolina, Wisconsin and Massachusetts.

Idaho cuts Medicaid again, limits choice of providers, gets sued

Idaho’s slash and burning of Medicaid continues.  The latest cuts are taking away $34 million in state funding.

Idaho began their destruction of Medicaid services last year.  By October of 2010 a total of $105 million in state and federal cuts hit Idaho’s Medicaid program.

Some Idaho dentists say they are providing free services, out of sympathy for patients who’re being denied needed services, because of Idaho’s cuts.  Idaho lawmakers claim the cuts to the Medicaid dental program do not affect “necessary” dental services, but, dentists point out that many of the treatments being hit by funding cuts actually prevent more serious conditions, and would be more cost effective.

On top of that Idaho is now limiting providers, in some cases only one provider is allowed.  This has resulted in a lawsuit, brought by two disabled men and their families.  It could turn into a class action suit.

The new Idaho rules actually violate federal laws which protect a patient’s right to choose which provider they want.


Quotes from the front line of unemployment

In June, the average amount of time a person is unemployed reached a record 39.9 weeks.

“We have had many, many months to stimulate this economy and still not seeing businesses hire, it’s a real concern.”-Frank Davis, LEK Securities

“I send out 50 to 60 resumes a week. Nobody ever gets back to you.”-Rob Attanasio, unemployed more than one year

“I feel washed out from the statistics, in terms of not being heard, in terms of the energy that it has taken for me to keep trying to find work. I don’t feel like I’m even on the radar screen in Washington.”-N. David Cooper, unemployed more than one year

“I’ve had nightmares about my family living on the street.”-Said Nasser, unemployed more than one year

“What we’re seeing here is a sort of settling into the reality of where things are, maybe not holding out as much hope as they once held out that there’s going to be a big recovery, and all of it is going to come back. Instead, people are looking around and saying, ‘Maybe this is going to be what it’s going to be.'”-Rusty Rueff,

“Your hope soars when you snag a job interview; then it’s dashed when there’s no job offer. Repeat this over and over again and you start to feel like it’s better not to get your hopes up.”-Fran Hopkins, unemployed more than one year

“It’s very hard when you’re over 60. Nobody wants us. We’ve just been leaving resumes, that’s it. You get no reply.”-Mary Kadin, unemployed since April 2011