Category Archives: International

Did You Know About the (U.S. Backed?) Coup in Ecuador?

On September 30th, there was what some call a U.S. backed coup attempt in Ecuador.  It failed.  Did the U.S. TV media cover it.  No.

Army soldiers run as they clash with striking police outside a hospital, where Ecuador's President Rafael Correa was holed up inside, in Quito September 30, 2010. Army troops stormed a hospital in Quito late on Thursday and rescued Correa, who had been trapped inside and surrounded by renegade police protesting against government austerity measures. REUTERS/Guillermo Granja (ECUADOR - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY)

According to several western media sources, the violence happened as a result of the Ecuadorian government making tough economic decisions that affected many workers, including police.  However, Russia Today interviewed several people who said many of the disaffected groups, involved in the coup, get money from U.S. agencies.  Also, police said they were rebelling because their benefits were being cut, but, according to Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, benefits have not been cut, and police pay has actually been increased; “Presumably, a certain part of society – in this case, armed people, national police – expressed their discontent with the new law they haven’t even read to the end.”

Army soldiers run as they clash with striking police outside a hospital, where Ecuador's President Rafael Correa was holed up inside, in Quito September 30, 2010. Army troops stormed a hospital in Quito late on Thursday and rescued Correa, who had been trapped inside and surrounded by renegade police protesting against government austerity measures. REUTERS/Guillermo Granja (ECUADOR - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY IMAGES OF THE DAY)

The Ecuadorian Army put down the coup attempt by, what some say were police officers backed by U.S. interests.  President Correa said they have intelligence that shows that several groups went to the United States just days before the coup.  Those groups met with right wing political groups in the U.S., where it’s believed they received funding for a coup attempt.  Mmmm, isn’t that sponsoring international terrorism, by the very country leading the War on Terror?

Military personnel patrol the street in armoured vehicles, in Quito October 5, 2010. Ecuador's President Rafael Correa issued a decree on Tuesday extending the country's state of alert, which lets the army patrol the streets, until October 8. REUTERS/Guillermo Granja (ECUADOR - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY)

There is a state of emergency in Ecuador. The streets are being patrolled by the Army.  Question: If so many Ecuadorians didn’t like their President, why did so many unarmed civilians come out in defense of him?

People stage a rally in support of Ecuador's President Rafael Correa in Buenos Aires October 1, 2010. Latin American leaders condemned unrest in Ecuador Thursday and threw their support behind Correa as he faced crowds of police protesting over austerity plans. REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian(ARGENTINA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Who is President Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado? He is what greedy neo-con right wingers in the United States hate: An Economist, and Socialist, who fought against (mainly U.S.) creditors, claiming that the many debts against Ecuador were illegal.  He also kicked out the World Bank’s Ecuadorian manager.  He is the current President of the Union of South American Nations (bet most people in the U.S. don’t know the South American countries united back in 2008).  In other words, take out Correa and you kill two birds with one stone.

Ecuador's President Rafael Correa gives a news conference inside the Carondolet Palace, after army soldiers rescued him from the hands of striking police, in Quito September 30, 2010. Army troops stormed a hospital in Quito late on Thursday and rescued Correa, who had been trapped inside and surrounded by renegade police protesting against government austerity measures. REUTERS/Guillermo Granja (ECUADOR - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY)

Venezuela & Iran Working to Create New, New World Order

On Wednesday, October 20th, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, announced they had signed several energy deals, and, that they are working towards a new world order of their own.   Ahmadinejad stated; “We are united and determined to end the current injustice which dominates the world and replace it with a new world order based on justice.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad embraces Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez during a welcoming ceremony for Chavez in Tehran, Iran on October 19, 2010.   UPI/Maryam Rahmanian Photo via Newscom

Ahmadinejad also said; “If one day, my brother Mr Chavez and I and a few other people were once alone in the world, today we have a long line of revolutionary officials and people standing alongside each other. The enemies of our nations will go one day. This is the promise of God and the promise of God will definitely be fulfilled.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez during a welcoming ceremony for Chavez in Tehran, Iran on October 19, 2010.   UPI/Maryam Rahmanian Photo via Newscom

An example of how ignorant our government, and U.S. political advisers, have gotten, foreign policy analyst, Rick Casper said this deal between Iran and Venezuela was proof that U.S. sanctions are working.  What an idiot!  He also said; “There is no other country willing to do business with Iran except Venezuela.” Idiot!  Who do you think is building Iran’s nuclear power plant?  Russia!  Iran also has deals with China, and many Central Asian countries, as well as European countries.  This is the level of intelligence of U.S. foreign policy analysts?

Venezuela Building Nuclear Plant, says Yankee Empire Behind World Aggression

It’s interesting how our government, and main stream media, is so rabid about going after Iran’s nuclear power ambitions.   And now, in the back yard of the United States, Venezuela has signed a deal with Russia to build a nuclear reactor. I’m not seeing any rabid war mongering coming from our government, or media, about it.  Mmmm.  Here’s what U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley had to say about it; “It is certainly a right of any country to pursue civilian nuclear energy, but with that right comes responsibilities,”.  Not as tough sounding as with Iran.

ITAR-TASS: MOSCOW, RUSSIA. OCTOBER 15, 2010. Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez (R-L) sign agreements at the Kremlin. (Photo ITAR-TASS/ Mikhail Klimentyev) Photo via Newscom

Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, is traveling the world.  His first stop, Russia, where he gave a speech denouncing the United States, and expressing sorrow for the fall of the Soviet Union.  The nuclear plant deal was part of a larger economic deal with Russia.  Another part of the deal involves the sale of Venezuela’s stake in four oil refineries that are co-owned by a German company.   Other petroleum deals with Russia involve the sale of Venezuelan assets co-owned by British Petroleum (BP, remember those guys).  Gee, that doesn’t sound like a communist thing to do?   Chavez stated; “I’m a socialist, but also a good merchant.”

KIEV, UKRAINE. OCTOBER 18, 2010. Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez (C) touring the Antonov aircraft assembly plant in Kyiv, accompanied by its President and General Designer Dmitry Kiva (L). Photo ITAR-TASS / Vladimir Sindeyev Photo via Newscom

Chavez also stopped in Ukraine, and had a tour of the famous Antonov aircraft factory.

In a Russia Today interview, President Chavez blamed the current violent state of the world on the “…Yankee Empire.” (I wounder how many U.S. citizens know that ‘Yankee’ refers to them).  Russian President Medvedev said Russia and Venezuela are working to create a world order not dependent on the United States; “…a world order where our future would not depend on the will, desire, or mood of some country, but on joint efforts of the international community, and, indeed, internal development.”

French Strikers Blockade Airports. Don’t Get It?

The anti-government strikes continue in France. Strikers are now blockading airports.  French police opened access to most oil depots, although strikers managed to re-blockade one oil depot.  Liquid Natural Gas workers are now refusing to unload ships carrying LNG.  The French Government is saying they have things under control, and that strikers, like the high school students, will stop, because of an upcoming school holiday.

French striking workers block the Charles-de-Gaulle airport in Roissy near Paris October 20, 2010. Striking public sector workers disrupted travel across France as trade unions kept up their resistance on Wednesday to an unpopular pension reform due for a final vote in the Senate this week.  REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS TRANSPORT POLITICS)

Why is the retirement age increase so important to French workers? Basically because it was a long hard fight to get a retirement system, and now they see this as baby steps to taking it away.  It is a quality of life issue for the French.    Here’s what retired French policeman, Michel Fourgues, had to say: “I am a retired police officer, and we have known times when we earned very little money, but it did not bother anyone. Today we have a pension, we deserve one, and we wish the same thing for the younger generation.”

Demonstrators march through the streets to protest the French government's attempt to raise the minimum retirement age in Paris on October 19, 2010. Trade unions and students have staged nationwide street marches and disruptive strikes throughout France over the last few weeks.  UPI/David Silpa Photo via Newscom

Another issue is jobs.  France has an unemployment rate of almost 25% for workers under 25 years of age.  So, naturally the youth feel threatened by an increase in the retirement age.  One protester’s sign read: “Grandpa took my job.”

A demonstrator marches through the streets to protest the French government's attempt to raise the minimum retirement age in Paris on October 19, 2010. Trade unions and students have staged nationwide street marches and disruptive strikes throughout France over the last few weeks.  UPI/David Silpa Photo via Newscom

I don’t get it. People in the United States are facing increasing retirement age, yet no one seems to care as much as the French care.  Isn’t quality of life important?  You really want to work most of your life at jobs you hate, and, compete with your own children, or even your grand children?  I don’t get it.

French Strikers Kickin’ Ass, viva Nouvelle Révolution Française!

French strikes continue, should we dare call it Nouvelle Révolution Française?  Even French high school students are going head to head with riot police!  Today, the students have blockaded schools and set fire to cars.  Strikes actually started more than a month ago, and have only gotten bigger, viva les Français!

ATTENTION EDITORS - FRENCH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN FRANCE.  High school students shout slogans as they block the entrance of the Thiers high school to demonstrate over pension reform in Marseille October 18, 2010. The banner reads High school students on strike .  REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier (FRANCE - Tags: EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS EDUCATION CIVIL UNREST)

According to the French news agency, AFP, around 1500 gas stations have run out of fuel.  Workers at 11 of France’s 12 oil refineries have joined the country wide strike, protesting a two year raise in retirement.

French striking workers block the entrance of the oil refinery of Grandpuits, east of Paris, October 18 , 2010. France started to tap its industry strategic reserves as a growing number of pumps in French petrol stations were drying up on Monday at the start of a second week of action by refinery and port strikers to block fuel supplies over an unpopular pension reform bill.  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS ENERGY)

On Sunday French truck drivers joined the strike, blocking the country’s major highways.  Half of all airline flights in and out of France have been canceled.

French striking truck drivers demonstrate over pension reform on a motorway near Fresnes-les-Montauban, northern France, October 18, 2010. French truck drivers staged go-slow operations on highways, rail strikes intensified and petrol stations ran out of fuel on Monday as protests gathered pace ahead of a Senate vote on an unpopular pension overhaul. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS TRANSPORT)

This is a major event taking place in Europe, with implications for the United States, yet, the U.S. Media is barely covering it.  Why?  Maybe it’s because the Corporate Controlled U.S. Media, and our Government, doesn’t want us getting any ideas?

The amazing thing is that the French are striking over a proposed two year increase to their retirement age, it hasn’t even become law.  Actually the retirement age issue is the final straw for most French.  They’re tired of constantly getting screwed over by their leaders.  Which brings me to my point, again, what’s up America?  We’ve endured so much more hyperbole here in the United States, yet where is the public outrage?

Maybe Americans are waiting for November elections to see change.  Idiots!  How many generations of Americans have played that losing game?  History shows that we the People have only gotten screwed over and over by our so called leaders!

Thomas Jefferson, a founder of the United States, and our 3rd President, warned:  “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing [a people] to slavery.” —Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. (*) ME 1:193, Papers 1:125

Wake Up America!

Staples Office Supply Going Russian

The worlds largest office supply store, Staples, has joined up with a Russian company, Pragmatic Express.

The two companies will work jointly to serve international customers in Russia.

The deal allows U.S. based Staples to continue its worldwide expansion.  It also allows Staples to take advantage of Russia’s growing economy, while the U.S. economy falters.

Recently the IMF predicted 4.3% economic growth for Russia in 2011.  Compare that to the forecast of 2.3% growth for the United States.  Also, Russia’s unemployment rate is expected to drop to 7.3%, while unemployment in the U.S. is expected stay around 9.6% (

Pocatello, Idaho.

China No Longer Needs Us. November Elections. The Economy is Everything.

Beware of political promises, especially when it comes to the economy.  History shows politicians have a bad track record when it comes to ‘saving’ the economy.  Sometimes they get it right in the short term, but when it comes to long term planning, forget it.  Long term should be considered 20 years plus, not ten years, or more commonly, 5 years or less.

Big news in economics involving the world and the United States.  Last week a U.S. economics professor was quoted, in the European media, as saying the world was “…partially decoupling,” from the U.S. economy (  What he meant, and what I’ve be warning about in discussions with acquaintances and relatives, is that the “developing economies” (which should no longer be called “developing”) have now reached a point where they do not need the United States to be economically viable.  Those countries include India, Brazil and China.

How many times has you’ve heard how the Chinese need the U.S. economy in order to continue growing?  Remember how much the U.S. is in debt to the Chinese?  Now, realize they no longer need us economically.  Uh oh.

In other economic news, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has revised, downward, it’s expectations for U.S. economic growth in 2011 (  Some reasons are the amount of debt owed by the government, and, that economic data coming from the U.S. is never as good as predicted, and in some cases it’s worse.

Here’s an example: Today it was revealed, in a article, that according to the U.S. Department of Labor, for the second year in a row, the overall unemployment numbers need to be increased.  They are saying that, so far this year, 366,000 job losses have not been counted.  It was revealed, earlier this year, that 902,000 lost jobs had not been counted for 2009.  Also, the uncounted job losses for 2010 will not be officially added to the 2010 unemployment numbers until February 2011 (you have to keep that in mind every time you hear the “official” numbers reported this year).  One analyst says it is common in a bad economy to underestimate job losses.  Another analyst says the current employment models (formulas for predicting trends, or figuring out what happened) are not working.  Oh really?

We, the people of the United States, are in a predicament that was created by the short term policies of our corporate and political leaders.  Some countries called “developing economies” (formerly known as third world) have not only caught up with us, they are leaving us in their dust.  When you vote this November do your homework.  Investigate the candidates and the issues.  We need not only a high quantity of voting, but a high quality of voting.

Currency Wars Pushing Global Inflation

On October 2nd, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned the world’s countries not to start a currency war. Such action could end any economic recovery. The problem is that it appears that the world is already in a currency war.

Today, October 6th,  an RT (I think it stands for Russia Today) program called Cross Talk, interviewed three currency analysts about the race, by most countries, to devalue their money.

Countries want their money to be low in value in order to attract foreign customers. International trade is key to growing a country’s economy. An economy that’s based on domestic trade only, leads to stagnation. But, if all the major traders in the world crash the value of their money the result could be worse than an economy based only on domestic trade.

The analysts interviewed on RT represent companies/organizations from Hong Kong, Russia and the U.S.

They said currency devaluation works only if a handful of countries do it. The problem is that “everyone” is doing it. The result will be global inflation.

The analysts agreed that the coming global inflation will not affect the ‘western’ countries as badly as the rest of the world. They didn’t give any example of how bad it would get.

An allegory was used to explain the effect of most countries trying to devalue their money at the same time: It’s like a marathon where you have so many runners that they knock each other out of the race. I other words, some countries are going to have their economies “knocked” out.

To solve the problem of currency wars, the analysts said world leaders might create a common global currency, or at least common rules on currency trading.

Increasing commodity prices, currency wars, actual wars, massive debts owed by governments, continuing job losses, etc. It seems to me that despite the positive spin our leaders, and main stream media puts on our economy, the evidence is clear that things are going to get worse. Buckle up.

Europeans Strike! Who Cares About Terrorism?

Europeans were told that a Mumbai style terrorist attack in Europe was foiled, do they care? Hell no! Why? Because, according to strikers in Latvia, people are dying because of the drastic measures undertaken by their government to deal with their crashing economy. In other words, Europeans are more afraid of their governments than random terrorists.

Today, people in France, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Greece and several other countries not mentioned in U.S. media, went on strike. What happened to the economic recovery? A former European Union commissioner is quoted as saying “The party is over…”. European governments want even more drastic belt tightening, increasing the burden of paying for the partying of political and business leaders upon the average European taxpayer. No wounder Europeans are outraged.

Is this a sign of pending doom for the U.S. recovery? The same caca del toro is happening with our leadership here in the U.S. Where are the mass strikes? Are we so afraid of our leadership that we’d rather continue playing along with their war on terror game?

The real terrorism is being waged on the average U.S. worker, by corporate America and their puppets; our political leaders. Let me give you an example: When my son was 17 he got a job working for a movie theater here on the east side of Idaho. His first two weeks he put in 90 hours. We though he was going to get overtime pay, nope, not under the Fair Labor Standards Act. According to the Idaho Department of Labor, movie theater employees are number 5 on the list of jobs exempted from overtime pay.

We also learned that Idaho employers do not have to provide breaks under Idaho state law. My son was told that he would be fired if he was caught taking a break or eating, even when he worked 8-9 hour shifts. Here is what Idaho says: “IDAHO LAW DOES NOT REQUIRE
1. vacation, holiday, severance or sick pay;
2. a discharge notice or a reason for discharge;
3. rest periods, breaks, lunch breaks, holidays
off or vacations;
4. premium pay rates for weekends or holidays
5. pay raises or fringe benefits; or
6. a limit on the number of hours an employee
can work per day or week for employees 16
years of age or older.”


Wake up America!

Lowe’s Defective Drywall, China Strikes Again

Anyone who bought drywall from Lowe’s prior to July 27, 2010, and it was defective causing damage or injury, could collect a settlement payment.

Lowe’s has made a settlement offer in a lawsuit, that will be heard for approval by a Georgia Superior Court on November 19th.

Faulty drywall can emit sulfur gas, which can damage electrical wiring, or anything using copper like air conditioner coils, as well as make you sick. Copper items might require replacing, as well as the drywall. Some cases involve homeowners who rebuilt their homes after damage by Hurricane Katrina. It seems most of the drywall came from China.

The bad drywall wasn’t sold just by Lowe’s. A local supplier in Florida was successfully sued, for the same issue, bad drywall from China.

Lowe’s settlement offer is in the form of gift cards ranging from $50.00 to $2,000.00. For cases with more than $2,000.00 in damage Lowe’s will add up to $2,500.00 in cash. Anyone who thinks they are entitled should visit Be advised there is a lawsuit in Louisiana that is targeting the Chinese manufacturer of the drywall, and attorneys in that case have challenged the Georgia/Lowe’s settlement.

A warning to building contractors; some legal sources say contractors could be sued for using the defective Chinese drywall. The most common, and obvious, sign of the bad drywall is the sulfur smell, which is like rotten eggs.