Category Archives: International

Want to know what’s really going on in Mexico’s Drug War, another front in the Control through Chaos war

Notice how little coverage of the Drug War in Mexico gets in the main stream media?  After all, more people have been killed in Mexico, in the last three years, than in Afghanistan or Iraq.  Mexico is just “south of the border” from the U.S.

If you don’t mind the Spanish language, or gory pictures and video, then go to Narco Blog.

This “war” in Mexico is not about drugs, but about controlling the people of Mexico through chaos.

One of the interesting things I’ve noticed is that most of the victims of mass killings are poor migrant workers, many not even from Mexico.  I often wondered at the logistics of some of the mass killings, because it would take a lot of personnel, and organization to pull it off, you know like a military or police force.

One mass killing involved hitting the people in the head with a sledge hammer!  How do you get 20-30 people to stand still while you hit them with a sledge hammer?  For one thing you’d need a lot of people of your own, with weapons, to intimidate the victims.  On top of that investigators say heavy equipment was used to bury many of the mass killing victims.  Sounds like an organized operation involving a lot of logistical planning. Well, several weeks ago a Police chief and at least 25 police officers were arrested in connection with one mass killing.  Mmmm

The “drug gangs” are blamed for the mass killings, but what about the continuing arrests of police and military personnel for their connection to many killings?  This could indicate that the “drug gangs” are so powerful that they’ve taken over government agencies.  Or it could be that this really isn’t about “drugs”.

Several survivors of kidnappings say they were being used as ransom to raise money for the gangs, or being forced to join them.  This goes against the idea that the drug gangs are making money from drug trafficking.  If they’re making billions every year from trafficking drugs into the United States, why do they need to hold poor people hostage for money?   One farmer could only pay half a ransom, so the gangs returned to him only half of his son.

Logic will tell you the main reason why people get involved in drug trafficking is to get lots of money.  It doesn’t make sense to waste that money going around killing a lot of poor people, and it makes even less sense to kidnap poor people for money they don’t have!

The other concern is why would gangs want to impress poor people into their ranks?  The more personnel you have in your illegal drug trafficking operation, the more you have to divide any profit from your sales.

This thing in Mexico is starting to look and sound like whats going on in parts of the Middle East and North Africa, only on a bigger scale.  In the predominantly Muslim world, so called al-Qaeda is kidnapping for ransom, forcing people to join them, and committing seemingly random and illogical attacks and bombings.  And by the way, notice that most of the “religious radical” attacks are against the very people of the region (mainly poor people), not the foreign occupiers?

Is the Mexican “Drug War” just another front in the sinister global “Control through Chaos” operation being run by the Elites?   If you’re a Christian you should remember the story of the statue with the feet of clay.  The leader of Babylon was concerned with taking on a certain enemy.  He had a dream about a statue.  The head was gold, and symbolized the elite.  The statue’s make up changed as you moved towards the feet.  The feet are made of clay, they represent the poor people of any society. Nebuchadnezzar was told in the dream that if he wanted to bring down his enemy, he had to attack the poor people of his enemy’s territory.

Notice that the majority of people being targeted, around the world in the “War on Terror” and in “Drug Wars”, by both the government forces and the terrorists/drug gangs, are poor people.

Details of German led EUFOR operation in Libya

The German EUFOR plan is not finalized, and will be refined as the situation demands.

1: The European Union force (EUFOR) will operate seaports and airports, to evacuate civilians and bring relief supplies into the country. In addition, protect aid agencies and supply them with fuel.

2: A maximum of four months is expected to reach full operational capability.

3: Risk assessment for EUFOR troops is High to Critical. Terrorist attacks, mine and bomb attacks, similar to Iraq and Afghanistan.

4: The “Joint Operation Area” refers to Libya’s borders with Sudan, Niger, Chad, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.  In other words the EUFOR will be patrolling all of Libya’s land borders.

5: Current plans for EUFOR involves, but not limited to, several company sized elements (about 80-100 people each company). Will include specialists in demining, combat diver, air traffic controllers, and rescue operations for the evacuation of injured soldiers or downed pilots.

6: Other elements used for operation to include escort ships, helicopters, amphibious vehicles and mobile clinics.  EUFOR soldiers will be issued an initial supply of 23 days of rations and ammunition.

Source: Bild (in German)

German EUFOR plans revealed for Libya

German newspaper Bild, has revealed plans for European Forces (EUFOR) ground troops in Libya.  The plans are described as a 60 page “humanitarian” operation on the ground.

Germany will be in charge of the proposed four month operation.  No troop numbers are given.  German Defense Minister, Thomas de Maizière, says the situation is still to tense to send in ground forces, but they expect a similar situation as in Iraq and Afghanistan; IED, mines, small attacks by tribes.

De Maizière also says the European Union asked for such a plan earlier in April.


Professor who wanted Bush Jr impeached now demands the same for Obama, but it will fail because it’s faulty

Remember the U.S. professor that wanted Bush Jr impeached?  Probably not. Now Professor Francis Boyle wants Obama impeached.  It’s basically for the same reason, war mongering and war crimes and failing to get congressional approval.

The problem is that the calls for impeaching Obama are faulty, because they claim Obama violated the U.S. Constitution by not getting the permission of Congress.  Reality check here, the President of the U.S. does NOT need the consent of Congress to send in military forces; it’s called the War Powers Act!

In my college days I was amazed how many Political Science students were ignorant of this fact (including graduate students).  The War Powers Act (aka War Powers Resolution of 1973) gives the President authority to sends troops anywhere in the world WITHOUT concessional consent.  The President simply has to make periodic progress reports to Congress, to avoid being impeached.

The Act was created after President Johnson (also a Democrat) failed to get congressional approval for going to war in Vietnam, but sent U.S. troops in anyway.  President Johnson increased U.S. forces in Vietnam, WITHOUT a congressional declaration of war.  That’s right, the ten years we were in Vietnam, it was never an officially, congressionally declared war!  By the way, check the history of war carried out by the U.S., you could be surprised how many were never congressionally declared.

Many sources, on the internet (Even the information on WikiPedia is faulty), and college professors, incorrectly state that the War Powers Act prevents the President from sending troops to war.  No it does not!  It prevents the DECLARATION of war without the consent of Congress.  It is legalese that actually makes it easier for the President to send troops into COMBAT.

Here’s the basic rules of the War Powers Act: President notifies Congress within 48 hours of military action (at this point Congress has no say).  After 60 days the President makes a progress report to Congress.  If Congress doesn’t agree with the President, they can try to hold a vote to order troops out.  If there is no resistance from Congress, the President is simply required to make periodic progress reports.

Another misunderstanding is the belief that Congress needs to “approve” the military action.  Historically, as long as Congress does not “oppose” the military action, then the president is off the hook.  Not ‘opposing’ the action is not the same as ‘approving’ the action.

Historically, Congress going against the President is a rare occasion.  It happened under President Clinton, after the fiasco in Somalia.  It’s funny that right wingers accuse Clinton of being weak, but it was actually the Congress that used the War powers Act to override Clinton and pull out the troops.

Bottom line; the President actually has 60 days to do what ever in regards to military action anywhere in the world.  Then the President must convince Congress that the action is justified, or at least prevent members of Congress from opposing it.  Historically Congress doesn’t counter the President.

If you’re looking to impeach the President, stop trying to use the War powers Act, it actually supports the President.


Russia issues more warnings against NATO, over Libya, willing to officially oppose UNSCR 1973

“If a resolution leads to a further escalation of a civil war by any means, including outside intervention, we will not be able to support this.”-Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister

Russia is demanding that military strikes stop, and that peace talks begin following a ceasefire.  Russian officials indicate that they will move from a neutral stance on UNSCR 1973 (Russia abstained from voting on it), to officially opposing it, if NATO doesn’t back off.

Columbia says Flooding now worst in History

President Juan Manuel Santos says the current flooding in Columbia has now become that country’s worst natural disaster in its history.

Heavy rains, for just this month, have so far left 67 dead, 36 wounded and eight missing, 98,000 injured with 183 homes destroyed.  For the year, so far, the totals are 90 dead, 15 missing and 208,581 people affected.

It’s being blamed on La Nina, but this isn’t the first time for the La Nina weather pattern.  The unprecedented flooding in Columbia is part of the intensifying global climate change.


Here we go, Obama’s anti-Syria speech (rewritten anti-Libya speech), now sanctions against Syria, get ready

After President Obama’s anti-Syrian speech, that was so similar to his anti-Libyan speech that it had to be a rewrite, he now is calling for sanctions.  I told you…

White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Monday, April 25, the U.S. is pursuing a range of possible options, including targeted sanctions, such as freezing assets held by senior Syrian leaders.  Can you say “cookie cutter” war policy?

Italy will now bomb Libya, the order came from Obama, more lies

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced that Italy will now take part in air strikes against Libya.  He says the order came from U.S. President Obama.

Italy previously said it would not join bombing raids, because of its “friendly” relationship with its former colony.  But Obama, in a phone call, convinced Berlusconi to take military action.  What was that Obama said about this NOT being a U.S. led operation?