Category Archives: International

Argentina says slave trade being run by U.S.

Argentina is demanding help from the United Nations, in helping to fight slave trades, run mainly by organizations from the United States.

Argentina claims that U.S. organized crime is using Argentina as a recruiting grounds, and transit point, for human trafficking.  Poor people are promised well paying jobs in the U.S., but end up working for little pay, if any, and long hours.

The workers, men, women and children, not only work in industries like textiles, but, according to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics 80% end up as sex workers in the United States.

Other countries that are destination points for human trafficking are Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Japan and Thailand.

Bosnia on verge of new civil war

The Bosnian Serb government is refusing to recognize the Bosnian national government.  This over the country’s national court, which has been hearing cases of war crimes.

Austrian Valentin Inzko, is the supreme decision maker in Bosnia, and has ordered the Serbs to back off their plans to officially refuse to recognize the Bosnian national government.  In retaliation, Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik, sent a letter to the United Nations accusing Inzko of abusing his power.

Since the end of the Bosnian Civil War, the Idaho Air & Army National Guard has supported several peacekeeping missions to Bosnia.

Made in Germany hits record high

China is the number one exporter, which country is number two?  Germany.

Germany continues to do well when it comes to exporting its products to other countries.  So well, that it’s hit a record of 98.3 billion Euros (U.S. $140.9 billion) in exports for the month of March: “That was the highest monthly figure recorded for both exports and imports since the collection of foreign trade statistics had started in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1950.”-Destatis, German National Statistics Office



Chinese are big spenders in France, Russians close behind

In another sign of who’s got the money, for the second year Chinese tourists have topped the list of biggest spenders in France.

The study was done by the UN World Tourism Organization.  Recently the Japanese, in their own study, found that Chinese tourist were the biggest spenders there.

The study showed a 60% increase in Chinese visiting France, from 2009 to 2010.  Spending also went up by 35%.

Russian tourists are the second biggest with number of visitors, and spending, in France.


Tens of thousands of Mexicans continue to protest Drugs War

It’s interesting how the main stream U.S. media reported the number of Drugs War protesters, over the weekend, as in the “hundreds”.  It was tens of thousands!

Reports out of Mexico vary from 20,000 to 85,000.  The latest protests took place from May 5-8, in several Mexican cities.  The people were not only protesting drug gangs, but the police and military as well.

Most of the victims in the Drugs War have been innocent civilians, especially migrant workers from Central American countries.  Which, when you think about it, doesn’t make sense.  Why would drug dealers, police or military want to kill civilians and migrant workers?  So far many local police have been arrested in connection with the mass killings of migrant workers.  It makes you wounder if this is really a Drugs War.

Now the main stream U.S. media is running reports that Mexicans support their President’s Drugs War policy.  In actuality the percent of supporters is slightly down from 2010.  Makes you wonder why the U.S. media seems to be downplaying a war in Mexico that has killed more people than the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq combined, in the past few years.


Iran joins China in blaming U.S. Federal Reserve quantitative easing policy for bad economy

Iran is joining China in blaming the U.S. bank, Federal Reserve, for destroying the world economy.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says the “paper money” policy of the Federal Reserve is playing a part in the increase of poverty around the world, by forcing most international trades to use U.S. dollars.  He says the Federal Reserve injected into the world economies $32 trillion in “worthless” paper money.

President Ahmadinejad believes the Federal Reserve policy is part of a plan that forces poorer countries to pay the debts of the West.

Imperialist Barack Obama to build permanent U.S. base in Poland, Russia getting pissed

Polish media reporting that President Obama will be announcing a deal made with the Polish government that will allow a permanent U.S. base on Poland’s territory.

The new U.S. air base, at Lask air field, would replace the Aviano air base in Italy.  The USAF has F-16s based on Aviano, and they might be transferred to Poland in 2013.

Russian officials say they will counter the U.S. move to Poland.

If you were Russia, and your rival makes several deals with eastern European countries for “missile shields”, and, now they’re going to move an air base from Italy to Poland, wouldn’t you think your rival is positioning itself to attack you?

Defense Department home video of Osama bin Laden is pathetic

The home video released by the U.S. Department of Defense is pathetic.  The decrepit man in the video, supposedly Osama bin Laden, was so much a threat to the world that we had to expend such great effort to kill him?

What I see in the video, is a really old man who spends his days watching videos of himself (if it is Osama bin Laden).  Again, pathetic!   Yeah right this guy was directing all kinds of evil against the world!  The guy probably had alzheimers and had to watch videos of himself to remember who he was!  What a threat; send in the SEALS, no wonder there wasn’t any resistance to the assault.

Why not simply arrest the old codger and bring him back to New York City?

Has anyone seen if the video ever shows the old guy’s face?  I find it suspicious that what the U.S. media shows is from behind.

Come on President Obama, the Bush Jr administration was better at BS than you!  I’m putting on hip waders, it just gets deeper and deeper!

Rumors that Gaddafi is dead

Italian media is claiming that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is dead.  They point out that it’s been nine days since he was seen in public, since the time a NATO airstrike killed one of his sons.

Several foreign envoys are also spreading the rumor by saying there is talk within the Libyan government about who will take charge.  If Gaddafi is dead, then it is proof that he was not in total control of the Libyan government, because the Libyan military continues to pound rebel positions.  It might also explain why NATO leaders stated, a second time, that there is no military solution to Libya.