Category Archives: International

More proof that the U.S. is controlled by British Empire: Obama says it’s “essential” for International Security

“When the United States and Britain stand together, our people and people around the world can become more secure and more prosperous…Ours is not just a special relationship, it is an essential relationship – for us and for the world”-joint statement by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron

Basically, what Obama and Cameron are saying is that the British Empire (the only empire to stand on four corners of the world. those who believe in the last days of the Christian book of Revelation need to pay attention to that!) is going to fight to hold on to every piece of territory the Empire controls (or fight to gain territory it wants to control).

During World War 2, the U.S. and U.K. formed a “Special Relationship” to fight the Germans and Japanese (after all the United States and the British Empire were supposed to be mortal enemies).

That relationship continued, thanks to the propaganda of Winston Churchill and Senator McCarthy, with the Cold War against Communism.  With the War on Terror the U.S. and U.K. have decided their relationship is now “Essential”.

Britain joins Romania & Bulgaria as worst place for families

A study called “Family Pressure Gauge” says the United Kingdom is Europe’s third worst place for families to live, after Bulgaria and Romania.

Some points of the study: Almost 25% of the average British family income goes to childcare, which is double the percentage spent by French families and three times that for German families.

One in seven U.K. families spend more than 40% of their income on rent or a mortgage, compared to only  1.8% of French families.

One in 20 British families live in “severe housing deprivation”, 12 times more than the Netherlands.

The survey also revealed Britons work the longest hours in Europe, and that the U.K. ranks as the second worst country in Europe for maternity and paternity leave.



Netanyahu bold faced bullshitter

Netanyahu just told the U.S. Congress that Jerusalem has only been free for all religions since Israel’s occupation. Bullshit!!!

Ask the Palestinian Muslims, Christians and Jews (yes Christians and Jews make up the Palestinian population) that have been constantly harassed and blocked from access to religious sites by the Israelis!!!

Jews and Muslims living in Palestine BEFORE the European Zionists took it over and renamed it Israel, said they used to babysit each other’s children.  They worshiped freely alongside each other BEFORE the European Zionists took Jerusalem over.  Netanyahu is so full of shit that I can smell him thousands of miles away here in the Pacific Northwest!!!

Sign that U.S. & China at odds: U.S. suddenly inspecting Chinese products for fair trade violations

According to Chinese media, the United States has investigated Chinese products for “Section 337” violations, at least 56 times since 2006.  That’s more times than all the previous 20 years prior to 2006.

Section 337 investigates claims of unfair trade and competition, as well as possible U.S. copyright violations.


Sony PlayStation continues to get hacked, losses big money

May 24, Sony announced that their online services continue to get hacked.  The latest involve countries like Greece and Thailand.

Japanese IT officials think hackers are just practicing, and that Sony’s security sucks: ‘‘Hackers are launching attacks apparently to hone their skills. Sony must review the security systems of its entire group to redress their vulnerability.’’-Information Technology Promotion Agency

Sony announced that they have lost, so far, $171 million because of the hacks.  This adds to Sony’s year after year losses.

Japan says old people involved in at least half of all deadly car accidents, case against walking

According to the Japanese government, 50.4% of deadly car accidents involve old people.

The data was compiled from 2010 accidents in Japan.  More than half involved people 65 years of age, or older.  Before anyone jumps to conclusions, the data needs to be broken down.  Remember the key word here is “involved”, not “caused”.

The majority of deadly car accidents involving old people, were of old people being hit while walking, not driving (50.1% of the 50.4% total involving old people).  The number of deadly car accidents involving old people driving is 23.9% (of the 50.4%).

So basically its more dangerous for an old person to walk anywhere in Japan, than to drive.


U.K. & U.S. to announce new joint National Security policy, the Beast evolves

“The co-operation that I see every day in intelligence matters is without parallel in the world.  So is our nuclear co-operation. Our armed forces are working together with intimate closeness”-William Hague, British Foreign Secretary

According to British media, President Obama will make a joint announcement, with Prime Minister David Cameron, concerning a new U.S./U.K. national security policy.

The new “National Security Strategy Board” will meet several times per year, to discuss issues such as terrorism, and the so called Arab Spring revolution.

More details will be given on the May 24 announcement.

Irish bank bombed as English Queen leaves, Obama greeted by protesters as he arrives

May 22, the day after the Queen of England left Ireland, a Northern Ireland bank was hit by a small bomb.  Three masked men burst into the bank, warning customers they had one hour to leave before the bomb went off. Police say people could have been killed if they were still in the bank when the bomb exploded.

May 23, President Barack Obama arrived in Ireland, where he was greeted by at least one hundred protesters.

“Barack Obama came to power promising change, but in reality he has continued the policies of the Bush era.”-John Molynuex, protester

He is scheduled to visit United Kingdom next, where he will have dinner with the Queen of England (a sure sign that the U.S. is under control of the British Empire).  Thousands of protesters plan to demonstrate outside Buckingham palace while he dines with the Queen.