Category Archives: International

Israel violates 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, Egypt demands Israel stop bombing Gaza

International observers, tasked with the job of observing compliance with the 1979 peace treaty, between Israel and Egypt, say Israel has violated that treaty.

The 1979 peace treaty was mediated by the United States, and requires that Egypt and Israel do not attack each other.  So far, after all these decades, Egypt has kept its promise.  But now MFO (Multinational Force and Observer) officials say Israel broke the treaty.

MFO officials say not only did Israel attack Egyptian forces, but Israeli forces crossed into Egypt and fired on Egyptian forces from within Egyptian territory.

In related breaking news Egypt just issued a demand that Israel stop bombing the Palestinian territory know as Gaza:  “Egypt denounces the use of force against civilians in any circumstance and strongly advises Israel to immediately stop its military operations against Gaza.”

No Economic Recovery for the U.S.: Paramount & Warner Bros make big bucks, overseas

Paramount and Warner Brother’s have both made U.S.$2 billion in profits so far this year, but not here in the U.S.

The two movie studios made those profits overseas.  They’re the first U.S. movie companies to hit such a high overseas profit.

If anyone has been paying attention to where U.S. movies are first released, they’d notice that U.S. movie premiers have been taking place overseas first, before being released in the United States.



United Police Kingdom: Bobbies arrest one of their own, for revealing the Rupert Murdoch phone hacking scandal

Scotland Yard arrested one of their own, for revealing to the public that newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch were hacking into cell phones.

The 51 year old policeman was released on bail.  His name has not been made public.

The London Metropolitan Police (Scotland Yard) admit the officer was arrested because everyone in the know about the phone hacking had been ordered not to say anything to the public.

This only makes Scotland Yard look more suspicious in the public’s eye, because some people say they were involved in helping Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers get private info on specific individuals, including members of the Royal Family.

Obama wants troops to stay in Afghanistan until 2024, Russia says it doesn’t make sense

Afghan officials have told British media that the U.S. and Afghanistan have agreed to keep thousands of U.S. troops in country until 2024!

The deal would allow U.S. forces to use Afghan military bases, provide facilities to store massive numbers of U.S. military equipment, and allow thousands of military personnel to stay, including special forces.

Russian officials pointed out that the deal doesn’t make sense: “If the job is done, if terrorism is defeated and peace and stability is brought back, then why would you need bases?  If the job is not done, then several thousand troops, even special forces, will not be able to do the job that 150,000 troops couldn’t do.  It is not possible.”-Andrey Avetisyan, Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan

The Russians should know, they got their butts kicked by the Afghans back when Russia was part of the Soviet Union.  They did exactly what the U.S. is doing now, trying to train up the Afghan government to take on the “terrorists”.  The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989, but continued to supply weapons and trainers to the Afghan government.  The Afghan government lasted until 1992, brought down by a civil war that lasted until 1996.  The civil war ended in 1996 when the Taliban took control of the country.

Egypt recalls Ambassador to Israel, demands apology, Egyptians continue protesting Israeli Embassy

“Egypt has decided to withdraw its ambassador to Israel until there is an official apology.”-Egyptian government statement

Egyptian officials say Israel killed at least five of their military personnel, who patrol the Israeli/Egypt border on a regular bases.

Egyptians are still protesting outside the Israeli Embassy in Cairo: “This protest will not end as long as the Israeli embassy still has a place in Egypt.  We will not leave here until they do, and if that fails, we will go back to Tahrir.”-protester

Egyptians also said they wanted relations with Israel ended, permanently.  One protestor said Israel has killed Egyptian border troops before, and that the former Mubarak government always looked the other way.  The protestors say they will no longer look the other way when Israel goes on the war path.

Europe shoots self in foot by imposing oil embargo on Syria

The European Union has banned the importation of oil from Syria.  This is supposed to hurt Syria, but it will only hurt Europe.

90% (some sources say 95%) of the oil that comes from Syria, goes to Europe, so you can see it will only hurt Europe.  Unless this is part of some conspiracy to drive oil prices back up to $100.00 per barrel?

The EU decision was not unanimous, several European countries, like Cyprus, Greece and Italy expressed concerns that the embargo would not hurt the Syrian government.

U.S. officials say Iraq has agreed to let U.S. troops stay longer, Iraqi officials say Bull Shit!

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told the Stars & Stripes newspaper that  Iraq has agreed to extend U.S. military presence beyond the 2011 deadline.

Iraqi officials responded with: “We have not yet agreed on the issue of keeping training forces, the negotiations are ongoing, and these negotiations have not been finalized.”-Ali Mussawi, advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki

Another Iraqi official said this on Iraqi TV: “The Iraqi government denies what the American Defense Minister Leon Panetta said that Iraq agreed to extend the presence of U.S. troops in the country after 2011.”

Recently many Iraqi officials have promised that military action would be taken against U.S. troops if they stayed.


Holy Back to the Future! Michele Bachmann says we’re still fighting the Soviet Union! Where have these female candidates been living, a Cold War bomb shelter?

“They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward.”-Michele Bachmann, presidential candidate

The rise of the Soviet Union!?!

In an interview by Christian radio host Jay Sekulow, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann said the greatest enemy of the United States is still…the Soviet Union!?!

Bachmann isn’t the first female presidential candidate to say so.  Back in 2010 failed former candidate Christine O’Donnell, told an interviewer that we were in Afghanistan to “finish the job” of fighting the Soviets.  I guess the official reason that we’re fighting to prevent another 9/11 didn’t register with her.

Hello people, the Soviet Union disintegrated 20 years ago!  Many of the former Soviet republics are now independent countries (mainly in Eastern Europe, some in Central Asia).  The only remnants that could be possibly associated with the Soviet Union is the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States).

The CIS is made up of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Here’s the problem with presidential hopefuls not understanding world history.  The primary job of the President of the United States is Foreign Policy, not domestic policy (that’s the U.S. Congress).

Do you really want a President that has the mind set that we’re still living in the Cold War (1946 to 1991), with all that Mutually Assured nuclear Destruction (MAD), and people building fall out shelters, and U.S. presidents engaged in drug running to pay for covert wars in Afghanistan while declaring a War on Drugs within the U.S., and stuff like that?

I wonder how many of you know what I’m talking about?