Category Archives: International

Global Economic War: Venezuela to nationalize Gold industry, demands that their gold stored in European & U.S. banks be returned, creating gold back money

“Venezuela is the 13th largest holder of gold in the world. From a financial aspect, I think it is a very shrewd and intelligent move to protect his country’s gold assets.  There is, however, a political overtone in that he wants to pull out the other financial assets that Venezuela has in the U.K., in the U.S., and push it into what he calls ‘more likable allies’, Russia, China and Brazil.”-Adrian Salbuchi

President Hugo Chavez wants all of Venezuela’s gold now held in European and U.S. banks to be returned.

It would be the largest physical movement of gold in recent history.  Some reports say it would involve U.S.$11 billion in gold.

The demand for Venezuela’s gold to be returned, comes after Chavez announced that the government would nationalize all gold mines in Venezuela.

The intent of nationalizing their gold industry is a precursor to creating money backed by gold: “We are going to nationalize gold and turn it into foreign exchange reserves…”-Hugo Chavez



Global Economic War: Japan has a new agressive policy for acquiring Rare Earth Minerals

Japan says it will offer less developed countries money, and other aid, to help them develop infrastructure and industries, in exchange for exclusive mining rights for rare earth minerals.

China has been using the same tactic for decades.  Japan says they’re adopting such a policy in order to compete with China.

Rare earth minerals are used in high tech products like cell phones and hybrid cars.  Because of the rapid development of high tech devices, and the increasing global dependence on them, rare earth minerals could become the “oil” of the 21st century.


Afghan Mujahideen claim they killed 27 U.S. troops in truck bomb attack

August 18, Taliban claim they launched a truck bomb attack on U.S. Gardez base, killing 27 U.S. troops.

Official U.S. media reports say only two Afghans were killed.  The U.S. media has proven over and over that it can not be trusted.

Witnesses say the explosion was “huge” and destroyed a U.S. helicopter as well.

Since the beginning of August the Afghan Mujahideen have escalated their attacks on NATO forces.  This despite President Obama saying the Taliban were on the decline.  August is looking like it will be the deadliest month for U.S./NATO forces.



Global Economic War: Iran makes first oil sale not based on U.S. dollar

August 19, the first shipment of Iranian crude oil has been sold on Iran’s Bourse Organization/Kish Commodity Exchange.  500,000 barrels of heavy crude oil were sold.

Iran’s Bourse was created in 2008 for the specific purpose of selling oil using any international currency, other than the U.S. dollar.  Up until now, the Bourse/Kish exchange was selling only oil-derived products, things like plastics and pharmaceutical supplies.

This is the real reason the United States wants to attack Iran, it was the real reason the United States invaded Iraq.  If you remember Saddam Hussein announced that Iraq was no longer going to accept the U.S. dollar for its oil sales. Suddenly the U.S. was claiming that Iraq was connected to the 9/11 attacks, and that they had weapons of mass destruction (all since proven to be lies).



U.S. Media never reported the weeks of Israeli attacks on Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon, now Israel kills Egyptian soldiers, cry me a river Israel!

For several weeks Israeli air forces have been bombing Gaza and West Bank, the U.S. media ignored it.  Israeli ground forces have conducted several raids into Lebanon, the U.S. media ignored it.

Then Israel say eight Israelis were killed in an attack on a bus, carrying Israeli soldiers and civilians, north of the Red Sea resort of Eilat. They use that attack to justify their current escalation of attacks against Gaza.  They claim it was Hamas who attacked the tour bus.  The U.S. media was all over it.

Here’s the problem, Gaza is nowhere near the resort of Eliat.  Secondly, those who were attacked say the attackers were Egyptian soldiers, not Palestinians.

U.S. media went along with Israeli claims that the attackers were from Gaza.  Again, an Israeli media interview with the driver of the tour bus, said that the attackers definitely came from an Egyptian border post, and were wearing Egyptian army uniforms.

Israel killed dozens of Palestinians in their attacks prior to the August 18th attack on the tour bus, and Israel has killed dozens more since they launched their “retaliatory” attacks on Gaza.  Many of those killed by Israel are women and children.

The latest reports say that Israel has also attacked Egyptian troops, killing three.  The report was made by the Egyptian government.

Of course Palestinians are now responding with their own rocket attacks against Israel.  International journalists in the area say it looks like it could escalate into a full blown war.  Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak is vowing a “full force” attack against Palestinians.

Just last week, I posted that Israeli officials stated they were going to go to war in September, to stop Palestine from becoming a recognized member of the United Nations, and to attack Syria.

When you look at the casualties that Israel has suffered, compared to the casualties Israel has caused, you’ll know who the real terrorist is.  Cry me a river U.S. media, cry me a river Israel!!!

Afghans celebrate independence from U.K. by destroying British Embassy

The British embassy in Afghanistan is under attack as I write this.  It began with massive explosions.  Pics show a multi-story building with its facade completely destroyed.  Smaller explosions and constant gunfire is ongoing.

The Taliban are claiming they launched the attacks.  Insurgents are still inside the embassy compound.  At least 12 people killed, officials expect the number to increase.  At least two of the killed are confirmed to be U.K. citizens.

Afghanistan gained independence from Britain on August 19, 1919.


U.S. & Europe preps for attacks on Syria by cancelling bi-annual war games with Egypt

The United States has cancelled its bi-annual “Bright Star” war games with Egypt.  The two countries have been holding such war games for decades.

This comes as the U.S. and Europe push for UN action against Syria, but officially its because of the political transition taking place in Egypt.

Bright Star war games have also included France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.  If you notice it includes many of the U.S. led NATO countries that also want to take out the Syrian government.

Global Economic War: Chinese economists continue to push their government to dump U.S. bonds, says the U.S. has passed point of no return, will continue on a downward spiral, Morgan Stanely agrees

“China should move progressively to cut its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds and use it as leverage to ask Washington [DC] to further open its markets, including the high-technology sector, to Chinese investment.”-Xiang Songzuo, University of China

U.S. Vice President Biden is in China, trying to reassure the Chinese government that the U.S. will “…ensure the safety, liquidity and value of U.S. Treasury obligations for all of its investors.”

Chinese economist say it’s too late, the U.S. economy is too far gone: “But there is very little room left for the U.S. government to revitalize its economy.  Low growth and high unemployment will be regular features of the U.S. economy in the future.”-Wei Liang, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Even officials with Morgan Stanely, an international finance company based in New York City, say the United States has lost all economic legitimacy: “The U.S. debt crisis has taken a serious toll on China’s confidence in Washington’s [DC] economic stewardship.  China is no longer willing to risk financial and economic stability on the basis of Washington’s hollow promises and tarnished economic stewardship.”-Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley Asia


U.S., Europe pushing UN Security Council for resolution against Syria, BRICS opposed

“We believe that the time has come for the council to take further actions to step up the pressure against those who are responsible for the violence against the citizens of Syria.”-Philip Parham, U.K. representative to UN Security Council

The U.S., France, Germany and Portugal all backed up the British demand that the UN Security Council take action against Syria.

The problem is that all the most economically powerful countries are opposed.  Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa believe the government of Syria is correct when it says the insurgency was started by outside forces (meaning the U.S. and Europe).

Russia and China are permanent members of the UN Security Council.  India currently holds the presidency of the UN Security Council.