Category Archives: Influenza

CoViD Oddities-2: U.S. surpasses China! Russia to rescue U.S.? Who’s the “world champion in stupidity” (it’s not the U.S.)?

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Pandemics reveal the strangest things about how humans act.  Two things specifically regarding this CoViD-19 supposed pandemic (since influenza is still killing tens of thousands more people than CoViD-19); panic buying and then disappearance of toilet paper stocks, and panic buying of certain food products, with officials telling everybody there’s plenty while at the same time the supply system can’t seem to keep the shelves stocked even though in many areas panic buying has stopped, and stores have implemented limits on how much you can buy.  Pandemics also reveal that many accepted ‘facts’ about how pathogens spread are bullshit!

Incomplete list of links to real news articles;

Endangered wild animals now thriving in locked down CoViD-Cities?

Two fifths of humans under CoViD-19 lockdown, globally!

 ‘Pink Eye’, Loss Of Taste Or Smell Could Be Early Signs Of COVID-19.

Corona-Virus opens door to secondary infections from treatment-resistant killer bacteria!  (is that what is actually killing people?)

AUSTRALIA: New South Wales to conduct aggressive search for so called undetected CoViD-19 infections in the city of Sydney!

BELGIUM: A cat appears to have caught the coronavirus, but it’s complicated

CANADA: University of Alberta reveals cats infected with coronavirus were successfully treated, suggests using the feline anti-viral meds on humans! 

 CHINA: Will now include infected people with no symptoms (asymptomatic) to its official CoViD-19 stats. 

COLOMBIA: Covid-19 sparks deadly prison riots “If the virus gets in here, we’re done for”

GERMANY: Finance minister obsessing over economic damage caused by CoViD-19 kills his-self! 

Healthcare system asks for help from foreign doctors, but government bureaucracy blocks foreign doctors from assisting!

INDIA: News media says CoViD-19 has revealed India to be the “world champion in stupidity”

JAPAN:  City wiped out by 2011 tsunami was hoping 2020 Olympics would save its economy

What code words are being used by Japanese news media regarding CoViD-19? 

KOREA: Capital city of southern half to provide foreigners with masks.

CoViD-19 pushing economy off the cliff.

NETHERLANDS: Claims masks sent from China are defective

Scientists claim they’ve found CoViD-19 living in the sewage treatment systems, before humans started getting infected!!!

RUSSIA: The President of Russia announced that by agreement with the President of United States, Russia will air-lift medical supplies to the U.S. 

SWEDEN: So called experts say only a vaccine or “herd immunity” can save us!

UNITED KINGDOM: Middle-aged people “at greater risk of dying from Covid-19, just like elderly”

UNITED STATES:  Revealed; government spy agencies now spying on other countries CoViD-19 responses!

Death toll now exceeds China’s

She had COVID-19, but no insurance. Her treatment cost $34,972.

California created a so-called covert medical-martial-law police force called Health Corps???


Interesting that just two days before the mayor of Los Angeles shutdown Farmers’ Markets that Farmers’ Markets across California reported increased sales and were being praised as being food life-lines for the public!

Immigrant loving Colorado news media report CoViD-19 anti-Asian harassment on the increase

Colorado dog being used to deliver food 

Mormon owner of medical operation, and former political candidate, in rural Idaho admits “We knew it was coming….    ……..I’m not pointing fingers because I think it was the private sector, I think it was the state and federal government, everyone fell, flat-footed.”  He also pointed out that testing in Idaho is taking a long time because the tests are sent out-of-state, and there is a backlog because the states doing the testing are themselves CoViD-19 hot zones.

Anybody old enough to remember chicken pox parties?  People in New Jersey hosting CoViD-19 parties!  Supposedly actual parties, not gatherings to get intentionally infected.

New York Post calls whiny rich entertainment millionaires who’re blaming Trump for everything “Woke Stupidity”

King County, Washington, says violation of shelter-in-place will result in jail-time!

Homeless shelters in Washington shutdown due to CoViD-19, pushing potentially infected people onto the street, despite new law that could result in the homeless being put in jail for violating isolation order!

In Washington a little known CoViD-19 response ‘brain’ is located near Spokane Community College


CoViD Oddities: Assault by cough, infected dog dies, more re-infections, not having insurance means you die!

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Pandemics reveal the strangest things about how humans act.  Two things specifically regarding this CoViD-19 supposed pandemic (since influenza is still killing tens of thousands more people than CoViD-19); panic buying and then disappearance of toilet paper stocks, and panic buying of certain food products, with officials telling everybody there’s plenty while at the same time the supply system can’t seem to keep the shelves stocked even though in many areas panic buying has stopped, and stores have implemented limits on how much you can buy.  Pandemics also reveal that many accepted ‘facts’ about how pathogens spread are bullshit!

From the UN’s World Health Organization: “WHO estimates that seasonal influenza may result in 290,000-650,000 deaths each year due to respiratory diseases alone.  The estimate does not take into account deaths from other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, which can be influenza-related. Further surveillance and laboratory studies of all influenza-related diseases are ongoing and are expected to yield substantially higher estimates over the next few years.” 

Fact; stress will make you more susceptible to pathogens and isn’t it interesting that everything our protective governments are doing is actually causing stress to skyrocket: 11 Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Stress


You know how those ‘experts’ on TV say your dog can’t get CoViD-19? First dog with confirmed coronavirus infection has died.

You know how those ‘experts’ on TV are always telling you to stay away from people who sneeze? A new ‘no-shit-Sherlock’ study says sneezing is not a symptom of CoViD-19!  (sneezing is a result of allergies, not infections)

Evil U.S. employers are using CoViD-19 as an excuse to layoff employees en-masse (more than 3-million in one week, a record!), resulting in a sudden increase in people qualifying for free food from food banks, and forcing state governors to activate National Guard.

For weeks news media personalities, along with business and government ‘experts’, have been telling people in the United States not to panic about grocery shopping, yet, for the first time ever the governor of Arizona activated 7-hundred National Guard personnel for the sole purpose of delivering and stocking food in grocery stores!

Food bank manager reveals employees/volunteers ordered by the government to stay home, replaced by National Guard, essentially the government has taken over food banks!

In leftist-liberal California, where everybody is supposed to be so caring about each other, shoppers go nuts start attacking each other! 

In the leftist-liberal social program pushing California, a 17 years old died from CoVid-19 after being refused medical help because he didn’t have insurance!

Ski resort in Colorado blamed for infecting Mexicans with CoViD!

In the U.S. state of Georgia wine is apparently the thing to stock up on as people beat each other with bottles of it! 

Ski resort county in Idaho is ground zero for Gem State CoviD outbreak!

An Eastern Idaho fire department is now a food delivery service no thanks to CoViD-19.

Eastern Idaho ‘hospital’ offers FREE CoViD-19 testing, IF YOU HAVE INSURANCE, which I do not because I fall through several ObamaCare cracks. For those who don’t have insurance they’re demanding $225 cash up front!

Kansas nurse infected with CoViD-19 after trip to ski resort in Colorado, yet has no symptoms

Michigan hospital reveals people who get CoViD-19 and “…have the best chance of getting better are our first priority.” And “…dying patients will be provided comfort care.” But it’s not because CoViD is so bad, it’s “Because of shortages.”

In Detroit, Michigan, an old fashioned street fight showdown between two women went unchecked because police refused to respond to 9-1-1 calls on the grounds they might get CoViD-19!

New Jersey Man faces terrorism charge for allegedly coughing on cashier, claiming he had COVID-19

North Carolina man accused of coughing on Walmart customers


On the way to Puerto Rico, passengers on the NCL cruise ship Norwegian Encore went nuts and began attacking each other!

In Utah, Summit County deputies ticket two men, one for coughing and the other for bullying the coughing man for being sick!

In Washington state, a man arrested after spitting and coughing on a cop



Operation CoViD-19: Border Guards

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the U.S. Customs and Border Protection is doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

Video, Otay Mesa Port of Entry Commercial Inspection Facility, California, 27MAR2020:

Video, Mariposa Port of Entry, Arizona, 36MAR2020:

San Ysidro, California, 25MAR2020.

Pharr Point of Entry, Texas, 23MAR2020.

Near Sasabe, Arizona, 22MAR2020.


Title 42 USC 265: “Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose.”



Operation CoViD-19: Missions of Mercy & Comfort

USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) and Comfort (T-AH 20) will not act as quarantine/isolation ships as first feared, but will try to ease the burden of land based hospitals dealing with CoViD-19 patients by taking onboard people who are not sick with the CoronaVirus.

Maintenance on chemical analyzer onboard USNS Mercy, 26MAR2020.

Reserve Sailors report for duty aboard USNS Comfort, 26MAR2020.

Video, 24MAR2020, USNS Comfort load-up at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, next stop New York City:

Video, USNS Mercy steams out of San Diego, 23MAR2020, on its way to the Port of Los Angeles:

Prepping slides for microscopes onboard USNS Mercy 26MAR2020.

Video (from a few years ago) explaining the medical capabilities of Mercy and Comfort:

Video, USNS Mercy tour part 1:

Video tour USNS Mercy part 2:


USNS Mercy gets towed away by re-possessors driving tractor-trailer due the Navy failing to make its payments!  Just kidding, it’s a perspective trick of the camera.


Sudden halt to CoViD-19 infections? It’s called ‘epidemic burst-fade-out’.

No, not the hair style!

“A well-behaved epidemic with build-up, peak, and fade out phases will be bell shaped….”Deciphering Global Epidemics: Analytical Approaches to the Disease Records, 1998

“A wide epidemic burst forth suddenly and swept the country in one month.”Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, Volume 21, 1924

“Only the natural interplay of transmission factors would determine when it would fade out……     ……Once the epidemic had burst upon the population….”Agents of Apocalypse: Epidemic Disease in the Colonial Philippines, 1995

“Stochastic [random] effects may cause fade-out of an infectious disease in a population immediately after an epidemic outbreak.”WKB theory of epidemic fade-out in stochastic populations, 2009.  Note that ‘stochastic’ is a mathematical word that means ‘random’, in other words epidemiologists don’t really know why diseases suddenly stop sickening or killing people.

Epidemic burst fade-out describes the life-cycle of a new (novel) pathogen, usually a virus.   It’s normal; a big bang at the beginning with people wondering where the hell it came from, then panic as it ravages the human hosts, then suddenly, without explanation, it’s gone.

CoViD-19 is not a disease, it is a pathogen.  Disease is the result of a pathogen infecting a host (victim) when the environmental conditions favor the pathogen.

Pathogen=Bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

For many old pathogens epidemiologists know, because of studying past disease outbreaks, what are the environmental conditions that favor those pathogens.  When you are dealing with a novel (new) pathogen there is no way to know the perfect environmental conditions for it to strike, because there is no way to know that a novel pathogen exists.  But even more amazing is that epidemiologists don’t understand why pathogens suddenly halt their disease causing rampages: “Some key outstanding questions remain unanswered, but we may discover the answers within the scope of current research studies. With those answers, we’ll not only inform disease prevention and control strategies, but we’ll also be able to shed light on our basic understanding of organismal evolution.”-Sarah McDonald, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute

One important environmental factor that humans should be able to control (but don’t) is the level of physical and mental stress a potential host is experiencing.  Disease outbreaks (burst) hit the big cities/metro areas first and hardest.  So many people living so close together is enough to push the stress levels sky-high.  Stress is not just negative, there is such a thing as positive stress.  Anything that pushes your emotional system to a negative or positive extreme is stress.  Many extroverted people love the big cities because of the physical closeness to other people, but pathogens also love the metro-closeness of humans.   Metro areas are giant petri dishes creating the perfect environment for a pathogen to burst forth.  (don’t forget that ever since the stress inducing Industrial Revolution there’s been a rapid acceleration of pathogens, also see The effects of industrialisation – Causes of illness and disease)

Perhaps staying calm, not getting excited or upset, is the best defense against pathogens.  Like they said in the movie Airplane:

Arrogant humans think they are the ones who make diseases go away, through vaccines, treatments, social distancing, godly cleanliness, isolationism, as demonstrated by these news media articles:

How South Korea flattened the curve

Hong Kong has flattened the curve but can it stay the course?



Operation CoViD-19: New Normal National Guard

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the various state National Guard units are doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

Evil employers are using CoViD-19 as an excuse to layoff employees en-masse, resulting in a sudden increase in people qualifying for free food from food banks.

CALIFORNIA:  Video interview, the director of the Interfaith Food Bank, in Amador County, explains why National Guard is taking over food banks; the regular food bank employees/volunteers were ordered by the government to stay home:

National Guard engineers in Riverside deploying to assist with the construction of federal ‘medical facilities’ (camps?) on the Channel Islands Air National Guard Station, 25MAR2020.

Video of National Guard working the Second Harvest of Silicon Valley Food Bank, San Jose, 24MAR2020:

CONNECTICUT:  National Guard deliver state Department of Public Health’s portable beds with linens to mobile hospitals, 25MAR2020.

FLORIDA:  Long lines waiting to get into the Hard Rock Stadium for CoViD-19 testing, 24MAR2020.

National Guard and the state Department of Health screening passengers from out-of-state at the Orlando Airport, 25MAR2020.

Video of Marlins baseball park testing site, 25MAR2020, only for people 65 years of age or older:

Florida National Guard works with state Department of Health inspectors at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport, 25MAR2020.

Official video report, opening of Orange County testing site, 25MAR2020:

At Jacksonville Airport, Florida National Guard assist the state Department of Health in screening passengers from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, 25MAR2020.

HAWAII: National Guard personnel undergo daily medical checks.

IDAHO: This is the state Emergency Operations Center in Boise.  As of 25MAR2020, the emergency alert level is at Level 2, the governor of Idaho ordered all non-essential business to shutdown, and residents to ‘shelter-in-place’.

LOUISIANAOfficial video report:

MARYLAND:  National Guard assist with food distribution at the Greenmount Recreation Center in Baltimore, 24MAR2020.

Video explaining that National Guard is actually supplying the federal government with pandemic response material:

National Guard provides transportation service to silly-vilians, 17MAR2020.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Setting up 250 cots at the Stan Spirou Field House at Southern New Hampshire University, 23MAR2020.

NEW JERSEY: CoViD-19 testing site at Kean University, 25MAR2020.

Long lines waiting for testing at Bergen Community College, 24MAR2020.

National Guard using their Lakota helicopters to fly CoViD-19 ‘observation’ missions.

NEW YORK:  Off-loading medical supplies CoViD-19 Mobile Testing Center at the South Beach Behavioral Center, Staten Island, 19MAR2020.

NORTH CAROLINA: Warehouse ops in in the Raleigh-Durham area, 23MAR2020.

OHIO: National Guard making home deliveries of food in the Toledo area, 25MAR2020.

TEXAS: 24MAR2020, the state Military Department preps for CoViD-19 ops.

VERMONT: Assembling a triage tent for the University of Vermont Medical Center Emergency Room, 24MAR2020.

Washington DC:  Providing security for local and federal government offices, 24MAR2020.

WEST VIRGINIA:  National Guard hand out boxes of food, along with the Greater Greenbrier Long Term Recovery Committee, in Lewisburg, 25MAR2020.

OPERATION COVID-19: ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES (FEMA orders search for CoViD camps!)


Operation CoViD-19: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the Department of Defense is doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

GERMANY:  U.S. Air Force (USAF) CoViD-19 screenings at Ramstein Medical Clinic, Ramstein Air Base, 19MAR2020.

U.S. Army medics prep for another day of CoViD-19, Hohenfels, 18MAR2020.

Video, U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria CoViD-19 response:

Employees of the Miesau Army Depot Child Development Center disenfect the now shuttered daycare center, 20MAR2020.

Employees of the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz S6 (computer geeks) report being swamped with requests for laptops after U.S. Army personnel were ordered to ‘telework’.

ITALY: A USAF C-130J from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, delivered a En-Route Patient Staging System (ERPSS) to the Italian Ministry of Defense.  ERPSS provides 10 patient holding/staging beds and can handle a maximum throughput of 40 patients in a 24 hours period.

Despite Italy being hit hard by CoViD-19, infrastructure work must still be done.  USAF civil engineers replace a fire hydrant at Aviano Air Base, 23MAR2020.

JAPAN:  Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka (CFAY) Security Department conducts CoVid-19 checks at the gate, 25MAR2020. Vending machines on Misawa Air Base get disinfected, 24MAR2020.

KOREA:  U.S. Army Soldier on Camp Carroll has the fit of his respirator tested during CoViD-19 response training, 24MAR2020.

Going into battle?

This is how the U.S. Army mops floors in CoViD infected Korea.

Using CBRNE vehicle decontamination procedures to deal with CoViD-19.

UNITED KINGDOM: The USAF 100th Air Refueling Wing is based on Royal Air Force (RAF) Mildenhall, which has a confirmed case of CoViD-19 infection, directly connected to a USAF 48th Fighter Wing Airman at RAF Lakenheath who is also positive with CoViD-19.

UNITED STATES: Arkansas; Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System is actively screening for CoViD-19 (just to be clear, the VA is separate from the Department of Defense).

Arizona; Drive-thru meds delivery at Luke Air Force Base, 23MAR2020.

CoViD-19 testing is not painless, Luke AFB, 23MAR2020.

California;  In the San Diego area, two sailors assigned to Naval Special Warfare (NSW) tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019, 22MAR2020.

After loading up with CoViD-19 ammo, the USNS Mercy finally sailed out of San Diego on its CoViD-19 mission, 23MAR2020.

CoViD-19 screening aboard USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6).

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District employee inspects a facility in Santa Clara, 23MAR2020, as potential use for Alternate Care Facility (ACF, aka quarantine/isolation camp).  The order to search for potential CoViD ‘camps’ came from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).

After a Marine on Marine Corps Air Station Miramar tested positive for CoVid-19, the post office was disinfected and marked-off for proper social distancing, 23MAR2020.

Colorado; Video of CoViD-19 screening at Peterson Air Force Base, 23MAR2020:

Hawaii; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) technical survey team confer with a U.S. Public Health Service officer about the potential of using the Hawaii Convention Center as a FEMA ordered Alternate Care Facility (ACF, aka quarantine/isolation camp).

Marine Corps Base Hawaii’s Kaneohe Bay Branch Health Clinic implements CoViD-19 protections.

Illinois; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District have been actively assessing potential sites for Alternate Care Facility (ACF, aka quarantine/isolation camp).

Maine; Four NSW sailors are currently isolated and restricted in movement onboard Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor where they tested positive while training.

Mississippi; CoVid-19 screenings outside the Keesler Medical Center at Keesler Air Force Base, 23MAR2020.

North Carolina; Marines returning from overseas now undergoing CoViD-19 screening at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.

North Dakota;  Volunteers on Grand Forks Air Force Base with free food for grade school students now unable to go to school due to CoViD-19 shutdowns.

Pennsylvania; Tobyhanna Army Depot employee performs maintenance on a much needed ventilator.

Maintenance on an infusion pump.

Texas; Airmen working the Ross Clinic’s pharmacy, on Goodfellow Air Force Base, using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  So far no cases of CoViD infection on the base.

Goodfellow AFB has also switched to curb-side pharmacy ops only.

New recruits arriving at Lackland AFB for basic training have a new lesson to learn; social distancing.




Operation CoViD-19: Title 42 USC 265, The Rapture disappears Border crossers?

Title 42 USC 265: “Whenever the Surgeon General determines that by reason of the existence of any communicable disease in a foreign country there is serious danger of the introduction of such disease into the United States, and that this danger is so increased by the introduction of persons or property from such country that a suspension of the right to introduce such persons and property is required in the interest of the public health, the Surgeon General, in accordance with regulations approved by the President, shall have the power to prohibit, in whole or in part, the introduction of persons and property from such countries or places as he shall designate in order to avert such danger, and for such period of time as he may deem necessary for such purpose.”

“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”– 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, New King James Bible

U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo.

Vacated border crossing San Ysidro, California, 21MAR2020.

U.S. CBP photo.

The ‘intake’ area of San Ysidro border crossing.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Adam Streetman.

Abandoned Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron, Michigan.

U.S. CBP photo by Adam Streetman.

Tractor-trailers from Canada under inspections at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Fort Street Cargo Facility at the Port of Detroit, Michigan, 21MAR2020.

U.S. CBP photo by Christopher Perry.

An abandoned looking Detroit Windsor Tunnel crossing, Michigan.

U.S. CBP photo by Adam Streetman.

Shuttered Sault Sainte Marie International Bridge, Michigan.

U.S. CBP photo by Adam Streetman.

Nobody driving through the Ambassador Bridge between Ontario, Canada, and Michigan, United States.

U.S. CBP photo by David Zapp.

In El Paso, Texas, somebody actually made it across from Mexico, forcing the Border Patrol to don Personal Protective Equipment to process them.


Operation CoViD-19: National Guard ‘Food’ surge

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the various state National Guard units are doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

Evil employers are using CoViD-19 as an excuse to layoff employees en-masse, resulting in a sudden increase in people qualifying for free food from food banks.

Video, Arizona National Guard deployed its military logistical vehicles to be used as ‘food trucks’ in support of the Midwest Food Bank in Gilbert, 22MAR2020:

In California, the Sacramento Food Bank explains why they requested National Guard personnel to help them:

Video, Connecticut National Guard deliver masks to ambulance and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) operations:

Florida National Guard operates the mass-testing site at Hard Rock Stadium.

Video report, Florida National Guard preps for mass-testing in Orange County:

Louisiana National Guard preps Bridge City volunteer firefighters  on how to help run a mass-testing site.

Maryland National Guard load medical supplies and equipment at the Maryland Strategic National Stockpile location.

Video report, New Jersey National Guard preps for mass-testing at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel:

People lined up for testing by Pennsylvania National Guard,  at Temple University’s Ambler Campus.

      Rhode Island National Guard work the CoViD-19 hotline.



Operation CoViD-19: Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines

The ‘main stream’ U.S. news media is doing a piss-poor job of showing what the Department of Defense is doing during this Corona-Virus Disease-2019 pandemic.  It’s as if they’re deliberately trying to make it look like there’s no government response.

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease-2019

Somewhere in the Philippine Sea a U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman loads an ABI StepOne Plus RT-PCR machine with samples of potential CoViD-19 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), 19MAR2020.

GERMANY: U.S. Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) Germersheim Central Distribution Center begin loading pallets of semi-perishable goods on to delivery trucks, 17MAR2020.

Germersheim Central Distribution Center delivers supplies to 33 commissaries, 26 U.S. Embassies and four Navy Exchange marts across Europe and Southwest Asia.

18MAR2020, Wiesbaden High School administrators hand out lap-top computers to students as they switch to online classes only.

ITALY:U.S. Army CoViD-19 instructions posted at a photo shop in Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, 16MAR2020.

Half-a-million U.S. bound CoViD-19 testing kits were loaded onto a Tennessee National Guard C-17 at the U.S. Air Force’s Aviano Air Base.  Shipments of test kits made by Copan Diagnostics, in Italy, began on 14MAR2020, through the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

KOREA:  U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity teachers and administrators on the U.S. Air Force’s Osan Air Base get a CoViD-19 update, 20MAR2020.  Students are now taking classes online.

U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center Korea explains their CoViD-19 mission:


Colorado; Peterson Air Force Base conducting CoViD-19 screenings, 20MAR2020.

Georgia; Moody Air Force Base conducts CoViD-19 screenings:

Hawaii;  The U.S. Navy’s Branch Health Clinic Makalapa conducting CoViD-19 screenings.

Louisiana;  Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command issues statement regarding CoViD-19 and nuclear weapons response capabilities:

Nevada;   Nellis Air Force Base, home to the massive Red Flag aerial wargames, conducting CoViD-19 screenings at  Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical Center.

New York;  One of many CoViD-19 signs at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.

North Carolina; U.S. Marines and Navy personnel prep Camp Lejeune for CoViD-19 screenings, 19MAR2020.

South Carolina; USAF C-130 and C-17 transport planes of U.S. Southern Command, conducted a CoViD-19 rescue of the U.S. women’s U.S. style tackle-football team in Honduras, arriving at Joint Base Charleston 20MAR2020:

Texas; Lackland Air Force Base explains CoViD-19 rules for its Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center:

Washington;  Crew member onboard USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) conducts CoViD-19 disinfecting ops while the ship awaits maintenance at Bremerton.

ISOLATION: Separation and restriction of people who ARE SICK with a contagious virus from people who are not sick.

QUARANTINE:  Separation and restriction of people who might have been EXPOSED to a contagious virus to see if they become sick.