Category Archives: Idaho

Idaho in Top 5 for Foreclosures, Right Behind California

The latest Realty Trac survey puts Idaho in the top five states for home foreclosures.  Idaho is ranked number 5, right behind California at number 4.

Realty Trac says Idaho saw a 13.67% increase over the same time last year, and a 19.74% increase since the 2nd quarter of this year. For the 3rd quarter of 2010, one out of 86 homes in Idaho are in some stage of foreclosure.  California, while seeing a drop in foreclosures, still has one out of 70 homes in foreclosure.

LOS ANGELES, CA - AUGUST 12: A 'bank foreclosure sale' sign is posted in front of townhomes on August 12, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. U.S. banks repossessed homes at a near record pace to drive up July foreclosures. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

The top 5 states, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, California and Idaho, make up 50% of foreclosures in the United States.

This news comes as the big banks involved in the foreclosure fiasco are reporting big profits for the same quarter.

Hoku Turning to China to Help Finish Pocatello Plant

13 October 2010

Hoku Corporation has taken on several millions of dollars in loans, from Chinese banks, in order to finish construction of their Pocatello, Idaho, polysilicon plant.   That’s according to information on Hoku’s website.

Also, Hoku has amended its construction contract with JH Kelly.  A result of delays due to Hoku having difficulty with funding the construction.

Hoku Corp. produces fuel cell membranes, photovoltaic systems, and hopes to produce polysilicon for solar panels at the new Pocatello facility.

Hoku has made several supply agreements with companies based in Asia, but, those agreements hinge on the completion of the Pocatello plant, and, successful demonstration of polysilicon production.  Those agreements have resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of pre-payments by the Asian companies.

Hoku is hoping to get production started by the end of the year.

Idaho Investigating Foreclosure Fiasco

Officials from 50 states, including Idaho, along with the District of Columbia, announced they were launching investigations into possible foreclosure abuses.  Today, one of the biggest banks involved announced a $4.4 billion profit in the 3rd quarter.

There is growing evidence that bank employees falsified information on foreclosure paperwork.  RealityTrack says more than 2.7 million homes have been lost to foreclosure since 2007.

CHICAGO - JULY 15: A demonstrator protests outside the offices of JPMorgan Chase July 15, 2010 in Chicago, Illinois. He was demonstrating in support of families being evicted from an apartment building because the building has been deemed uninhabitable by the city. Residents claim the building was not maintained after the bank took over the building following a 2008 foreclosure. Residents are required to be out of the building by Saturday. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Ally Financial/GMAC  have admitted that their paperwork has errors.  Citigroup and Wells Fargo deny they have done anything wrong (

On Friday, Bank of America halted foreclosure processes in all 50 states.

Idaho Deputy Attorney General Brett DeLange stated on Tuesday that, “We currently know about this at the national level and we have received complaints, some recent, of specific defects under Idaho law.” (

New Pocatello School Builds Character with Baseball

A new business in Pocatello wants to help your kids become all they can be, using the sport of baseball.

Sandlot Baseball & Softball Academy, located in the Westwood Mall, in Pocatello, opened a week ago, and is taking new students now.

The Sandlot website states: “Our programs are designed to help parents create successful, dedicated and respectful children by reinforcing positive values in our unique baseball/softball setting.”

Sandlot Academy, Pocatello, Idaho.

According to the website, the academy’s training fields are indoors, so no weather worries (

Mike Wise, owner of the Pocatello Sandlot Academy, said they are closed during school hours, but are open 4:30pm-9:00pm (check with Mike), so “…swing on by.”.  Mike’s contact info is on the Sandlot website.

The Westwood Mall is off Garrett Way, in Pocatello.

Pocatello Big Lots! In time for Halloween.

Despite store closings in Pocatello, Idaho, a new store is opening just in time for Halloween.

Big Lots! Pocatello, Idaho.

Big Lots! is located where the Rite Aid used to be, on 1000 Pocatello Creek Road, in the Foothill Plaza Shopping Center, right next to the WINCO grocery store.

Pocatello, Idaho.

Big Lots! is one of the country’s largest closeout stores.  Because of the nature of their business their inventory changes a lot, but bargain hunters love it.  Big Lots! is set to open October 28th.

Lies, Lies and More Lies. Snidely the Illegal Forecloser Returns.

When the scandals of arbitrary home foreclosures were revealed, it was reported by some news sources to involve only people who missed payments (  Lies!

I have seen several reports where homes were foreclosed with no payments missed. In one example, a man paid cash for his home, no payments to make, and Bank of America foreclosed his home (  A foreclosure attorney admitted that mistakes “happen all the time”, and that they just aren’t reported.

Here’s some info to cause concern.  Those foreclosure fiasco cases are only being reported in states that require a court process to complete.  Almost half of the states do not require a court process, including Idaho (where I live) and California (where most of my relatives live).  The problem is, that the same financial Snidelys that are illegally foreclosing on people, in the states requiring Judicial Process, are also operating in the states with Non Judicial Process.  If you are getting unfairly foreclosed on you can do an internet search under ‘fighting foreclosure’.  You’ll probably have to hire an attorney anyway.

Here’s some data (updated October 12th, 2010) on the number of foreclosed homes for sale in selected Idaho counties.  Ada: 885.  Bonner: 342.  Bonneville: 85.  Twin Falls: 76.  Bannock: 38. (

Idaho’s foreclosure numbers may not seem like much, but compare Idaho’s  population of 1.5 million people, to California’s nearly 37 million (U.S. Census Bureau). According to a article, Idaho’s foreclosure rate increased 822% in the second quarter of 2010.  How many of those are bogus/illegal?  We’re seeing the return of the melodramatic bad guy, a Snidely who loves to foreclose the homes of little old ladies and ruin families.

Mental Health Decrease = Violent Crime Increase

A recent story in the Idaho State Journal showed that a random shooting, that took place at the end of September, may be linked to the state of Idaho ending health care coverage for people with certain mental disorders.

On September 27th, a man was shot outside a Pocatello, Idaho, coffee shop. He nearly died after losing 40% of his blood.  The shooter was a man who had not been on his mental health meds because the state cut off the funding.  The article showed there are other instances of violent behavior since the cuts took place.  One man, in court after assaulting his own house and car, was “suggested” by the local judge to get control of his mental problem (  Hello? Isn’t that part of a ‘mental’ health problem?  They can’t control it without outside help, and many of them are not in a position pay for it.

This year Idaho lawmakers claim they saved taxpayers $9 million by cutting the mental health budget.  They also said, earlier in the year, that only people with private insurance would be dropped from state assistance.  Yet, I’ve read several recent articles that say, in actuality people without any insurance have been cut.  To give you an example of how insensitive lawmakers are; according to an article in the Idaho Statesman, State Representative Ken Andrus, a Republican from Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, said he considers the Pocatello shooting, by a man dropped from state help, to be an isolated case (

Several mental health care professionals, here in Eastern Idaho, are warning that this is just the beginning of bad things to come.  The family of the shooting victim are outraged.

This reminds me of the Federal cuts for mental health care, pushed by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.  Instead of saving money, it cost more money in the long run, because of increased incarcerations, and lawsuits, due to resulting violent crime by people who were pushed onto the streets, and, went off their meds.  The difference between then and now is that then the government was trying to save money.  Now, there is no money.  The results will be the same.

Idaho’s New Privatized Medicaid. Patient Care Falls, Company Profits Up.

“…Americans will not stand for privatization of the nation’s most successful programs.” This is what a critic of President Bush Jr. said back in 2007, regarding the privatization of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. I think the critic is uninformed because many states have already privatized some or most of their Medicaid programs. And there is plenty of evidence that shows it is not successful, at least for the recipients.

Idaho is one of the states leading the country in radical reforms to it’s Medicaid program. On June 7th, 2010, they contracted out the medical payment program of Medicaid to a California company called Molina. Payments were expected to restart July 1st. The Idaho Medical Association says some providers have been paid for only 1% of what they billed (yes, one percent). A small number of providers have been overpaid, to the sum of $1 million. Most health care providers get a message stating “pending hold”. At the same time, Molina is reporting a net income of $10.6 million for the 2nd quarter of this year. $5 million of that coming from their Medicaid unit, know as Molina Medicaid Solutions.

Idaho had another contractor running Medicaid payments, for 30 years. Then the state decided to get a new contractor, one that could provide more flexible technology. Is that new lingo for cutting services?

Molina initially blamed the payment issue on it’s computer program, but, then in August, said it was because they were understaffed. The state is also being blamed by some critics for intentionally holding back claims until the Molina takeover.

Some providers say they’re getting the “pending hold” message because Molina’s program is designed to take care of people with secondary insurance first. Patients with no secondary insurance seem to be stuck in limbo under Molina’s system.

The Idaho government shares some of the blame, of course. On top of hiring the new contractor, the state wants to cut Medicaid funding by $22 million. I can’t help think that the cuts have something to do with this Medicaid payment fiasco.

Now, Idaho has contracted out the dental care program of Medicaid. The contractor, DentaQuest, has been given the green light to cut 150-200 providers from the program (in Idaho that’s a lot). The changes go into affect on November 1st. Several East Idaho dentists said it could force people with serious dental problems into hospital emergency rooms. Also, according to Dr. Justin Bell of Idaho Falls, DentaQuest is reducing compensation to .30 cents for every dollar of care. Dr. Bell thinks this will force dentists to stop taking Medicaid.

Here’s a couple of questions: If Americans don’t want privatized Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security, where is the protest?

Also, what’s the use of the Federal Health Care Reforms if states are making up their own reforms?

Vote Local, Screw National!

Elections are coming up. Local, state and national. Which elections affect you the most? Local of course! Those City and County buffoo… officials affect your day to day life directly. Your State Legislature also has a direct impact on your life.

The Federal Congressional gang does impact us, but indirectly, by coming up with Federal domestic (national) laws, policies and regulations. Then there’s the  President of the United States. He can plead with the Congress, and then sign into law, or reject by veto, anything Congress sends his way. Meaning his impact is as indirect as the Congress. The President’s true authority is in Foreign Affairs, not in Domestic Policy.

So why do so many people in the U.S. vote during presidential elections, and so few vote during non-presidential elections?  Here’s some statistics from the most recent General Elections: 2008 presidential elections saw 56.8% voter turnout, compared to 2006 non-presidential elections of only 37.1% ( In fact, since 1970 voter turnout for non-presidential elections has remained stuck in the upper 30% range.

Those stats are the average for the whole country. How about locally? Here in Bannock County, Idaho, in the May 2010 Primary Elections only 22.97% of registered voters voted (  Hopefully many more people will vote in the up coming General Elections.

I hope it’s more than the 2006 non-presidential General Elections. In that year the state wide voter turnout in Idaho was in the 40% range ( You might think that’s not bad, but compare that to the 50-60% range for the 2008 presidential elections ( I’d like to see 60% turnout in general non-presidential, local elections.

Stop putting your hope into the Congress and the President of the United States! Send a big message to Washington D.C. by putting your voting power where it will have direct impact on your home state and your hometown. Lets see huge turnouts for local elections!

Food Crisis: Idaho Hit by Crop Diseases

This afternoon, after a long awaited rain finally hit (possibly redeeming local weather forecasters), I discovered that my small plot of maize is suffering from an infestation of Smut. In researching this Smut I discovered that Idaho grain farmers are facing a new disease potentially more harmful, because it is attacking wheat & barely as well as corn.

Smut infected corn kernel. Some South Americans eat this.

Smut is a common corn fungus. It looks almost like the maize had been popped right in the husk. It’s nasty looking, the puffed corn kernels turning black as the fungus progresses. According to some sources, South Americans like to eat the young Smut galls as a delicacy.

I’ve grown maize for several years now, changing the location in my backyard field every year, but I’ve never had this problem. Turns out that weather plays a big role in the growth of Maize Smut. The weather factors are; cooler than normal temperatures, and dryer than normal conditions during the growing season ( That’s exactly what we’ve had this year in South East Idaho.

Maize Smut, Chubbuck, Idaho.

This is no problem, corn Smut shouldn’t cause a food crisis. But, in my research I discovered that, for the first time, the Pacific Northwest is being hit by a crop disease that attacks maize, wheat & barely. Earlier this year it was discovered in the Magic Valley of Idaho.

It is a type of Fusarium (not associated with Corn Smut), a fungus that is common in soil, but this particular version is dangerous to crops, and people. The Soviet Union actually developed a strain of Fusarium into a biological weapon during the Cold War (

According to the University of Idaho, Idaho is getting hit with this strain because of increased corn production (thank you ethanol). After the maize is harvested, Fusarium hangs around in the soil, attacking any wheat or barley planted in the same field. The U of I recommends not planting other grain crops in the same field that corn was grown. Also, plow under the field and spray with fungicides. As with Smut, cooler than normal temperatures promote Fusarium growth. (

Just one more concern over the coming food crisis.