Category Archives: Idaho

Mike Simpson, Jim Risch, Mike Crapo against Mosque @ 9/11 Ground Zero, but support training Muslim pilots in Idaho

Idaho representative Mike Simpson, and senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo all protested against building a Mosque near 9/11 Ground Zero in New York City.

Yet they all support training Saudi Arabian pilots at Mountain Home, Idaho.  Most of the terrorists who hijacked the airliners on September 11, 2001, were from Saudi Arabia (no Iraqis or Afghans were involved in 9/11).  This is a prime example of talking out both sides of your mouth at the same time.  And supposedly most Idahoans voted for these guys.

Don’t forget Idahoans, your Governor Butch Otter supports this as well (and yes you voted overwhelmingly for him).

Peter Gadiel, whose son was killed in the World Trade Center, said this about the training of Saudi pilots in Idaho:  “Americans will die and the people in Washington don’t give a damn.”

Training of Saudi Arabian pilots and ground crews in Idaho, is part of the $60 billion arms deal made last year.

Most Saudis are Wahaab Muslims (Wahhabi), the same faction that Osama bin Laden is from, as well as our allies the Saudi Royal Family.   Iraqis are not Wahaab. Afghans are not Wahaab. They did not attack us on 9/11. Wahaab Saudis & Wahaab Yemenis attacked us on 9/11. Yet we’re over there killing Iraqis and Afghans, while training Wahaab Saudis in Idaho?


Open Carry Gun Law Idaho

Every now and then, a new law enforcement officer in Idaho mistakenly arrests someone for OPEN possession of a gun.  As well, sometimes a citizen freaks out and calls in the police after seeing someone in OPEN possession of a gun.

In Idaho OPEN CARRY of guns is legal.  Open carry, as opposed to concealed carry, means you can carry a gun in public as long as it is visible.

Idaho Constitution, Article I Section 11: “….No law shall impose licensure, registration or special taxation on the ownership or possession of firearms or ammunition….”

Of course they are limits to Idaho’s open carry law, like being a convicted felon, being intoxicated and being under the age of 18.

As far as Idaho’s concealed carry licensing, it seems it applies only to handguns. 

Idaho and Texas force universities to allow guns on campus

The Idaho House passed a bill that would force colleges and universities to allow firearms on campus, except in student housing.

A Texas House committee moved a bill that would allow licensed handguns on public universities and college campuses.

This is considered an issue of the right to self defense, under the Second Amendment.

There have been many shootings, that could have been stopped, or lessened, if an armed citizen was able to use their gun to stop it.

Here in Eastern Idaho there is an example out of the Salmon area that proves it.  Some years ago, at a church service one of the residents of the town flipped out, entered the church and began shooting.  A member of the church was handed a gun by his wife.  She carried the gun in her hand bag.  She told him to “..take the guy out”, and he did (I think she actually used a different word than ‘guy’).  The flipped out shooter made it clear he was going to target as many people as he could.  He would have been successful if it weren’t for the gun toting woman who encouraged her husband to take the guy out.

How do I know this story?  The husband that took the guy out, and I, were both members of the same Idaho Army National Guard unit, back in the late 1990s.  When he told his story it was apparent that he was shaken by his actions to shoot the wacko, but, it was clear the wacko was going to take out as many people as he could.  Someone had to stop him.

Idaho National Labratory watching events in Japan, Sea Water may not work

Officials at INL are watching events in Japan very carefully. The INL has their own reactor, and it is the location for the first nuclear plant in the United States.

The INL continues to be active in nuclear power, and clean up, applications.

INL officials say the use of sea water to cool nuclear reactors has never been done before. It is a true last ditch effort.

Idaho Man escapes Fukushmia Daiichi Nuclear Plant

Chris Hope, of Ririe, Idaho, is back home after escaping from the Fukushima Daiichi plant during the 9.0 earthquake.

He works for an East Idaho software company, and was in Japan upgrading software programs at the Fukushima plant.  Hope said he had experienced smaller quakes in Japan, even found them exciting, but this quake caused him to fear for his life.

He and other people at the plant had to literally fight to get out of the building.  Outside it was like a disaster movie.  Plant officials went to great effort to get Hope to Tokyo, so he could return to Idaho.  He says the best example of how hard it was to get to Tokyo is the movie “Planes, Trains & Automobiles”.

Despite what is going on with the Fukushima nuclear plants, Hope says he still trusts nuclear power.

Idaho INL Official statements ominously similar to statements made by Japanese Nuclear Officials

A local East Idaho TV news reporter interviewed an official at the Idaho National Laboratory, regarding the safety of the INL’s nuclear reactor during a seismic event.  INL’s emergency director Riley Chase made almost the same statements that Japanese officials made right before their nuclear disaster.

“If we were to have a seismic event, the safety systems would shut that reactor down…”, also, “…we have diesel generators that run, and we have battery backed-up systems that will provide and constantly keep cooling…”

I’d like to remind people that this is what the officials said in Japan.  Their safety systems and back up systems failed.  This is because the quake and tsunami in Japan was much stronger than anyone planned for.  The Japanese systems were set up to withstand a 7.9 quake. It is now clear that the event was much, much stronger.  I believe if we in Eastern Idaho experienced such a strong event the INL system would fail as well. A major fault line does run through East Idaho, from Salt Lake up to Yellowstone.

On the plus side, the INL reactor is low power, and is run for 6 weeks each time it’s powered up.  So hope that the big one hits when the reactor is shut down.

By the way, the INL reactor is not the only nuclear plant in East Idaho.  Idaho State University has a graphite reactor on its Pocatello campus.  Shouldn’t be much concern, their ANG-201 reactor produces only 5 watts of power (at least that’s the maximum it is allowed to produce).

I have talked to long time building maintenance employees at the University, and they have told stories of the radioactive waste, from ANG-201, being stored in unmarked buildings. The story I heard was that some maintenance employees were on the roof of a building when they were suddenly told to get off the building. They were sent for medical exams, where they learned they were being checked for radiation exposure. Apparently the building they were on was being used to store radioactive waste.

This brings up the issue of radioactive waste.  In the United States storage of radioactive waste has become a problem, because no one wants it in their back yard. So what happens to it? Some nuclear plants in California have simply been building up a stockpile of waste on their property. Here in East Idaho, the INL has been dealing with the problem of  contaminated waste for decades. If the U.S. experiences a major seismic event near nuclear plants, not only will the reactors become an immediate threat, so will the waste.

East Idaho Media Misleads on School Levy Issue

March 8, 2011, Chubbuck, Idaho.

Today I voted on our local school district’s supplemental levy.  The ballot clearly states “7,500,000 for 2011-2012 and 7,500,000 for 2012-2013” school years. Do the math, that’s 15 million over two years.  I watched a local TV news live report, 5 & 6pm, on the voting.  In the 6pm newscast their live reporter clearly said that the levy for my district was “1.5 million”.   That’s one point five million, say what?  It is clearly stated on the ballot that it’s seven and a half million each year over two years, which equals fifteen million, not one point five million.  I checked the local TV station’s website, and even on their web site they have a story from the day before that says my district’s levy is: “Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 Supplemental Levy – $7.5 million per year for two years“.   Either their live reporter is deliberately misleading the audience (as well as the anchors because they did not correct her), or their reporter needs to go back to school and retake math (same for their anchors)!

Idaho Governor Misleads on Higher Education Scholarship

Idaho Gov. C. L. “Butch” Otter (R) has been running campaign ads touting a scholarship program that he takes credit for.  The problem is that the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship is turning out not to be what Governor Otter claims.

The fund was signed by Otter in March, 2007.  It’s partly funded through taxpayer refund donations.  As a sign of bad economic times, the contributions to the fund have not met expectations.  The scholarship is a last resort fund, which means students have to apply for other funding first.  The maximum amount of $3,000 is enough to cover tuition for two semesters at an Idaho Community College, but  not at an Idaho University.  Also, no new college students have be awarded the grant in the past two years.  In fact the number of current students getting the grant is 450, compared to 700 when the program started.

One Republican, and former Idaho State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jerry Evans, has announced that he is so upset with Gov. Otter, that he will vote for Keith Allred, Otter’s Democratic gubernatorial opponent.

In time for Elections, Idaho cuts Medicaid by another $8 Million, more to come

15% of Idahoans, who rely on Medicaid, are going to be hit with yet more cuts, to the tune of $8 million, with more cuts on the way.

Already this year there have been about $22 million in state funding cuts, and $83 million in federal funding cuts.  The cuts to dental care are causing great confusion has hundreds of dentists were cut from the program, then told they were re-instated, but that no payments would be made for ‘over treatment’.  Many dentists say the state has not clarified what qualifies as ‘over treatment’.  Also, their contracts can be canceled without reason.

According to the Associated Press, the new $8 million in cuts are targeted at mentally ill adults, and children with disabilities.  And those wont be the last of the cuts; Idaho wants to cut a total of $57 million from the 2011 Medicaid budget.

Remember Idaho has already cut hundreds of mentally ill adults off medicaid, with the result of incidents of violent crime (like the recent random shooting in Pocatello).  Here’s what one concerned Idahoan had to say: “These kinds of changes aren’t going to save us any money in the long run,” said Kelly Keele, a board member for Human Supports of Idaho. “These people are going to get worse without those services and then we’re going to bear the brunt of that in our justice system and corrections.”

By the way, the Associated Press had to file a public records request in order to reveal that the state of Idaho was planing more cuts.  That means our elected officials are trying to keep their budget cuts a secret.  Makes you feel warm all over going into the end of year holiday season.

Proof that Congress is Above the Law: Insider Trading. Idaho Senator Crapo Involved

Ever wonder why our Federal government does little, or nothing, when it comes to finance reform, or investment reform?  Maybe it’s because they’re getting rich from insider trading.  And it’s legal for them, but not for us.

Members of Congress participate in a 9-11 remembrance ceremony on the East Front steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington on September 15, 2010.   UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg Photo via Newscom

It is against the law to buy and sell stocks based on information that the general public is not privy too, unless you are a member of Congress, or a Congressional Staff member.  Can you say legalized corruption?  The Wall Street Journal recently reported that congressional staff members are making stock trades that are directly related to their jobs.  What a deal!  Your job is to create laws and policies, that regulate the investment industry, and as a result you to know all kinds of details that the public would never know and allows you to make trades based on that info!  And, you make it illegal for anyone else to do the same!

WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 13:  U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) listens during a hearing before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on Capitol Hill November 13, 2008 in Washington, DC. The hearing was focused on 'Oversight of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act: Examining Financial Institution Use of Funding Under the Capital Purchase Program.'  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Senator Mike Crapo (R), Idaho

A staffer, Karen Brown, working for Idaho’s Senator Mike Crapo (R), is reported to have made several trade deals with Bank of America (a leading home fore-closer bank), making her an investment gain of 43%.  When asked by the Wall Street Journal about it, Senator Crapo said the trades were made by Mrs. Brown’s husband, and that she would be amending her disclosure forms to show that.  The problem with that answer is that, as of October 23rd, Karen Brown’s latest disclosure forms shows her making additional Bank of America stock purchases.

This year, Represenative Brian Baird (D), of Washington, tried to get Congress to pass a bill that would make it illegal for them to do insider trading.  In the House of Representatives only 9 members endorsed the bill.  In the Senate no one endorsed it.  That should tell you that they all need to be fired!