Category Archives: Fukushima

Reactor 4 fuel pool critical, U.S. UAV to begin monitoring! North America to be hit with massive radiation!

Add to the potential for reactor 1 core explosion the Reactor 4 fuel pool crisis.

Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactor 4 fuel pool was damaged after an explosion several weeks ago (many main stream media report only two explosions, but there were three; reactors 1, 3 & 4 buildings). The problem is that it is now apparent that Reactor 4 fuel pool is leaking water faster than they can pour in (maybe this is the source of the leaks into the ocean?).

If spent fuel rods are exposed too long they will break down and spew radiation.

Japanese media now saying that the main reason for United States interest in the nuclear crisis is because the U.S. is in the path of most radiation contamination.  The U.S. is going to start using an UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) to monitor airborne radiation levels above Fukushima Daiichi, especially Reactor 4 fuel pool.

There are more than 10,000 spent fuel rods at Fukushima Daiichi, according to Hosono Goshi, a special adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto.

TEPCo admits plugged leak will cause new leaks!

After Tokyo Electric Power Company reported that they had stopped the leak in Reactor 2’s pit, an NHK helicopter took video of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, showing not only smoke coming from the reactors, but water still pouring into the ocean.

Today, TEPCo admits that plugging the leak in the pit will only cause new leaks to show up.  That’s because they don’t know exactly where the leaking water is coming from, or how it made its way to the pit.

Japanese government says current evacuation plans are faulty, apologies

Japanese central government officials are now saying that they goofed on the evacuation zone currently in place.

Officials say the current evacuation zone is based on a short term, low level, nuclear emergency. They did not expect the current situation to have lasted so long.

Japanese officials say they will revise evacuation plans to take into account long term exposure to high levels of radiation.

Many local governments have given up relying on central government data, and have started their own evacuation plans.

”I feel very sorry that a local government had to decide on its own. As soon as possible, the government and…nuclear experts working together must present clear guidelines on from where to where is safe.”-Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano

Reuters misleads, TEPCO lies about severity of reactor core explosion

In a 06 April 2011 Reuters article they compare an explosion of a reactor core, to the explosion of the reactor buildings three weeks ago:  “The possibility of another hydrogen explosion like those that ripped through reactors 1 and 3 early in the crisis, spreading high levels of radiation into the air, was ‘extremely low’, he said.”

This statement is completely misleading. It makes it sound like an explosion of the reactor core wont be any worse the the earlier explosions of the reactor buildings. Reuters does cite Tokyo Electric Power Company officials as the source of this misleading info.

If TEPCo is saying a reactor core explosion isn’t that bad then they are flat lying. If a reactor core explodes it will release a constant stream of deadly radiation, much worse than what is happening now!

It is possible that the TEPCo official was simply saying he thought the chance of an explosion was low (just an explosion), not that the chance of another explosion with resulting spewing of radiation was low. But that’s how the Reuters article reads. However TEPCo now has a proven track record of lying to the public.

In any case, don’t let anybody fool you, a reactor core explosion is THE worst case scenario, for a reason!


Nuke Analyst says TEPCo making things worse, new explosion will be much worse than earlier explosions!

NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) interviewed a nuclear analyst who said that Tokyo Electric Power Company’s reactionary actions have actually made the situation with their Fukushima Daiichi plant much worse.

Also, he warned that hydrogen gas build up in the Reactor 1’s core is much much worse that the hydrogen gas build up the resulted in the reactor’s outer buildings to explode. TEPCo is going to try using nitrogen to counteract the hydrogen gas build up.

If a reactor core, or containment vessel, explodes it will result in a constant stream of deadly radiation being spewed into the air.

Plutonium contamination found in soil!

Tokyo Electric Power Company admitted that they are still detecting plutonium contamination in the dirt around their Fukushima Daiichi facility.

This is the second time they’ve announced such detection.  It is an indicator that plutonium is being constantly spewed from the reactors. Plutonium is a byproduct of reactors that use uranium enriched fuel rods.

Besides being radioactive, plutonium is highly toxic (poisonous).

Radiation in Ocean will spread across Pacific in 3 Months

French nuclear analysts have used radiation numbers, publicly release by Japanese officials, to determine how bad the contamination is in the Pacific Ocean.

The Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety determined that with the current level of contamination (that is the contamination that has already happened) fish and seaweed will need constant monitoring. Also, they said the high levels of radioactive contamination, recently spilled by reactor 2, will spread through out the Pacific Ocean in three months.

They pointed out that some radiation will float with the ocean currents, while other isotopes will sink to the ocean floor.  The ocean does not affect isotope half life, so cesium-137 still has a half life of 30 years in water.  Cesium-137 is in the ocean.

This does not assume any further contamination, so expect it to get worse.


Pregnant women to be evacuated!

Iitate village in Fukushima Prefecture, announced they will start evacuating pregnant women, thanks to increasing radiation levels.

Iitate is 40km (24.8 miles) from the damaged nuclear power plant, and outside the official danger zone, but local officials say they’ve picked up high radiation readings in their area.

Radiation levels exceed standards set by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. So the town, on its own decision with no help from the central government, is going to evacuate pregnant women, children younger than 3 and their guardians. Pregnant women will leave first, by the end of the week. Town officials are still trying to make arraignments, regarding where they will evacuate the people to.


No Cold Shut Down for Fukushima says Analyst

NHK interviewed a nuclear analyst who said a cold shut down of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi can’t be done.

He explained that the reactors are too unstable, and TEPCo is still having trouble getting electrical power to the control rooms. He also said the situation is so dangerous that officials must keep everyone constantly updated.


Toyota hoping for increased parts supply for Japanese plants

Toyota thinks they might have enough parts built up to open more of its Japanese factories.

Toyota hopes to open more plants, in Japan, by late April. However, they point out that they will not be able to run at full production, and, if parts supplies continue to be a problem then all bets are off.