Martial Law U.S.A.: TSA security is not targeting terrorists! Fake exemptions expanded for frequent flyers!

17 October 2013 (13:42 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/25 Mehr 1391/13 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“If another 9/11 happens, you will not recognize this country.”-Andrew Jurchenko, retired U.S. Army Colonel, commenting on expanding TSA powers

Out of Arizona: “America’s Friendliest Airport” is now America’s Martial Law Airport.

The Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport has registered numerous complaints against gestapo Transportation Security Administration agents, complaints coming from people as old as 92 years who said they were humiliated and terrorized.  Apparently most of those targeted are disabled people with fake body parts.

TSA announced an expansion of their privileged Trusted Traveler Program, which supposedly allows club members to skip martial law searches!  The TTP is being expanded to 350 airports in 2014.

A civil rights activist warned that just because your a TTP member doesn’t mean Big Brother/Sister isn’t watching you: “If you sign up, you’ll want to keep your nose clean for the rest of your life. Because that’s how long the FBI will keep your fingerprints.”-Gregory Nojeim, Center for Democracy and Technology

Infowars/Prison Planet has discovered that Public Access to Court Electronic Records,, has federal court documents that reveale that the country has been and still is under martial law: “…as a result of an ‘order’ of the TSA and that Congress had stripped the district courts of jurisdiction…” 

The court documents show that the TSA has been taking baby steps to increased use of martial law prison tactics: “….in 2002, a limited pat-down procedure was in place for secondary screening. This procedure…..did not include any touching of the ‘sensitive areas’ of travelers……..In September 2004….the TSA modified the pat-down procedure to include touching the breasts of female travelers……in 2010, the TSA discontinued all use of hand-held metal detectors, for reasons that have never been explained.”

TSA uses full body pat downs as well as electromagnetic nude body scanners.  Documents show TSA employees continually violate their own rules of how full body pat downs are conducted. It is also pointed out that Germany refused to adopt the U.S. TSA nude body scanner system, due to 35% failure rate.  France refused due to high failure rate of system.

TSA had access to three other search systems, but capriciously choose the nude body scanners.  The TSA rejected the use of 95% effective, and far cheaper, bomb sniffing dogs!  The TSA is actually receiving taxpayer funding for bomb sniffing dogs!

The second rejected search device was the ETP machines, which detected chemicals that could be used for explosives, although the same chemicals can be found in sausages.   TSA discontinued the EPT use because of operational costs, not lack of effectiveness.  I can attest to the EPT effectiveness because sausages bought in Idaho and heading to California via the Pocatello Airport, popped up as bombs on the EPT.  Sausages contain nitrates, they were allowed to fly on to California.

TSA also has another chemical detector, ETD.  But court documents show they are considered secondary, backup systems, and are rarely used, even though they are effective and cheaper than both EPT and nude body scanners.

The documents point out that not once has the TSA caught a true terrorist.

Even TSA’s own documentation showed there is no justification to their martial law tactics: “….explosives brought on board airplanes…..happened outside of the United States…..even on the global scale, including Middle Eastern countries with extreme civil unrest and a high prevalence of improvised explosive devices….explosives on airplanes are extremely rare……the TSA analyzed hijackings in 2007, and found 7 hijacking incidents across the globe, but none of them involved actual explosive devices.”

The court documents then point out “The hijackers on 9/11 had no explosives; only knives………This begs the question, then, of what evidence the government possesses to rationalize that we should be so afraid of non-metallic explosives being brought aboard flights departing from the U.S. that we must sacrifice our civil liberties. The answer: there is none.

The only conclusion we can come to is that the dictatorial elites of the United States used the threat of terrorism as a False Flag to impose martial law and turn you into slaves!

You need to read the entire court document, because there is way more than what I’ve posted.