Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 01 December 2021:
On 30NOV2021, about 2-thousand migrants left Southern Mexico for the United States, just one of several caravans:
On 01DEC2021, reports say another 2-thousand migrant caravan gave-up and turned around due to exhaustion, illness and a lack of money!
Illegals from other countries are still being ‘disappeared’ once they enter Mexico:
United Nations criticizes Biden’s immigration policy!
In this age of seemingly never ending Pandemic restrictions, pro-illegal organizations are now claiming that legalizing the use of illegal immigrants would somehow solve the supply chain crisis!
Applications for H1-B foreign hi-tech workers trying to get a job in the U.S., dropped 12.6% compared to last year!
ARIZONA: Yuma Sector Border Patrol reports increased border crossings: “Crossing and trying to evade us, coming up with some pretty interesting techniques, getting into the salt cedars, and covering themselves up with needles. Doing a pretty good job of camouflaging themselves. We also had a group that buried themselves in the sand.”-Vincent Dulesky, Yuma Sector Border Patrol Supervisor
CALIFORNIA: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Golden State, 20 years after a pro-illegal student funding law was passed, college students who are in-country illegally say they are still having trouble getting taxpayer funded financial assistance (grants/loans)! The question now should be what happened to that 20 years of pro-illegal student funding?
Apparently in response to the state’s failure to live up to its pro-illegal student funding law, a private organization just donated $150-thousand to California State University Northridge, for the express purpose of supporting DACA (Dreamer) students!
Apparently in response to the state’s failure to live up to its pro-illegal student funding law, christian operated private Loyola Marymount University claims it will help fund illegal students!
El Centro Sector Border Patrol captured 12 illegals from Mexico, found hiding inside a train car near Mecca. Two of the illegals needed medical help. One illegal admitted to being a member of a violent gang, and it turns out he also has a criminal record in the U.S.
NEW JERSEY: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Garden State, this video report shows that taxpayer funded Pandemic relief for illegals is not being distributed, the question now should be what happened to the money:
NEW YORK: In the grossly overt pro-illegal Empire State it has been revealed that officials have approved a meager 85 applications for the state’s taxpayer funded Hurricane Ida relief plan created specifically for the estimated 5-thousand-1-hundred illegals impacted by the storm! The question now is what is happening to that money?
‘Black’ New Yorker, and son of immigrants, explains how most illegal immigrants are anti-Black American and giving the vote to illegals is a covert way of reducing black political power at the local level:
An illegal from Ecuador caught operating a New York rideshare that was actually a sex predator operation, pleads not guilty despite video recording the sex act!
OREGON: State university system creates new pro-illegal student support organization for….illegal ducks!?

U.S. Coast Guard photo by Ricardo Castrodad.
On 24NOV2021, the U.S. Coast Guard captured approximately 400-kilograms of cocaine, along with four smugglers, near Dorado. The smugglers are from the Dominican Republic, and are now facing U.S. federal charges in Puerto Rico.
TEXAS: Laredo Sector Border Patrol captured more than 80 illegals, found in a ‘stash house’. They are from the countries of Honduras, Belize, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico. However, a different report says some of those captured are actually from Belize.
Laredo Sector Border Patrol also reporting the use of vacuum sealed tanker trucks to smuggle humans. Two trucks with 70 illegals were captured. The illegals are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. The drivers of the trucks are U.S. citizens!
Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol captured dozens of illegals who are not only known violent gang members, but one of them had been deported five times, and another apparently should have been in prison serving a 14 sentence!
The Del Rio crossing again getting hit by illegals from more than 50 countries, such as Eritrea, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan!
Washington DC: Biden’s Director of Homeland Security made a contradictory statement while announcing a new policy that will not deport illegals for not having legal documentation: “The fact that an individual is undocumented should not in and of itself be the basis for enforcing the law against them.”-Alejandro Mayorkas
Biden declares “A Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease 2019″, basically most people from African countries are banned because of the new Pandemic variant, except that it has a dozen exemptions including “(ix) any noncitizen”! Essentially, Biden’s Omicron travel ban is a paper tiger.