Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 23 November 2021:

U.S. Military Assistance Group photo by Captain Pawel Puczko.
On 28OCT2021, the U.S. military (taxpayers) handed the Philippine Coast Guard Special Operations Force a training/storage facility valued at $469-thousand!
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reports increase in drug captures for October.

Photo by U.S. Coast Guard District 7.
The U.S. Coast Guard captured drug smugglers, and their drugs, off the island of Gonave. The smugglers and drugs were turned over to the Haitian Coast Guard, 27OCT2021.
New round of O-D deaths in the U.S. blamed on illegals crossing the border!
Mexican army rescues Guatemalan slaves, woman had fingers cut off by drug dealers/human traffickers!
Revealed, at least 1.2-million illegals in the U.S. are under deportation orders!
Boundless Immigration reveals that the House passed Biden Build Back Better Bill includes more than $1-billion for immigration:
CALIFORNIA: In legalized marijuana California, illegal marijuana farmers are now stealing water from legal residents of California:
FLORIDA: WKMG reports human smuggling cases are up:

USCG District 7 photo.
Off the coastline of Jupiter, on 16NOV2021 the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) captured/found a man reported missing. The USCG suspects the man of trying to smuggle his non-citizen stepson into the U.S.

USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jose Hernandez.
The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton (WMSL 753) off-loaded $504-million in cocaine, marijuana at Port Everglades, on 22NOV2021. The drugs were captured as part of an international effort involving USCG, U.S. Navy, Customs and Border Protection, FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, along with allied and international partner agencies.
IDAHO: In direct opposition to Biden’s own talk of clamping down on polluters in order to save the climate, and despite efforts by Idaho organizations to block the operation, the Biden administration has given the green light to a Canadian gold mining company to begin digging in Caribou-Targhee National Forest in Eastern Idaho! To add insult to injury, the Caribou-Targhee National Forest has recently been going after economically disaffected (homeless) people living in the forest!
NEVADA: Local news media upset that Las Vegas Police are helping ICE capture illegals!
In the legalized marijuana state, an “epic” illegal marijuana operation was busted. The illegal operation relied on trafficked labor from south of the border to make it work. State Police say they captured half-a-million pounds of illegal marijuana plants!
KOIN video report on “epic” bust:
Three weeks prior to the record setting illegal marijuana bust, State Police warned state politicians that drug dealers from south of the border had set-up numerous illegal marijuana farms using illegal immigrants as the workers! Migrant workers describe the drug dealers as operating like an army, when questioned state politicians say there is no plan to deploy the National Guard!
Video report, Deschutes County gets more federal funding to fight increasing illegal marijuana operations, local police say the illegal farms are the main draw of illegal farm workers:

USCG District 7 photo by Ricardo Castrodad.
On 02NOV2021, the USCG captured 77 Dominicans and six Haitian illegals, Northwest of Aguadilla. They were transferred to the Dominican Republic Navy on 03NOV2021.

USCG District 7 photo by Ricardo Castrodad.
An international multi-agency effort involving the USCG, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, the Caribbean Border Interagency Group and the Caribbean Corridor Strike Force captured three drug traffickers, north of Vega Baja, and almost $4-million worth of cocaine, 01NOV2021.
TEXAS: At least ten thousand state police and National Guard deployed to border!
El Paso Police captured at least 80 illegals with criminal records!