Biden’s Borderland: Capture of illegals is now officially called ‘rescues’! Is Texas being set up?

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, highly incomplete list of videos and links to news/government agency reports as of 12 October 2021:

United Nations children’s agency UNICEF warns that a caravan of 19-thousand children are heading to the United States!

Guatemala rescues 126 illegals, from three countries, who were heading to the United States, they were abandoned by human traffickers!

Education World Inc. (“Since 1996”) executives admit in court they knowingly hired illegals and profited off a scheme to rip-off illegals of their pay!

USCG District 7 photo.

On 02OCT2021, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) returned 199 illegals from Haiti, to Haiti.

Mexico returns 129 Haitians, to Haiti:

Mexico captures 652 illegals near U.S. border!

USCG District 7 photo.

On 07OCT2021, the USCG assisted in the capture of ten illegals from Cuba, on Anguilla Cay, Bahamas.  It should be noted that the USCG is now calling captures of illegals “rescues”!

USCG District 7 video of HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircrew dropping food, water and a radio to the illegal Cubans on Anguilla Cay, Bahamas:

CALIFORNIA: Now illegal to use the terms illegal, immigrant or alien!

FLORIDA: 32 illegals from Cuba captured by county deputies!

17 illegals from Cuba captured on Key West beach!

22 illegals from Cuba captured, oh I mean ‘rescued’ by USCG in Florida Keys!

Hillsborough County man caught trafficking 30 illegals from Cuba!

Collier County reports that more than 30 illegals with documented criminal records have moved in:

IDAHO: Paradox; as The Gem State’s gov’na was in Texas to support an independent effort to control the border with Mexico, Idaho’s lieutenant gov’na orders the Idaho National Guard to the Texas border, now she is in trouble with the gov’na:

NEW YORK: A pandemic program to financially help illegals has already run out of its $2-billion in pandemic taxpayer funding!

New law makes it a crime to report somebody as an illegal!

New York attorney reveals that many illegals think they can get a work visa after arriving illegally:

OKLAHOMA: The state’s gov’na blames Biden for increased drug trafficking:

TEXAS: Rio Grande Valley Border personnel capture illegals, including known MS-13 members!

Texas halts DACA program!

Horizon City man accused of human trafficking!

Democrat says illegals are arriving en masse because somebody is telling them the border is wide open!

On 04OCT2021, the gov’na of Arkansas visited his state militia, helping the Texas National Guard to patrol the border with Mexico. Arkansas Army National Guard video by Second Lieutenant Charles Davis:

05OCT2021, Ohio gov’na visits National Guard on Texas border with Mexico:

06OCT2021, Georgia’s gov’na visits National Guard on Texas border with Mexico:

06OCT2021, nine gov’nas (from Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wyoming) join the Texas gov’na is announcing their own plan to fight the border invasion, video was recorded live:

Drug gangs attack National Guard position on Texas side of the border, U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel slams Biden:

On 11OCT2021, news media reports stated that National Guard personnel from other states had been withdrawn, partly due to problems inside their home states!

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) claims it had no idea that illegals from Haiti were about to swarm the Texas border!

Three government officials say DHS is lying about not knowing of Haitian caravan:

Department of Homeland Security cancels border wall contracts:

Texas’ gov’na says they’ve prepared for massive invasion:

VERMONT: Democrats so fearful of losing elections they want non-citizens to vote!

Two cities get sued for allowing non-citizens to vote!

Washington DC: Department of Homeland Security reportedly will now focus on the leadership of companies that hire illegals, rather than arrest the masses of illegals employed by them!