“This proves the capabilities of the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force to lethally target an aircraft outside of the traditional RADAR electromagnetic spectrum.”-Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Lindaman, 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron

Lockheed Martin’s Legion Pod IRST Block 1.5 targeting pod, 05AUG2021. U.S. Air Force photo by First Lieutenant Lindsey Heflin.
On 05AUG2021, for the first time an F-15C Eagle successfully launched a live Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM, aka AIM-120) using the new Legion Pod IRST (Infra-Red Search and Track) Block 1.5 system.
The target was a QF-16, shot down over the Gulf of Mexico. The F-15C was flown by the 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron out of Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Legion Pod IRST Block 1.5 is a new ‘passive’ targeting system, and while it was connected to the Eagle’s RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) during the test, it was able to track and target the QF-16 on its own: “This successful live missile test is significant because an F-15 equipped with an IRST-cued AIM-120 allows us to achieve detection, tracking, targeting, weapons employment, and verification of an intercept without being dependent upon RADAR energy. It’s also not susceptible to radio frequency jamming or a target’s low observable design.”-Maj. Brian Davis, 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron
Legion Pod Block 1.5 IRST has also been used to launch the AIM-9X Sidewinder, on 08JUL2020.
Also on 13JUL2020, the Legion Pod Block 1.5 IRST was flown on an F-16D Block 50A.
Apparently the Legion Pod was originally intended to upgrade the F-16 (being referred to as the F-16 Legion Pod), yet it was discovered that by using the F-15C for testing the USAF saved $1-million and almost four years of time (four years for the F-16, only six months needed using the F-15C), over using the F-16 for testing the pod. Apparently because the F-15C’s software allowed for better/faster integration of the Legion Pod.