09JUN2021, shedding the old grey scales. Iowa Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.
An Indiana Air National Guard A-10C has shed its old grey skin for new black & dark grey scales (grey 118 and black 038).

09JUN2021, Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.
Sometime between May and June 2021, Indiana’s 122nd Fighter Wing (FW) flew an A-10C to the Air National Guard Paint Facility in Sioux City, Iowa.

22JUN2021, dark grey scales appear. Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.
Iowa ANG time-lapse video by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot, Blacksnakes A-10C grows a new skin:
The black & dark grey colors are to celebrate Indiana National Guard’s 1-hundred years of aviation, and to honor both the 122nd FW (with a Fort Wayne tail flash) and the 181st Intelligence Wing (Terre Haute checkered tail flash).

29JUN2021, applying the stenciling. Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.

02JUL2021, Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.

02JUL2021, Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.

07JUL2021, heading home to Indiana. Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.

07JUL2021, refueling on its way home to Indiana. Iowa ANG photo by Senior Master Sergeant Vincent De Groot.
The Blacksnakes use of green snake eyes symbolizes night-vision capability. In the 1990s, the 122nd FW was first unit in the Air Force to receive night-flying systems that enabled aircraft to be fully mission-capable 24 hours a day.