In the past several years, versions of the OH-58 Kiowa have been retired from U.S. Army (USA) service.

U.S. Navy photo.
The U.S. Navy plans on retiring their aged fleet of TH-57 Sea Rangers (Kiowas and Sea Rangers both based on the Bell 206 JetRanger) next year, but it turns out that since at least 2013 the U.S. Navy (USN) has been using a zombified (robot) version of the Kiowa/Sea Ranger looking Bell 407, called MQ-8C Fire Scout (not to be confused with the MQ-8B, also called Fire Scout).
In September 2010, Northrop-Grumman-Bell(Textron) completed the Fire-X electrical systems power-on sequence at the Xworx conversion operations in Fort Worth, Texas.
Originally called Fire-X by Northrop-Grumman-Bell, in December 2010 it flew over Yuma Army Proving Grounds (YAPG, sometimes YPG), in Arizona.
In 2012 the USN decided to buy it, and towards the end of 2013 the $262.3-million robot helicopter first took flight as the MQ-8C Fire Scout.
In August 2014, the MQ-8C successfully conducted ‘slope landing’ tests on Point Magu, Naval Base Ventura County, California.

USN photo by Petty Officer Third Class Zachary S. Eshleman.
In March 2017, the MQ-8C began testing onboard the USS Montgomery (LCS 8), the first time it was tested on a Littoral Combat Ship:

USN photo by Command Master Chief Jacob A. Shafer.
In June 2018, the USN conducted final Initial Operational Test and Evaluations (IOTE) of the MQ-8C Fire Scout, a year later it was declared ‘mission ready’.
Silent video by Petty Officer First Class Charles White, final IOTE flight around USS Coronado (LCS 4), 28JUN2018:
The mission of the MQ-8C is basically the same as that of the USA’s manned Kiowas; scouting and target identification, with the additional cargo hauling mission.
12APR2021, MQ-8C leaves the USS Jackson (LCS 6).

USN photo Petty Officer Third Class Casey Trietsch.
16APR2021, the MQ-8C Fire Scout was on display at the UxS IBP 21 robot wargame on Naval Base San Diego, California.

USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Sara Eshleman.
Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron-3, Naval Base San Diego, get introduced to the MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned helicopter, 29APR2021. Notice this MQ-8C has a different windshield and nose compared to the one seen at UxS IBP 21.
UxS IBP 21 stands for Unmanned Systems (not sure why there is an ‘x’ in the acronym) Integrated Battle Problem 2021. UxS IBP 21 is the first ‘classified’ USN wargame involving robot vehicles and weapons competing against people operated systems, apparently spurred by doubts coming from the U.S. Congress: “With the recent acquisition failures on the last several ship classes, those of us on this committee are skeptical of the Navy’s ability to shepherd this new technology into employable assets that contribute to the lethality of those forces.”-Representative Elaine Luria of Virginia
IBP 21 took place from April 19th to the 26th.