Biden’s Borderland: Drones and Scams

Welcome to borderland hell under the new U.S. President, incomplete list of links to news/government agency reports as of 25 May 2021:
A leftist-liberal PBS report finally admits that many illegals are getting paid more than citizens, it’s because employers don’t want to own up to their legal responsibilities regarding citizen workers and they are willing to pay more to an illegal in order to avoid legal responsibilities: “Employers are constantly crying that they have a labor shortage. Why? Because employers like the labor market dynamics of hiring illegal labor.”Dan Stein
Fox News report after drone video shows illegals swarming the U.S. southern border, 24MAY2021:



CALIFORNIA:  Man detained for ‘unknowingly’ smuggling illegal immigrant.

U.S. Coast Guard video, by Petty Officer Third Class Taylor Bacon, Cutter Active (WMEC 618) offloads about 11-thousand-5-hundred pounds of captured cocaine in San Diego, 19MAY2021:

FLORIDA: A day in the life of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Illegal college students now getting CoViD pandemic funding.

NEW YORK: The red-tape of pro-illegal NYC is actually blocking CoViD pandemic funding for illegal workers.


U.S. Coast Guard photo.

18MAY2021, U.S. Coast Guard hands over a total of 66 illegals to the Dominican Republic Navy.  They were captured trying to reach Puerto Rico.