In 2019, several A-10Cs underwent wing replacement, which included new paint, by the Ogden Air Logistics Complex on Hill Air Force Base (AFB), Utah.
They were the last of 173 A-10s to get the new wing upgrade. I’m not sure if this if the primer paint as most A-10s I’ve seen get re-painted are primered with a zinc yellow paint.

USAF photo by Alex R. Lloyd.
A hanger full of stripped A-10s waiting for their new wings, and new clothes.
A naked A-10C, with brand new wing, gets towed to the paint shop.
A new shark-mouth to go with the new wing for this 23d Wing Flying Tigers A-10, home based on Moody AFB, Georgia, 09JUL2019.
Perhaps there were too many A-10s to paint as by December 2019, painters on Hill AFB began using robots to strip them naked.
Vehicle I-D: A-10 South East Asia camo