17 August 2016 (16:15 UTC-07 Tango 01) 27 Mordad 1395/13 Dhu I-Qa’da 1437/15 Bing-Shen 4714

Sharkmouth FAC A-29 Super Tacano
Just days after unprecedented rainfall, causing ongoing deadly flooding, the air force of South American country Columbia seized Barksdale U.S. Air Force Base in Louisiana!

Columbian C-130 Herky Bird parked in front of USAF B-52 Stratofortress
A-29B Super Tucano COIN (COunter INsurgency) birds and C-130 transports of the Fuerza Aérea Colombiana touched down at Barksdale the day after the record flooding began.

National Guard F-16
Don’t worry, It’s not a real invasion, it’s part of wargames called Green Flag East, and includes F-16s from the Alabama and Texas militias. Video of FAC arrival: