30 May 2016 (12:51 UTC-07 Tango 01) 10 Khordad 1395/22 Sha-ban 1437/24 Giu-Si 4714

Privately funded memorial in Pocatello to those killed (and still being killed) in Afghanistan & Iraq. 6,868 U.S. dead and counting!
While driving down Yellowstone Avenue in Pocatello, Idaho, I saw a business sign that said “Happy Memorial Day”. Memorial Day is about people who died during wars, it is not a ‘happy’ day, it is a solemn day.
I also notice that a lot of people confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day. Memorial Day is about dead people, Veterans Day is about people who served in the military and are alive to talk about it.
By the way, the U.S. occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq never ended, despite several main stream news sources actually saying those ‘wars’ (Congress never legally declared war) were “technically over”!