26 March 2016 (05:47 UTC-07 Tango 01) 07 Farvardin 1395/16 Jumada t-Tania 1437/18 Xin Mao 4714
“Europe knew exactly what was happening, but they started a blame game and said the entire problem was on the Turkish-Syrian border. Without taking any responsibility they blamed us for this, on top of the refugee issue…..But where did ISIS and Nusra come from? Al-Qaida in Iraq………Turkey didn’t create ISIS, we probably should have controlled our border much better … but Turkey’s mistake was actually to follow the lead of the Europeans and the U.S.“-unnamed Turkish law enforcement administrator
The country that has been directly dealing with so called ‘Islamic State’ -ISIS-ISIL-DAIISH (DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham=Syria]), U.S. led NATO Turkey, is now accusing Europe of intentionally supplying Islamic State soldiers!
On Wednesday Turkey’s genocidal president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan revealed that when they notified Belgian police that known Belgian terrorist Ibrahim El Bakraoui attempted to cross Turkey into Syria, the Belgian authorities stated they did not consider El Bakraoui a terrorist! This is why Turkey deported El Bakraoui to Netherlands and not Belgium.
Turkey has a list of 38-thousand Europeans considered at risk of joining Islamic States. Turkey has so far deported 3-thousand 2-hundred Europeans caught trying to enter Syria to join Islamic State or Al Nusra.
It’s beginning to look like ‘christian’ Europe is trying to rid itself of European ‘muslims’ by allowing them to go to Syria and Iraq, in the hopes they’d be killed in battle. Some Turkish government officials say even European prisons are being emptied of European ‘muslim’ prisoners with the caveat that they leave for the Middle East and never come back.
But don’t believe the Turks, U.S. analysts are saying the same thing: “The threat to Europe is driven by the large numbers of Europeans who have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq and who have returned to the west….”-Peter Bergen, co-author ISIS in the West: The Western Militant Flow to Syria and Iraq
False Flag: Politicians admit police ‘let it happen’! Police call it “jeu politique”! Blame Sony’s Playstation 4?
Proven, again: Islamic State uses parts supplied by U.S. & Japan to make their bombs!
After flooding Middle East with unwanted European Muslims, Pope & Patriarch officially call for new Christian Crusade against Muslims!!!