07 February 2016 (08:55 UTC-07 Tango 01) / 18 Bahman 1394/27 Rabi’a’-Thani 1437/29 Wu Yin 4713
“This is the first study to conclude that Europe is the backbone of the global spread of the bee-killing… ….We must now maintain strict limits on the movement of bees, whether they are known to carry Varroa or not. It’s also really important that beekeepers at all levels take steps to control Varroa in their hives, as this viral disease can also affect wild pollinators.”-Lena Wilfert, senior researcher
A study by the University of Exeter, in United Kingdom, says that the global honey bee Colony Collapse is caused by international trade.

Bee suffering from Deformed Wing Virus
It’s called the Deformed Wings Virus (DMV) and is spread by Varroa mites found in Europe. The study concluded that Globalization, or international trade, spread the DMV carrying mite around the world, infecting bees that had no immunity to the European virus. The mites themselves also eat bees.
Researchers used genetic data to trace the spread of the mites and virus to 17 countries.
Operation Jupiter: For past 40 years a major Vaccine maker lied about how they make vaccines!
Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! Human collapse next!