04 December 2015 (11:49 UTC-07 Tango 01)/13 Azar 1394/21 Safar 1437/23 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713
“They executed my son!”-Gwen Woods, mother of latest victim of police gun violence
While the mainstream U.S. national news media continues to focus on the possible False Flag attack in San Bernardino, California, there’s no mention of the police shooting that killed who appeared to be an unarmed man.
In cell phone video it looks like between five and eight fat-ass San Francisco cops gun down a man who was trying to walk away from them.

This is a screen grab from a video showing the man begging for his life right before the cops summarily executed him.
Police admit they were pissed-off because the man refused to drop a knife, even after they shot him with a non-lethal-yet-painful pellet bag/bean bag (which explains why the man is cringing in pain). The videos show that even if the man had a knife he was not wielding it! The dumb-ass fat-ass cops decided to summarily execute him, apparently because he was suspected of stabbing somebody. The victim’s mother says he was hit 25 times!
You fucking puke-ass cops armed with semi-auto handguns and wearing bullet proof vests are fucking afraid of a man with a knife, and he’s not even threatening you with it!?!?!
The number one excuse that cops give for summarily executing their victims is that they were “fearing for their life” even though in the overwhelming majority of those cases the victim was trying to run away from the homicidal cops! They were not attacking the cops! In this case San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi said the man “was not posing a direct threat” to the cops!
Gun Ban Reality Check: Assault Rifles already banned in California! Shooter was mental health employee!
4,667% increase in theft by cops! More than thefts by ‘criminals’!
Obama regime Homie Town police genocide 7,185 people in Chicago!
California police admit killing 6-thousand 156 civilians over a nine years period!
Cops ramp up genocide as administrators admonish civilian victims! (this posting has a lot more examples of police gun violence & summary executions, that should prove the cops are the ones waging a terrorist war on the United States)
Fat Ass Cop tasers 100 pound handcuffed woman, now she’s dead!