False Flag: Another ‘suspect’ arrested? Live reporter questions why suspects were still out & about!

02 December 2015 (16:34 UTC-07 Tango 01)/11 Azar 1394/19 Safar 1437/21 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

Live reporter says police arrested a man in a separate incident.  A man driving a sedan was chased by cops, he crashed into a truck carrying water bottles, he then ran on foot before being captured by police.  The incident happened in the area near the Inland Regional Center.

Back at the shootout between cops and people in a black GMC Yukon, a live reporter in the ABC7 helicopter stated “it’s brazen that these suspects would be out driving around knowing that police are out looking for them.”

Armored Bobcat excavator, known as a TacCat, being used to inspect GMC Yukon.