What housing market recovery? The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reports that sales of existing homes crashed in November, down 10.5% from October (which, by the way, were revised downward from previous reports), and down by 210-thousand sales compared to November 2014! By region: NorthEast down by 9.2%, South down by 6.2%, MidWest crashed by 15.4% and the West also crashed by 13.9%.
California: Emeryville based Jamba Juice announced it is shutting down 30 stores in Illinois and New York, 104 jobs lost! Administrators said the stores “are cash flow negative”. The evil city of Oakland spent $72-thousand tax dollars evicting homeless people from 162 homeless camps! That’s a lot of homeless people, gee I thought there was an economic recovery Barack Obama? A famous ‘Hollywood’ junkyard that nobody knows about is shutting down. The Aadlen Brothers Auto Wrecking (aka U Pick Parts) junkyard has been used in dozens of TV shows, especially police/crime shows, over the years but is now shutting down due to crashing revenues. Another problem is that the junkyard is also an unofficial abandoned cat refuge estimated to have dozens of homeless cats. Efforts are being made to capture the cats and find homes for them. In Santa Monica, restaurant Cadet shutting down after the Gregorian New Year’s Day: “…it was not financially viable and will be doing their best to reposition the staff…”-official statement
Florida: MV Transportation issued a WARN saying 80 people in Orlando will lose their jobs by mid-February 2016.
Idaho: More proof public school systems are covert Concentration Camps! The evil and corrupt School District 25 (aka Pocatello/Chubbuck school district) fired a food service worker for giving a starving child a free lunch valued at a measly one dollar and 70 cents! On top of that the A-hole District 25 administrators sent the good samaritan (now former) employee a letter stating they consider her act of charity “theft”! The former food service employee told new sources she offered to pay for the meal herself but that offer was rejected by her supervisor: “…what are you supposed to do when the kids tell you they are hungry and they don’t have any money?”-Dalene Bowden, hero District 25 food service worker fired for trying to feed starving children
More proof Idaho’s version of ObamaCare is meant to kill you. The state Department of Health and Welfare is slashing Medicaid payments for in-home care of mentally disabled people. Already, in-home care operation A New Leaf, in Meridian, is shutting down and eliminating 39 jobs as a result. Many more in-home care operations will be shutdown as the draconian state ‘lawmakers’ want to warehouse disabled people in institutions. (better do your research to find out what happened the last time people were warehoused in institutions, it not pretty)
For more proof your Gem State ‘lawmakers’ are out to get you, a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals court judge ruled that your ‘elected’ lawmakers act with extreme hatred (“animus”) regarding things like animal rights: “The overwhelming evidence gleaned from the legislative history indicates that (the statute) was intended to silence animal welfare activists, or other whistleblowers, who seek to publish speech critical of the agricultural production industry….a review of the (statute’s) legislative history leads to the inevitable conclusion that the law’s primary purpose is to protect agricultural facility owners by, in effect, suppressing speech critical of animal-agriculture practices.”-B. Lynn Winmill

Wild turkeys seen near Inkom, Idaho
Did you pay too much for your holiday turkey? Producers blame a shortage of the big birds for high store prices but the state Department of Fish and Game claims there are so many wild turkeys in eastern Idaho that they’re asking for a special “expanded” hunting season. Turkeys are not native to Idaho and their growing population is considered a threat to native game birds.
Now to northern Idaho where the city of Dalton Gardens wants to spend local taxpayer funding on birth control, not for humans but for deer! Despite the fact the deer were there first city administrators say there are too many and they’re destroying property values, so they want to spend tax dollars on a vaccine that will prevent pregnancies for at least two years. This is the same animal-people hating city that gave us politician “…Vito Barbieri, who famously asked a physician during a February House committee hearing if doctors could perform gynecological exams remotely by having patients swallow tiny cameras.”
Indiana: The girls prison called Muskegon River Youth Center, in Ladoga, shutting down 20 jobs threatened. News reports gave this ominous reason; “….will close for a few months and will re-open as a slightly different type of facility.”
Kansas: News reports say Overland Park based cell phone company Sprint has begun its planned $2-billion USD in layoffs/cost cutting a month early! The layoffs were originally to take place by the end of January 2016, now Sprint administrators say the undisclosed number of massive layoffs will be “largely completed” by the end of January. Don’t forget, Sprint administrators claim they’re hurting for money so much that for employees laid off after January 2016 the severance package will be cut in half!
Montana: State ‘lawmakers’ are shutting down the Montana Developmental Center. State representative Denise Hayman (who is opposed to shutting MDC down) says mentally handicapped patients are already being transferred to prisons!
New Jersey: The Tenafly Swim Club chapter 7 bankrupt busted. The New Jersey Pool Manager’s Association says it’s proof there ain’t no economic recovery: “This is absolutely a trend. We’ve gone from having 54 pool clubs to 45 in our association in about 10 years.”-Ray Roig
New Mexico: In Farmington, after five years the SNS Skate Shop shutting down when the inventory is gone: “The year’s been very slow for everyone that I’ve talked to. I just decided that it was time to pack up.”-Daniel Diswood, owner
Ohio: Forrester’s on the River shutdown after a quagmire of lost business and legal battles. Railroad operator Norfolk Southern shutting down one of its coal docks, blaming crashing demand for coal, 30 jobs lost as soon as the coal is gotten rid of.
Pennsylvania: After 43 years of feeding hundreds of hungry families every week the Chester County Food Kitchen shutdown. The operators blame crashing donations and skyrocketing costs of operation.
Texas: In Fort Worth, after 25 years Shelton’s Barber Shop shutdown.
Virginia: In Fredericksburg, after 11 years Hop & Wine shutting down in January 2016. The owner blamed many factors including state booze laws.
Wisconsin: Chieftain Sand & Proppant Barron revealed it laid off 63 people. It’s connected to the oil industry’s fracking operations.
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed
The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”