Prestigious France based Le Cordon Bleu shutting down all 16 schools in the United States! In the past decade graduates have been accusing the 115 years old cooking school of ripping them off, saying school recruiters lied about how much a cook can be paid after graduating. The U.S. Department of Education agrees and is ending federal student loan funding for Julia Child’s alma mater.
Arizona: Phoenix based The Room Store now bankrupt busted and will conduct mass layoffs by February 2016. At least 10 stores could be shutdown, it’s blamed on crashing sales.
Arkansas: In Little Rock, the Brown Sugar Bakery shutdown, the owners said brick-n-mortar stores don’t work anymore and will try running a bakery out of a food truck. After 30 years Silvek’s European Bakery shutting down in March 2016. Sweet Love Bakery shutting down in January 2016, the owner blames lack of holiday sales: “Normally December we make enough money to float us through that slow time. This year we just weren’t seeing the same orders.”-Kelli Marks (normally they have 6-hundred cookie/cupcake orders for December, but this year only about 1-hundred orders were placed!)
California: Texas based Halliburton laid off 16 more Bakersfield oil industry workers. In San Francisco more evidence the internet is not recession proof, internet furniture seller One Kings Lane laid off 89 employees. Administrators said it was the only way they “…can further accelerate the pace at which we innovate and execute on behalf of our customers and vendors while continuing to meet our financial goals.”
Connecticut: In Manchester, after 67 years the Optical Style Bar shutting down after Xmas. The retiring owner said his three adult children are not interested in taking over the business. What housing market recovery? Stamford based Seaboard Properties now bankrupt busted after two of the owners discovered their books were being cooked: “Recent events caused … become increasingly concerned that the operations and finances of the company were not as they had been represented…..”-company statement
Florida: In Tallahassee, Proof Brewing shutting down their Tennessee Street location, the owners want to focus on just one brewing operation at a time. So much for ObamaCare; health insurance company Preferred Medical Plan issued a layoff WARN saying they lost so many customers that they must now eliminate 162 jobs in February 2016! In Port Saint Louis, Teacher’s Pet and More education supply store shutting down due to nobody wanting to take over the 30+ years old business.
Illinois: In Chicago more evidence the internet is not recession proof, internet advertising company Centro laid off 29 employees. CEO Shawn Riegsecker admitted corporate America is bullshitting everybody about profits and said “We’re at a moment where all companies need to create real business.” The company that owns The Dispatch and Rock Island Argus newspapers is moving printing ops to Iowa, at least 18 jobs lost.
Iowa: In Des Moines more evidence the internet is not recession proof, electronic payment company Dwolla eliminated 12 jobs, and like most corporations, said it’s necessary for “growth”. Farm vehicle maker Deere (John Deere) continues to kill jobs, this time 45 people in Waterloo will be let go in January 2016. In Boone, after 116 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Eckstein’s Jewelry shutting down after Xmas. The current owners blame crashing sales. In Newton, Don’s Town & Country appliance repair shop shutdown after more than 40 years of service.
Kansas: In Hillsboro, Nancy’s Fashions shutdown after 27 years. The Kansas Aviation Museum is drastically reducing operating hours for 2016, resulting in at least two people losing their jobs. Wichita based Spirit AeroSystems is bribing its Kansas and Oklahoma employees to quit or retire early. Administrators would only say it’s necessary “…to meet the current needs of our business.”
Kentucky: In Saint Matthews, The Feed Bag shutdown after 28 years of yummy Reubens. The property was sold, the owner said it was time to try something new. In Louisville, after 35 years the Parent-Teacher Store & Toys Too shutting down in 2016, blaming crashing sales and skyrocketing operating costs.
Maine: In Augusta, Stacy’s Hallmark gift store shutting down after 43 years. The family owners revealed sales have been crashing and burning for several years now.
Massachusetts: 24 years old Nantucket based Island Airlines shutdown without warning. In Ware, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Mary’s School after 91 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) of education. It’s blamed on what I call The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome (they’re down to just 32 students).
Michigan: East Jackson School District announced they must layoff six teachers due to unexpectedly low student enrollment.
Minnesota: In Aurora, Zup’s Food Market forced to shutdown in January 2016, the owner Jim Zupancich bemoaned the crashing mining industry “We did everything we could. We’ve really been fighting this since May….. ……a bundle of things that led to the closing, including LTV Mining near Hoyt Lakes shutting down in 2000/2001, with 1,500 employees losing their jobs. Then about a year ago, Mesabi Nugget shuttered for at least two years if not permanently. Meanwhile, now only half of the six taconite mines on the Range are operating, and about 2,000 mine workers are unemployed!”
In Winona, the 65 years old West End Bait shop shutting down after Xmas, the property was sold-off.
Nebraska: In Fremont, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ First Christian Church after 125 years of service (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions). The property is for sale and there are indications that competition from other churches done them in (so much for ‘christian’ charity and brotherly love).
New York: Community Papers now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, it affects 21 newspaper operations across The Empire State! Too Big to Jail Citigroup will begin eliminating at least 2-thousand jobs in January 2016! The latest reports blame huge money losses from loans to the oil industry! The town of Hamburg eliminating 29 jobs and blaming it on ObamaCare! ObamaCare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) resulted in jacking up healthcare costs for the city so much that the only way they can pay for it is to eliminate jobs!
North Carolina: In Asheboro, after 43 years Southern Wholesale shutting down before Xmas. In Elkin, after 25 years Carol’s Wedding Shop shutting down after Xmas, due to the owner’s health problems.
North Dakota: Yet another Fargo business going down, Garden Hut shutdown, the owner blamed climate change (mild winters & major flooding in Spring) for destroying his sales.
Ohio: In Dayton, the Denny’s restaurant shutdown without warning, the administrators were not happy with the lack of sales. In Windham, after 35 years the Sparkle Market grocery store shutdown, the owner blamed declining local population for his declining sales. What automotive industry recovery?
Titan Tire (GoodYear) issued a layoff WARN saying at least 130 employees will become unemployed by February 2016! Administrators say the outlook for industrial tire sales in 2016 is bad! The city of Lorain eliminating 40 jobs, mainly cops and firefighters. City administrators blame crashing tax revenues for a $2.3-million USD shortfall, the crashing tax revenues are the result of major employers conducting mass layoffs/shutdowns. In Colerain Township, the Big Lots overpriced discount store shutting down. Their lease is expiring and they weren’t able to find a better location so they’re shutting it down. In BeaverCreek, Stride Rite shutting down their Greene Town Center shoe store by March 2016. In Findlay, after 60 years Groman’s Music shutting down, the owner lamented “The world has changed, and I haven’t changed with it.” Lakewood Hospital Foundation shutting down their Thrifty Peddler resale shop after Xmas. Administrators said “circumstances change”.
Oklahoma: Tulsa based oil company New Gulf Resources now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.
Pennsylvania: What automotive industry recovery, what construction industry recovery? In McConnellsburg, construction vehicle maker JLG notified 55 contracted employees of layoffs in January 2016. It’s connected to parent company Oshkosh’s declining sales. North Carolina based truck maker Mack will eliminate 4-hundred Lower Macungie Township jobs in January 2016! In DuBois, after more than 50 years Ben Rossi Jeweler shutting down after Xmas. Trib Total Media shutting down newspapers The Valley Independent and The Daily News after Xmas, 87 jobs lost. In Dickson, the Ethan Allen furniture store shutting down in February 2016.
South Carolina: Century Aluminum continues to kill jobs, this time their Berkeley County potlines being shutdown, resulting in an undisclosed number of layoffs right before Xmas.
South Dakota: In Sioux Falls, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Christian Center School (after 35 years of service) at the end of this school year. Administrators would only say to news media that they prayed a lot.
Tennessee: In Knoxville, after 34 years The Lunchbox restaurant shutdown. In Union, Deb ‘n Heir kids clothing store shutting down after 55 years. When asked why he didn’t have barcodes on his merchandise the owner proved the new tech age is actually dumbing people down when he responded “Most of it I just kept in my head.”
Texas: Irving based oil company Magnum Hunter Resources now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, claiming $1.4-billion USD of debt! Houston based oil industry tool maker Cameron International issued a layoff WARN saying 55 people will be let go by February 2016.
Virginia: Coal mining giant Alpha Natural Resources continues killing jobs, this time 138 people in Raleigh and Boone counties learned they were being laid off right before Xmas! British empire based U.S. tax-sucking BAE laid off 160 people at its Norfolk shipyard! Last month BAE laid off 185 people. In Lynchburg, the Odd Fellows retirement home shutting down due to violations of state licensing standards.
Wisconsin: In Madison, God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ British empire based Salvation Army Thrift Store. Administrators said it was not worth it to renew the lease.
12-13 December 2015: oil industry is full of shit, hands out $100,000 bonus to all employees!
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed
The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”